
class ClusterEnvironment : CoreEnvironment

Resources and configuration for connecting to a Couchbase cluster.

You don't need to worry about creating an environment unless you want to share a single environment between multiple clusters. In that case, create an environment using a builder returned by ClusterEnvironment.builder.

See also


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class Builder : CoreEnvironment.Builder<ClusterEnvironment.Builder>

Used for configuring cluster environment settings, or creating a shared cluster environment.

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object Companion


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open fun clientHash(): Optional<String>
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open fun clientVersion(): Optional<String>
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open override fun close()
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open fun compressionConfig(): CompressionConfig
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open fun coreHash(): Optional<String>
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open fun coreVersion(): Optional<String>
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open fun eventBus(): EventBus
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open fun exportAsString(p0: Context.ExportFormat): String
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open fun ioConfig(): IoConfig
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open fun ioEnvironment(): IoEnvironment
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open fun loggerConfig(): LoggerConfig
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open fun maxNumRequestsInRetry(): Long
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open fun meter(): Meter
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open fun orphanReporter(): OrphanReporter
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open fun requestCallbacks(): MutableList<RequestCallback>
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open fun requestTracer(): RequestTracer
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open fun retryStrategy(): RetryStrategy
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open fun scheduler(): Scheduler
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open fun securityConfig(): SecurityConfig
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open fun shutdown()
open fun shutdown(p0: Duration)
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open fun shutdownAsync(): CompletableFuture<Void>
open fun shutdownAsync(p0: Duration): CompletableFuture<Void>
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open fun shutdownReactive(): Mono<Void>
open fun shutdownReactive(p0: Duration): Mono<Void>
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suspend fun shutdownSuspend(timeout: Duration = timeoutConfig().disconnectTimeout().toKotlinDuration())

Shuts down this environment. Does the same thing as shutdown, but suspends instead of blocking.

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open fun timeoutConfig(): TimeoutConfig
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open fun timer(): Timer
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open override fun toString(): String
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open fun transactionsConfig(): CoreTransactionsConfig
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open fun transactionsSchedulers(): CoreTransactionsSchedulers
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open fun userAgent(): UserAgent