Package com.couchbase.client.kotlin.query


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sealed class QueryFlowItem
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class QueryMetadata : QueryFlowItem

Metadata about query execution. Always the last item in the flow.

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class QueryMetrics
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sealed class QueryParameters

Create instances using the positional or named factory methods.

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enum QueryProfile : Enum<QueryProfile>

Controls how much query profiling information is included in the response metadata.

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class QueryResult(rows: List<QueryRow>, metadata: QueryMetadata)
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class QueryRow(content: ByteArray, defaultSerializer: JsonSerializer) : QueryFlowItem

One row of a query result.

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sealed class QueryScanConsistency

Create instances using the requestPlus, consistentWith, or notBounded factory methods.

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enum QueryStatus : Enum<QueryStatus>
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class QueryWarning(code: Int, message: String)


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suspend fun Flow<QueryFlowItem>.execute(): QueryResult

Collects a query Flow into a QueryResult. Should only be called if the query results are expected to fit in memory.

inline suspend fun Flow<QueryFlowItem>.execute(crossinline rowAction: suspend (QueryRow) -> Unit): QueryMetadata

Collects a query Flow, passing each result row to the given lambda. Returns metadata about the query.