Enumeration AnalyticsStatus

Represents the status of an analytics query.

Enumeration Members

Aborted: "aborted"

Indicates that the query was aborted while executing.

Closed: "closed"

Indicates that a connection was closed during execution of the query.

Completed: "completed"

Indicates that the query completed but the outcome was unknown.

Errors: "errors"

Indicates that the query completed with errors.

Fatal: "fatal"

Indicates that the query stopped with fatal errors.

Running: "running"

Indicates the query is still running.

Stopped: "stopped"

Indicates that the query was stopped.

Success: "success"

Indicates that the query completed successfully.

Timeout: "timeout"

Indicates that the query timed out during execution.

Unknown: "unknown"

Indicates that the status of the query is unknown.