Package com.couchbase.client.kotlin.kv


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class Counter

A counter backed by a document on Couchbase Server.

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class CounterResult : MutationResult
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sealed class Durability

Specifies the durability requirements for a mutation.

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class ExistsResult
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sealed class Expiry
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class GetReplicaResult : GetResult

The result of retrieving a full document, possibly from a replica instead of the primary.

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open class GetResult

The result retrieving a full document.

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sealed class KvScanConsistency

Specifies whether to wait for certain KV mutations to be indexed before starting the scan.

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class LookupInResult(id: String, size: Int, cas: Long, deleted: Boolean, fields: List<SubDocumentField>, defaultSerializer: JsonSerializer, spec: LookupInSpec)
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abstract class LookupInSpec

Specifies which fields to retrieve when doing a subdoc lookup.

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open class MutateInMacro
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class MutateInResult(size: Int, fields: List<SubDocumentField?>, cas: Long, mutationToken: MutationToken?, spec: MutateInSpec) : MutationResult
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class MutateInSpec
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open class MutationResult

Result returned from all kinds of Key-Value mutation operations.

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class MutationState : Iterable<MutationToken>

Aggregation of MutationTokens from MutationResults.

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enum PersistTo : Enum<PersistTo>
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enum ReplicateTo : Enum<ReplicateTo>
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enum ScanSort : Enum<ScanSort>

Specifies the order of scan results.

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class ScanTerm(term: ByteArray, exclusive: Boolean)

A lower or upper bound of a KV range scan.

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sealed class ScanType

Specifies the type of scan to do (range scan or sample scan) and associated parameters.

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sealed class StoreSemantics

Describes how the outer document store semantics on subdoc should act.

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class Subdoc
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class SubdocCount
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class SubdocExists
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class SubdocLong


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