CouchbaseBucket MethodsCouchbase .NET SDK 2.0

The CouchbaseBucket type exposes the following members.

Public methodAppend(String,Byte[])
Appends a value to a give key.
Public methodAppend(String, String)
Appends a value to a give key.
Public methodCreateManager
Public methodCreateQuery(String, String)
Creates an instance of an object that implements IViewQuery, which targets a given bucket, design document and view.
Public methodCreateQuery(String, String, Boolean)
Creates an instance of an object that implements IViewQuery, which targets a given bucket and design document.
Public methodDecrement(String)
Decrements the value of a key by one. If the key doesn't exist, it will be created and seeded with 1.
Public methodDecrement(String, UInt64)
Decrements the value of a key by the delta. If the key doesn't exist, it will be created and seeded with the defaut initial value 1.
Public methodDecrement(String, UInt64, UInt64)
Decrements the value of a key by the delta. If the key doesn't exist, it will be created and seeded with the defaut initial value 1.
Public methodDecrement(String, UInt64, UInt64, TimeSpan)
Decrements the value of a key by the delta. If the key doesn't exist, it will be created and seeded with the defaut initial value 1.
Public methodDecrement(String, UInt64, UInt64, UInt32)
Decrements the value of a key by the delta. If the key doesn't exist, it will be created and seeded with the defaut initial value 1.
Public methodDispose
Closes this CouchbaseBucket instance, shutting down and releasing all resources, removing it from it's ClusterController instance.
Public methodEquals
Compares for equality which is the Name of the Bucket and it's ClusterController instance.
(Overrides Object.Equals(Object).)
Public methodGet<T>(IList<String>)
Gets a range of values for a given set of keys
Public methodGet<T>(String)
Gets a value for a given key.
Public methodGet<T>(IList<String>, ParallelOptions)
Gets a range of values for a given set of keys
Public methodGet<T>(IList<String>, ParallelOptions, Int32)
Gets a range of values for a given set of keys
Public methodGetAsync<T>
Gets a Task that can be awaited on for a given Key and value.
Public methodGetDocument<T>
Gets a document by it's given id.
Public methodGetFromReplica<T>
Public methodGetHashCode
Gets the hashcode for the CouchbaseBucket instance.
(Overrides Object.GetHashCode().)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetWithLock<T>(String, TimeSpan)
Gets a document and locks it for a specified time period.
Public methodGetWithLock<T>(String, UInt32)
Gets a document and locks it for a specified time period.
Public methodIncrement(String)
Increments the value of a key by one. If the key doesn't exist, it will be created and seeded with the defaut initial value 1.
Public methodIncrement(String, UInt64)
Increments the value of a key by the delta. If the key doesn't exist, it will be created and seeded with the defaut initial value 1.
Public methodIncrement(String, UInt64, UInt64)
Increments the value of a key by the delta. If the key doesn't exist, it will be created and seeded with the defaut initial value 1.
Public methodIncrement(String, UInt64, UInt64, TimeSpan)
Increments the value of a key by the delta. If the key doesn't exist, it will be created and seeded with the defaut initial value 1.
Public methodIncrement(String, UInt64, UInt64, UInt32)
Increments the value of a key by the delta. If the key doesn't exist, it will be created and seeded with the defaut initial value 1.
Public methodInsert<T>(IDocument<T>)
Inserts a JSON document into the IBucketfailing if it exists.
Public methodInsert<T>(String, T)
Inserts a document into the database using a given key, failing if the key exists.
Public methodInsert<T>(IDocument<T>, ReplicateTo)
Inserts a JSON document into the IBucketfailing if it exists.
Public methodInsert<T>(String, T, ReplicateTo)
Inserts a document into the database using a given key, failing if the key exists.
Public methodInsert<T>(String, T, TimeSpan)
Inserts a document into the database for a given key, failing if it exists.
Public methodInsert<T>(String, T, UInt32)
Inserts a document into the database for a given key, failing if it exists.
Public methodInsert<T>(IDocument<T>, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Inserts a JSON document into the IBucketfailing if it exists.
Public methodInsert<T>(String, T, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Inserts a document into the database using a given key, failing if the key exists.
Public methodInsert<T>(String, T, TimeSpan, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Inserts a document into the database for a given key, failing if it exists.
Public methodInsert<T>(String, T, UInt32, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Inserts a document into the database for a given key, failing if it exists.
Public methodInsertAsync<T>
Inserts or replaces an existing document into Couchbase Server.
Public methodObserve
Performs 'observe' on a given key to ensure that it's durability requirements with respect to persistence and replication are satified.
Public methodPrepend(String,Byte[])
Prepends a value to a give key.
Public methodPrepend(String, String)
Prepends a value to a give key.
Public methodQuery<T>(String)
Executes a N1QL query against the Couchbase Cluster.
Public methodQuery<T>(IQueryRequest)
Executes a N1QL statement or prepared statement via a IQueryRequest against the Couchbase Cluster.
Public methodQuery<T>(IViewQuery)
Executes a View query and returns the result.
Public methodQueryAsync<T>(String)
Asynchronously executes a N1QL query against the Couchbase Cluster.
Public methodQueryAsync<T>(IQueryRequest)
Asynchronously executes a N1QL statement or prepared statement via a IQueryRequest against the Couchbase Cluster.
Public methodQueryAsync<T>(IViewQuery)
Asynchronously Executes a View query and returns the result.
Public methodRemove(IList<String>)
Removes a range of documents for a given set of keys
Public methodRemove(String)
For a given key, removes a document from the database.
Public methodRemove(IList<String>, ParallelOptions)
Removes a range of documents for a given set of keys
Public methodRemove(String, ReplicateTo)
For a given key, removes a document from the database.
Public methodRemove(String, UInt64)
Removes a document for a given key from the database.
Public methodRemove(IList<String>, ParallelOptions, Int32)
Removes a range of documents for a given set of keys
Public methodRemove(String, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
For a given key, removes a document from the database.
Public methodRemove(String, UInt64, ReplicateTo)
For a given key, removes a document from the database.
Public methodRemove(String, UInt64, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Removes a document for a given key from the database.
Public methodRemove<T>(IDocument<T>)
Removes a document from the database.
Public methodRemove<T>(IDocument<T>, ReplicateTo)
Removes a document from the database.
Public methodRemove<T>(IDocument<T>, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Removes a document from the database.
Public methodReplace<T>(IDocument<T>)
Replaces a document if it exists, otherwise fails.
Public methodReplace<T>(String, T)
Replaces a value for a key if it exists, otherwise fails.
Public methodReplace<T>(IDocument<T>, ReplicateTo)
Replaces a document if it exists, otherwise fails.
Public methodReplace<T>(String, T, ReplicateTo)
Replaces a value for a key if it exists, otherwise fails.
Public methodReplace<T>(String, T, TimeSpan)
Replaces a document for a given key if it exists, otherwise fails.
Public methodReplace<T>(String, T, UInt32)
Replaces a document for a given key if it exists, otherwise fails.
Public methodReplace<T>(String, T, UInt64)
Replaces a document for a given key if it exists, otherwise fails.
Public methodReplace<T>(IDocument<T>, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Replaces a document if it exists, otherwise fails.
Public methodReplace<T>(String, T, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Replaces a value for a key if it exists, otherwise fails.
Public methodReplace<T>(String, T, UInt64, ReplicateTo)
Replaces a value for a key if it exists, otherwise fails.
Public methodReplace<T>(String, T, UInt64, TimeSpan)
Replaces a document for a given key if it exists, otherwise fails.
Public methodReplace<T>(String, T, UInt64, UInt32)
Replaces a document for a given key if it exists, otherwise fails.
Public methodReplace<T>(String, T, UInt64, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Replaces a document for a given key if it exists, otherwise fails.
Public methodReplace<T>(String, T, UInt64, TimeSpan, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Replaces a document for a given key if it exists, otherwise fails.
Public methodReplace<T>(String, T, UInt64, UInt32, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Replaces a document for a given key if it exists, otherwise fails.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUnlock
Public methodUpsert<T>(IDictionary<String, T>)
Inserts or replaces a range of items into Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(IDocument<T>)
Inserts or replaces an existing JSON document into IBucket on a Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(IDictionary<String, T>, ParallelOptions)
Inserts or replaces a range of items into Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(String, T)
Inserts or replaces an existing document into Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(IDocument<T>, ReplicateTo)
Inserts or replaces an existing JSON document into IBucket on a Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(IDictionary<String, T>, ParallelOptions, Int32)
Inserts or replaces a range of items into Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(String, T, ReplicateTo)
Inserts or replaces an existing document into Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(String, T, TimeSpan)
Inserts or replaces an existing document into Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(String, T, UInt32)
Inserts or replaces an existing document into Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(String, T, UInt64)
Inserts or replaces an existing document into Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(IDocument<T>, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Inserts or replaces an existing JSON document into IBucket on a Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(String, T, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Inserts or replaces an existing document into Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(String, T, UInt64, TimeSpan)
Inserts or replaces an existing document into Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(String, T, UInt64, UInt32)
Inserts or replaces an existing document into Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(String, T, TimeSpan, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Inserts or replaces an existing document into Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(String, T, UInt32, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Inserts or replaces an existing document into Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(String, T, UInt64, TimeSpan, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Inserts or replaces an existing document into Couchbase Server.
Public methodUpsert<T>(String, T, UInt64, UInt32, ReplicateTo, PersistTo)
Inserts or replaces an existing document into Couchbase Server.
See Also