
class User(username: String, displayName: String, @SinceCouchbase(value = "6.5") groups: Set<String>, roles: Set<Role>, password: String?)

A Couchbase Server user account.


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fun User(username: String, displayName: String = "", @SinceCouchbase(value = "6.5") groups: Set<String> = emptySet(), roles: Set<Role> = emptySet(), password: String? = null)


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fun copy(username: String = this.username, displayName: String = this.displayName, groups: Set<String> = this.groups, roles: Set<Role> = this.roles, password: String? = this.password): User
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open override fun toString(): String


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val displayName: String

An optional descriptive name.

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val groups: Set<String>

Names of the groups this user belongs to. Adding a user to a group indirectly grants them the roles associated with the group.

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val password: String? = null

The user's password. Always null when getting a user. Must be non-null when creating a user. May be null when updating a user, if the intent is to preserve the user's existing password.

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val roles: Set<Role>

Roles assigned directly to the user. Does not include roles inherited from groups. (If you're interested in inherited roles as well, see UserAndMetadata.effectiveRoles.)

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val username: String