encode() : array
Returns associative array, representing the View query.
array —object which is ready to be serialized.
Represents spatial Couchbase Map/Reduce View query
limit(integer $limit) : \Couchbase\SpatialViewQuery
Limits the result set to a specified number rows.
integer | $limit | maximum number of records in the response |
skip(integer $skip) : \Couchbase\SpatialViewQuery
Skips a number o records rom the beginning of the result set
integer | $skip | number of records to skip |
consistency(integer $consistency) : \Couchbase\SpatialViewQuery
Specifies the mode of updating to perorm before and after executing the query
integer | $consistency | use constants UPDATE_BEFORE, UPDATE_NONE, UPDATE_AFTER |
order(integer $order) : \Couchbase\SpatialViewQuery
Orders the results by key as specified
integer | $order | use contstants ORDER_ASCENDING, ORDER_DESCENDING |
bbox(array $bbox) : \Couchbase\SpatialViewQuery
Specifies the bounding box to search within.
Note, using bbox() is discouraged, startRange/endRange is more flexible and should be preferred.
array | $bbox | bounding box coordinates expressed as a list of numeric values |
startRange(array $range) : \Couchbase\SpatialViewQuery
Specify start range for query
array | $range |
endRange(array $range) : \Couchbase\SpatialViewQuery
Specify end range for query
array | $range |
* INI entries:
* * `couchbase.log_level` (string), default: `"WARN"`
* controls amount of information, the module will send to PHP error log. Accepts the following values in order of
* increasing verbosity: `"FATAL"`, `"ERROR"`, `"WARN"`, `"INFO"`, `"DEBUG"`, `"TRACE"`.
* * `couchbase.encoder.format` (string), default: `"json"`
* selects serialization format for default encoder (\Couchbase\defaultEncoder). Accepts the following values:
* * `"json"` - encodes objects and arrays as JSON object (using `json_encode()`), primitives written in stringified form,
* which is allowed for most of the JSON parsers as valid values. For empty arrays JSON array preferred, if it is
* necessary, use `new stdClass()` to persist empty JSON object. Note, that only JSON format considered supported by
* all Couchbase SDKs, everything else is private implementation (i.e. `"php"` format won't be readable by .NET SDK).
* * `"php"` - uses PHP serialize() method to encode the document.
* * `"igbinary"` - uses pecl/igbinary to encode the document in even more efficient than `"php"` format. Might not be
* available, if the Couchbase PHP SDK didn't find it during build phase, in this case constant
* \Couchbase\HAVE_IGBINARY will be false.
* * `couchbase.encoder.compression` (string), default: `"none"`
* selects compression algorithm. Also see related compression options below. Accepts the following values:
* * `"fastlz"` - uses FastLZ algorithm. The module might be configured to use system fastlz library during build,
* othewise vendored version will be used. This algorithm is always available.
* * `"zlib"` - uses compression implemented by libz. Might not be available, if the system didn't have libz headers
* during build phase. In this case \Couchbase\HAVE_ZLIB will be false.
* * `"off"` or `"none"` - compression will be disabled, but the library will still read compressed values.
* * `couchbase.encoder.compression_threshold` (long), default: `0`
* controls minimum size of the document value in bytes to use compression. For example, if threshold 100 bytes,
* and the document size is 50, compression will be disabled for this particular document.
* * `couchbase.encoder.compression_factor` (float), default: `0.0`
* controls the minimum ratio of the result value and original document value to proceed with persisting compressed
* bytes. For example, the original document consists of 100 bytes. In this case factor 1.0 will require compressor
* to yield values not larger than 100 bytes (100/1.0), and 1.5 -- not larger than 66 bytes (100/1.5).
* * `couchbase.decoder.json_arrays` (boolean), default: `false`
* controls the form of the documents, returned by the server if they were in JSON format. When true, it will generate
* arrays of arrays, otherwise instances of stdClass.
* @package Couchbase
namespace Couchbase {
/** If igbinary extension was not found during build phase this constant will store 0 */
define("Couchbase\\HAVE_IGBINARY", 1);
/** If libz headers was not found during build phase this constant will store 0 */
define("Couchbase\\HAVE_ZLIB", 1);
/** Encodes documents as JSON objects (see INI section for details)
* @see \Couchbase\basicEncoderV1
define("Couchbase\\ENCODER_FORMAT_JSON", 0);
/** Encodes documents using pecl/igbinary encoder (see INI section for details)
* @see \Couchbase\basicEncoderV1
define("Couchbase\\ENCODER_FORMAT_IGBINARY", 1);
/** Encodes documents using PHP serialize() (see INI section for details)
* @see \Couchbase\basicEncoderV1
define("Couchbase\\ENCODER_FORMAT_PHP", 2);
/** Do not use compression for the documents
* @see \Couchbase\basicEncoderV1
define("Couchbase\\ENCODER_COMPRESSION_NONE", 0);
/** Use zlib compressor for the documents
* @see \Couchbase\basicEncoderV1
define("Couchbase\\ENCODER_COMPRESSION_ZLIB", 1);
/** Use FastLZ compressor for the documents
* @see \Couchbase\basicEncoderV1
define("Couchbase\\ENCODER_COMPRESSION_FASTLZ", 2);
* Compress input using FastLZ algorithm.
* @param string $data original data
* @return string compressed binary string
function fastlzCompress($data) {}
* Decompress input using FastLZ algorithm.
* @param string $data compressed binary string
* @return string original data
function fastlzDecompress($data) {}
* Compress input using zlib. Raises Exception when extension compiled without zlib support.
* @see \Couchbase\HAVE_ZLIB
* @param string $data original data
* @return string compressed binary string
function zlibCompress($data) {}
* Compress input using zlib. Raises Exception when extension compiled without zlib support.
* @see \Couchbase\HAVE_ZLIB
* @param string $data compressed binary string
* @return string original data
function zlibDecompress($data) {}
* Returns value as it received from the server without any transformations.
* It is useful for debug purpose to inspect bare value.
* @param string $bytes
* @param int $flags
* @param int $datatype
* @return string Document as it received from the Couchbase.
* @example examples/api/couchbase.passthruDecoder.php
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::setTranscoder()
function passthruDecoder($bytes, $flags, $datatype) {}
* Returns the value, which has been passed and zero as flags and datatype.
* It is useful for debug purposes, or when the value known to be a string, otherwise behavior is not defined (most
* likely it will generate error).
* @param string $value document to be stored in the Couchbase
* @return array Array with three values: [bytes, 0, 0]
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::setTranscoder()
function passthruEncoder($value) {}
* Decodes value using \Couchbase\basicDecoderV1.
* It passes `couchbase.decoder.*` INI properties as $options.
* @param string $bytes Binary string received from the Couchbase, which contains encoded document
* @param int $flags Flags which describes document encoding
* @param int $datatype Extra field for datatype (not used at the moment)
* @return mixed Decoded document object
* @see \Couchbase\basicDecoderV1
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::setTranscoder()
function defaultDecoder($bytes, $flags, $datatype) {}
* Encodes value using \Couchbase\basicDecoderV1.
* It passes `couchbase.encoder.*` INI properties as $options.
* @param mixed $value document to be stored in the Couchbase
* @return array Array with three values: [bytes, flags, datatype]
* @see \Couchbase\basicDecoderV1
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::setTranscoder()
function defaultEncoder($value) {}
* Decodes value according to Common Flags (RFC-20)
* @param string $bytes Binary string received from the Couchbase, which contains encoded document
* @param int $flags Flags which describes document encoding
* @param int $datatype Extra field for datatype (not used at the moment)
* @param array $options
* @return mixed Decoded document object
* @see https://github.com/couchbaselabs/sdk-rfcs RFC-20 at SDK RFCs repository
function basicDecoderV1($bytes, $flags, $datatype, $options) {}
* Encodes value according to Common Flags (RFC-20)
* @param mixed $value document to be stored in the Couchbase
* @param array $options Encoder options (see detailed description in INI section)
* * "sertype" (default: \Couchbase::ENCODER_FORMAT_JSON) encoding format to use
* * "cmprtype" (default: \Couchbase::ENCODER_COMPRESSION_NONE) compression type
* * "cmprthresh" (default: 0) compression threshold
* * "cmprfactor" (default: 0) compression factor
* @return array Array with three values: [bytes, flags, datatype]
* @see https://github.com/couchbaselabs/sdk-rfcs RFC-20 at SDK RFCs repository
function basicEncoderV1($value, $options) {}
* Exception represeting all errors generated by the extension
class Exception extends \Exception {
* Represents Couchbase Document, which stores metadata and the value.
* The instances of this class returned by K/V commands of the \Couchbase\Bucket
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket
class Document {
* @var Exception exception object in case of error, or NULL
public $error;
* @var mixed The value stored in the Couchbase.
public $value;
* @var int Flags, describing the encoding of the document on the server side.
public $flags;
* @var string The last known CAS value of the document
public $cas;
* @var MutationToken
* The optional, opaque mutation token set after a successful mutation.
* Note that the mutation token is always NULL, unless they are explicitly enabled on the
* connection string (`?fetch_mutation_tokens=true`), the server version is supported (>= 4.0.0)
* and the mutation operation succeeded.
* If set, it can be used for enhanced durability requirements, as well as optimized consistency
* for N1QL queries.
public $token;
* A fragment of a JSON Document returned by the sub-document API.
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::mutateIn()
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::lookupIn()
class DocumentFragment {
* @var Exception exception object in case of error, or NULL
public $error;
* @var mixed The value sub-document command returned.
public $value;
* @var string The last known CAS value of the document
public $cas;
* @var MutationToken
* The optional, opaque mutation token related to updated document the environment.
* Note that the mutation token is always NULL, unless they are explicitly enabled on the
* connection string (`?fetch_mutation_tokens=true`), the server version is supported (>= 4.0.0)
* and the mutation operation succeeded.
* If set, it can be used for enhanced durability requirements, as well as optimized consistency
* for N1QL queries.
public $token;
* Represents a Couchbase Server Cluster.
* It is an entry point to the library, and in charge of opening connections to the Buckets.
* In addition it can instantiate \Couchbase\ClusterManager to peform cluster-wide operations.
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket
* @see \Couchbase\ClusterManager
* @see \Couchbase\Authenticator
final class Cluster {
* Create cluster object
* @param string $connstr connection string
final public function __construct($connstr) {}
* Open connection to the Couchbase bucket
* @param string $name Name of the bucket.
* @param string $password Password of the bucket to override authenticator.
* @return Bucket
* @see \Couchbase\Authenticator
final public function openBucket($name = "default", $password = "") {}
* Open management connection to the Couchbase cluster.
* @param string $username Name of the administrator to override authenticator or NULL.
* @param string $password Password of the administrator to override authenticator or NULL.
* @return ClusterManager
* @see \Couchbase\Authenticator
final public function manager($username = null, $password = null) {}
* Associate authenticator with Cluster
* @param Authenticator $authenticator
* @return null
* @see \Couchbase\Authenticator
* @see \Couchbase\ClassicAuthenticator
final public function authenticate($authenticator) {}
* Provides management capabilities for a Couchbase Server Cluster
* @see \Couchbase\Cluster
final class ClusterManager {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* Lists all buckets on this cluster.
* @return array
final public function listBuckets() {}
* Creates new bucket
* @param string $name Name of the bucket
* @param array $options Bucket options
* * "authType" (default: "sasl") type of the bucket authentication
* * "bucketType" (default: "couchbase") type of the bucket
* * "ramQuotaMB" (default: 100) memory quota of the bucket
* * "replicaNumber" (default: 1) number of replicas.
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/rest-api/rest-bucket-create.html
* More options and details
final public function createBucket($name, $options = []) {}
* Removes a bucket identified by its name.
* @param string $name name of the bucket
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/rest-api/rest-bucket-delete.html
* More details
final public function removeBucket($name) {}
* Provides information about the cluster.
* Returns an associative array of status information as seen on the cluster. The exact structure of the returned
* data can be seen in the Couchbase Manual by looking at the cluster /info endpoint.
* @return array
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/rest-api/rest-cluster-get.html
* Retrieving Cluster Information
final public function info() {}
* Represents connection to the Couchbase Server
* @property int $operationTimeout
* The operation timeout is the maximum amount of time the library will wait
* for an operation to receive a response before invoking its callback with
* a failure status.
* An operation may timeout if:
* * A server is taking too long to respond
* * An updated cluster configuration has not been promptly received
* @property int $viewTimeout
* The I/O timeout for HTTP requests to Couchbase Views API
* @property int $n1qlTimeout
* The I/O timeout for N1QL queries.
* @property int $httpTimeout
* The I/O timeout for HTTP queries (management API).
* @property int $configTimeout
* How long the client will wait to obtain the initial configuration.
* @property int $configNodeTimeout
* Per-node configuration timeout.
* This timeout sets the amount of time to wait for each node within
* the bootstrap/configuration process. This interval is a subset of
* the $configTimeout option mentioned above and is intended to ensure
* that the bootstrap process does not wait too long for a given node.
* Nodes that are physically offline may never respond and it may take
* a long time until they are detected as being offline.
* @property int $configDelay
* Config refresh throttling
* Modify the amount of time (in microseconds) before the configiration
* error threshold will forcefully be set to its maximum number forcing
* a configuration refresh.
* Note that if you expect a high number of timeouts in your operations,
* you should set this to a high number. If you are using the default
* timeout setting, then this value is likely optimal.
* @property int $htconfigIdleTimeout
* Idling/Persistence for HTTP bootstrap
* By default the behavior of the library for HTTP bootstrap is to keep
* the stream open at all times (opening a new stream on a different host
* if the existing one is broken) in order to proactively receive
* configuration updates.
* The default value for this setting is -1. Changing this to another
* number invokes the following semantics:
* * The configuration stream is not kept alive indefinitely. It is kept
* open for the number of seconds specified in this setting. The socket
* is closed after a period of inactivity (indicated by this setting).
* * If the stream is broken (and no current refresh was requested by
* the client) then a new stream is not opened.
* @property int $durabilityInterval
* The time the client will wait between repeated probes to a given server.
* @property int $durabilityTimeout
* The time the client will spend sending repeated probes to a given key's
* vBucket masters and replicas before they are deemed not to have satisfied
* the durability requirements
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/start-using-sdk.html
* Start Using SDK
final class Bucket {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @param string $name
* @return int
final private function __get($name) {}
* @ignore
* @param string $name
* @param int $value
* @return int
final private function __set($name, $value) {}
* Returns an instance of a CouchbaseBucketManager for performing management operations against a bucket.
* @return BucketManager
final public function manager() {}
* Sets custom encoder and decoder functions for handling serialization.
* @param callable $encoder
* @param callable $decoder
* @example examples/api/couchbase.passthruDecoder.php
* @see \Couchbase\defaultEncoder
* @see \Couchbase\defaultDecoder
* @see \Couchbase\passthruEncoder
* @see \Couchbase\passthruDecoder
final public function setTranscoder($encoder, $decoder) {}
* Retrieves a document
* @param string|array $ids one or more IDs
* @param array $options options
* * "lockTime" non zero if the documents have to be locked
* * "expiry" non zero if the expiration time should be updated
* * "groupid" override value for hashing (not recommended to use)
* @return \Couchbase\Document|array document or list of the documents
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::getAndLock()
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::getAndTouch()
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::unlock()
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::touch()
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/core-operations.html
* Overview of K/V operations
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/document-operations.html
* More details about K/V operations for PHP SDK
final public function get($ids, $options = []) {}
* Retrieves a document and locks it.
* After the document has been locked on the server, its CAS would be masked,
* and all mutations of it will be rejected until the server unlocks the document
* automatically or it will be done manually with \Couchbase\Bucket::unlock() operation.
* @param string|array $ids one or more IDs
* @param int $lockTime time to lock the documents
* @param array $options options
* * "groupid" override value for hashing (not recommended to use)
* @return \Couchbase\Document|array document or list of the documents
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::unlock()
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/core-operations.html
* Overview of K/V operations
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/document-operations.html
* More details about K/V operations for PHP SDK
* @see https://forums.couchbase.com/t/is-there-a-way-to-do-pessimistic-locking-for-more-than-30-seconds/10666/3
* Forum post about getting server defaults for the $lockTime
final public function getAndLock($ids, $lockTime, $options = []) {}
* Retrieves a document and updates its expiration time.
* @param string|array $ids one or more IDs
* @param int $expiry time after which the document will not be accessible.
* If larger than 30 days (60*60*24*30), it will be interpreted by the
* server as absolute UNIX time (seconds from epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00).
* @param array $options options
* * "groupid" override value for hashing (not recommended to use)
* @return \Couchbase\Document|array document or list of the documents
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/core-operations.html
* Overview of K/V operations
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/document-operations.html
* More details about K/V operations for PHP SDK
final public function getAndTouch($ids, $expiry, $options = []) {}
* Retrieves a document from a replica.
* @param string|array $ids one or more IDs
* @param array $options options
* * "index" the replica index. If the index is zero, it will return
* first successful replica, otherwise it will read only selected node.
* * "groupid" override value for hashing (not recommended to use)
* @return \Couchbase\Document|array document or list of the documents
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/core-operations.html
* Overview of K/V operations
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/document-operations.html
* More details about K/V operations for PHP SDK
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/failure-considerations.html
* More about failure considerations.
final public function getFromReplica($ids, $options = []) {}
* Inserts or updates a document, depending on whether the document already exists on the cluster.
* @param string|array $ids one or more IDs
* @param mixed $value value of the document
* @param array $options options
* * "expiry" document expiration time in seconds. If larger than 30 days (60*60*24*30),
* it will be interpreted by the server as absolute UNIX time (seconds from epoch
* 1970-01-01T00:00:00).
* * "persist_to" how many nodes the key should be persisted to (including master).
* If set to 0 then persistence will not be checked. If set to a negative
* number, will be set to the maximum number of nodes to which persistence
* is possible (which will always contain at least the master node).
* * "replicate_to" how many nodes the key should be persisted to (excluding master).
* If set to 0 then replication will not be checked. If set to a negative
* number, will be set to the maximum number of nodes to which replication
* is possible (which may be 0 if the bucket is not configured for replicas).
* * "flags" override flags (not recommended to use)
* * "groupid" override value for hashing (not recommended to use)
* @return \Couchbase\Document|array document or list of the documents
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/core-operations.html
* Overview of K/V operations
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/document-operations.html
* More details about K/V operations for PHP SDK
final public function upsert($ids, $value, $options = []) {}
* Inserts a document. This operation will fail if the document already exists on the cluster.
* @param string|array $ids one or more IDs
* @param mixed $value value of the document
* @param array $options options
* * "expiry" document expiration time in seconds. If larger than 30 days (60*60*24*30),
* it will be interpreted by the server as absolute UNIX time (seconds from epoch
* 1970-01-01T00:00:00).
* * "persist_to" how many nodes the key should be persisted to (including master).
* If set to 0 then persistence will not be checked. If set to a negative
* number, will be set to the maximum number of nodes to which persistence
* is possible (which will always contain at least the master node).
* * "replicate_to" how many nodes the key should be persisted to (excluding master).
* If set to 0 then replication will not be checked. If set to a negative
* number, will be set to the maximum number of nodes to which replication
* is possible (which may be 0 if the bucket is not configured for replicas).
* * "flags" override flags (not recommended to use)
* * "groupid" override value for hashing (not recommended to use)
* @return \Couchbase\Document|array document or list of the documents
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/core-operations.html
* Overview of K/V operations
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/document-operations.html
* More details about K/V operations for PHP SDK
final public function insert($ids, $value, $options = []) {}
* Replaces a document. This operation will fail if the document does not exists on the cluster.
* @param string|array $ids one or more IDs
* @param mixed $value value of the document
* @param array $options options
* * "cas" last known document CAS, which serves for optimistic locking.
* * "expiry" document expiration time in seconds. If larger than 30 days (60*60*24*30),
* it will be interpreted by the server as absolute UNIX time (seconds from epoch
* 1970-01-01T00:00:00).
* * "persist_to" how many nodes the key should be persisted to (including master).
* If set to 0 then persistence will not be checked. If set to a negative
* number, will be set to the maximum number of nodes to which persistence
* is possible (which will always contain at least the master node).
* * "replicate_to" how many nodes the key should be persisted to (excluding master).
* If set to 0 then replication will not be checked. If set to a negative
* number, will be set to the maximum number of nodes to which replication
* is possible (which may be 0 if the bucket is not configured for replicas).
* * "flags" override flags (not recommended to use)
* * "groupid" override value for hashing (not recommended to use)
* @return \Couchbase\Document|array document or list of the documents
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/core-operations.html
* Overview of K/V operations
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/document-operations.html
* More details about K/V operations for PHP SDK
final public function replace($ids, $value, $options = []) {}
* Appends content to a document.
* On the server side it just contatenate passed value to the existing one.
* Note that this might make the value un-decodable. Consider sub-document API
* for partial updates of the JSON documents.
* @param string|array $ids one or more IDs
* @param mixed $value value of the document
* @param array $options options
* * "cas" last known document CAS, which serves for optimistic locking.
* * "expiry" document expiration time in seconds. If larger than 30 days (60*60*24*30),
* it will be interpreted by the server as absolute UNIX time (seconds from epoch
* 1970-01-01T00:00:00).
* * "persist_to" how many nodes the key should be persisted to (including master).
* If set to 0 then persistence will not be checked. If set to a negative
* number, will be set to the maximum number of nodes to which persistence
* is possible (which will always contain at least the master node).
* * "replicate_to" how many nodes the key should be persisted to (excluding master).
* If set to 0 then replication will not be checked. If set to a negative
* number, will be set to the maximum number of nodes to which replication
* is possible (which may be 0 if the bucket is not configured for replicas).
* * "groupid" override value for hashing (not recommended to use)
* @return \Couchbase\Document|array document or list of the documents
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::mutateIn()
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/core-operations.html
* Overview of K/V operations
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/document-operations.html
* More details about K/V operations for PHP SDK
final public function append($ids, $value, $options = []) {}
* Prepends content to a document.
* On the server side it just contatenate existing value to the passed one.
* Note that this might make the value un-decodable. Consider sub-document API
* for partial updates of the JSON documents.
* @param string|array $ids one or more IDs
* @param mixed $value value of the document
* @param array $options options
* * "cas" last known document CAS, which serves for optimistic locking.
* * "expiry" document expiration time in seconds. If larger than 30 days (60*60*24*30),
* it will be interpreted by the server as absolute UNIX time (seconds from epoch
* 1970-01-01T00:00:00).
* * "persist_to" how many nodes the key should be persisted to (including master).
* If set to 0 then persistence will not be checked. If set to a negative
* number, will be set to the maximum number of nodes to which persistence
* is possible (which will always contain at least the master node).
* * "replicate_to" how many nodes the key should be persisted to (excluding master).
* If set to 0 then replication will not be checked. If set to a negative
* number, will be set to the maximum number of nodes to which replication
* is possible (which may be 0 if the bucket is not configured for replicas).
* * "groupid" override value for hashing (not recommended to use)
* @return \Couchbase\Document|array document or list of the documents
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::mutateIn()
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/core-operations.html
* Overview of K/V operations
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/document-operations.html
* More details about K/V operations for PHP SDK
final public function prepend($ids, $value, $options = []) {}
* Removes the document.
* @param string|array $ids one or more IDs
* @param array $options options
* * "cas" last known document CAS, which serves for optimistic locking.
* * "groupid" override value for hashing (not recommended to use)
* @return \Couchbase\Document|array document or list of the documents
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/core-operations.html
* Overview of K/V operations
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/document-operations.html
* More details about K/V operations for PHP SDK
final public function remove($ids, $options = []) {}
* Updates document's expiration time.
* @param string|array $ids one or more IDs
* @param int $expiry time after which the document will not be accessible.
* If larger than 30 days (60*60*24*30), it will be interpreted by the
* server as absolute UNIX time (seconds from epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00).
* @param array $options options
* * "groupid" override value for hashing (not recommended to use)
* @return \Couchbase\Document|array document or list of the documents
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/core-operations.html
* Overview of K/V operations
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/document-operations.html
* More details about K/V operations for PHP SDK
final public function touch($ids, $expiry, $options = []) {}
* Increments or decrements a key (based on $delta)
* @param string|array $ids one or more IDs
* @param int $delta the number whih determines the sign (positive/negative) and the value of the increment
* @param array $options options
* * "initial" initial value of the counter if it does not exist
* * "expiry" time after which the document will not be accessible.
* If larger than 30 days (60*60*24*30), it will be interpreted by the
* server as absolute UNIX time (seconds from epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00).
* * "groupid" override value for hashing (not recommended to use)
* @return \Couchbase\Document|array document or list of the documents
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/core-operations.html
* Overview of K/V operations
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/document-operations.html
* More details about K/V operations for PHP SDK
final public function counter($ids, $delta = 1, $options = []) {}
* Returns a builder for reading subdocument API.
* @param string $id The ID of the JSON document
* @return LookupInBuilder
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function lookupIn($id) {}
* Retrieves specified paths in JSON document
* This is essentially a shortcut for `lookupIn($id)->get($paths)->execute()`.
* @param string $id The ID of the JSON document
* @param string ...$paths List of the paths inside JSON documents (see "Path syntax" section of the
* "Sub-Document Operations" documentation).
* @return \Couchbase\DocumentFragment
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function retrieveIn($id, ...$paths) {}
* Returns a builder for writing subdocument API.
* @param string $id The ID of the JSON document
* @param string $cas Last known document CAS value for optimisti locking
* @return MutateInBuilder
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function mutateIn($id, $cas) {}
* Performs a query to Couchbase Server
* @param N1qlQuery|ViewQuery|SpatialViewQuery|SearchQuery $query
* @param bool $jsonAsArray if true, the values in the result rows (or hits) will be represented as
* PHP arrays, otherwise they will be instances of the `stdClass`
* @return object Query-specific result object.
* @see \Couchbase\N1qlQuery
* @see \Couchbase\SearchQuery
* @see \Couchbase\ViewQuery
* @see \Couchbase\SpatialViewQuery
final public function query($query, $jsonAsArray = false) {}
* Returns size of the map
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @return int number of the key-value pairs
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function mapSize($id) {}
* Add key to the map
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @param string $key key
* @param mixed $value value
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function mapAdd($id, $key, $value) {}
* Removes key from the map
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @param string $key key
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function mapRemove($id, $key) {}
* Get an item from a map
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @param string $key key
* @return mixed value associated with the key
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function mapGet($id, $key) {}
* Returns size of the set
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @return int number of the elements
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function setSize($id) {}
* Add value to the set
* Note, that currently only primitive values could be stored in the set (strings, integers and booleans).
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @param string|int|float|bool $value new value
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function setAdd($id, $value) {}
* Check if the value exists in the set
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @param string|int|float|bool $value value to check
* @return bool true if the value exists in the set
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function setExists($id, $value) {}
* Remove value from the set
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @param string|int|float|bool $value value to remove
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function setRemove($id, $value) {}
* Returns size of the list
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @return int number of the elements
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function listSize($id) {}
* Add an element to the end of the list
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @param mixed $value new value
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function listPush($id, $value) {}
* Add an element to the beginning of the list
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @param mixed $value new value
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function listShift($id, $value) {}
* Remove an element at the given position
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @param int $index index of the element to be removed
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function listRemove($id, $index) {}
* Get an element at the given position
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @param int $index index of the element
* @return mixed the value
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function listGet($id, $index) {}
* Set an element at the given position
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @param int $index index of the element
* @param mixed $value new value
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function listSet($id, $index, $value) {}
* Check if the list contains specified value
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @param mixed $value value to look for
* @reuturn bool true if the list contains the value
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function listExists($id, $value) {}
* Returns size of the queue
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @return int number of the elements in the queue
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function queueSize($id) {}
* Checks if the queue contains specified value
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @param mixed $value value to look for
* @return bool true if the queue contains the value
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function queueExists($id, $value) {}
* Add an element to the beginning of the queue
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @param mixed $value new value
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function queueAdd($id, $value) {}
* Remove the element at the end of the queue and return it
* @param string $id ID of the document
* @return mixed removed value
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/datastructures.html
* More details on Data Structures
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Overview of Sub-Document Operations
final public function queueRemove($id) {}
* Provides management capabilities for the Couchbase Bucket
final class BucketManager {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* Returns information about the bucket
* Returns an associative array of status information as seen by the cluster for
* this bucket. The exact structure of the returned data can be seen in the Couchbase
* Manual by looking at the bucket /info endpoint.
* @return array
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/rest-api/rest-bucket-info.html
* Getting Single Bucket Information
final public function info() {}
* Flushes the bucket (clears all data)
final public function flush() {}
* Returns all design documents of the bucket.
* @return array
final public function listDesignDocuments() {}
* Get design document by its name
* @param string $name name of the design document (without _design/ prefix)
* @return array
final public function getDesignDocument($name) {}
* Removes design document by its name
* @param string $name name of the design document (without _design/ prefix)
final public function removeDesignDocument($name) {}
* Creates or replaces design document.
* @param string $name name of the design document (without _design/ prefix)
* @param array $document
final public function upsertDesignDocument($name, $document) {}
* Inserts design document and fails if it is exist already.
* @param string $name name of the design document (without _design/ prefix)
* @param array $document
final public function insertDesignDocument($name, $document) {}
* List all N1QL indexes that are registered for the current bucket.
* @return array
final public function listN1qlIndexes() {}
* Create a primary N1QL index.
* @param string $customName the custom name for the primary index.
* @param bool $ignoreIfExist if a primary index already exists, an exception
* will be thrown unless this is set to true.
* @param bool $defer true to defer index building.
final public function createN1qlPrimaryIndex($customName = '', $ignoreIfExist = false, $defer = false) {}
* Create secondary N1QL index.
* @param string $name name of the index
* @param array $fields list of JSON fields to index
* @param string $whereClause the WHERE clause of the index.
* @param bool $ignoreIfExist if a secondary index already exists, an exception
* will be thrown unless this is set to true.
* @param bool $defer true to defer index building.
final public function createN1qlIndex($name, $fields, $whereClause = '', $ignoreIfExist = false, $defer = false) {}
* Drop the given primary index
* @param string $customName the custom name for the primary index
* @param bool $ignoreIfNotExist if a primary index does not exist, an exception
* will be thrown unless this is set to true.
final public function dropN1qlPrimaryIndex($customName = '', $ignoreIfNotExist = false) {}
* Drop the given secondary index
* @param string $name the index name
* @param bool $ignoreIfNotExist if a secondary index does not exist, an exception
* will be thrown unless this is set to true.
final public function dropN1qlIndex($name, $ignoreIfNotExist = false) {}
* Interface of authentication containers.
* @see \Couchbase\Cluster::authenticate()
* @see \Couchbase\ClassicAuthenticator
interface Authenticator {}
* Authenticator based on login/password credentials.
* This authenticator uses separate credentials for Cluster management interface
* as well as for each bucket.
* @example examples/api/couchbase.Authenticator.php Cluster authentication
* @example examples/api/couchbase.N1qlQuery.crossBucket.php Cross-bucket N1QL query
* @see \Couchbase\Cluster::authenticate()
* @see \Couchbase\Authenticator
final class ClassicAuthenticator implements Authenticator {
* Registers cluster management credentials in the container
* @param string $username admin username
* @param string $password admin password
final public function cluster($username, $password) {}
* Registers bucket credentials in the container
* @param string $name bucket name
* @param string $password bucket password
final public function bucket($name, $password) {}
* An object which contains meta information of the document needed to enforce query consistency.
final class MutationToken {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* Creates new mutation token
* @param string $bucketName name of the bucket
* @param int $vbucketId partition number
* @param string $vbucketUuid UUID of the partition
* @param string $sequenceNumber sequence number inside partition
final public static function from($bucketName, $vbucketId, $vbucketUuid, $sequenceNumber) {}
* Returns bucket name
* @return string
final public function bucketName() {}
* Returns partition number
* @return int
final public function vbucketId() {}
* Returns UUID of the partition
* @return string
final public function vbucketUuid() {}
* Returns the sequence number inside partition
* @return string
final public function sequenceNumber() {}
* Container for mutation tokens.
final class MutationState {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* Create container from the given mutation token holders.
* @param array|Document|DocumentFragment $source anything that can have attached MutationToken
* @return MutationState
* @see \Couchbase\MutationToken
final public static function from($source) {}
* Update container with the given mutation token holders.
* @param array|Document|DocumentFragment $source anything that can have attached MutationToken
* @see \Couchbase\MutationToken
final public function add($source) {}
* Common interface for all View queries
* @see \Couchbase\ViewQuery
* @see \Couchbase\SpatialViewQuery
interface ViewQueryEncodable {
* Returns associative array, representing the View query.
* @return array object which is ready to be serialized.
function encode();
* Represents regular Couchbase Map/Reduce View query
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::query()
* @see \Couchbase\SpatialViewQuery
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/view-queries-with-sdk.html
* MapReduce Views
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/architecture/querying-data-with-views.html
* Quering Data with Views
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/rest-api/rest-views-get.html
* Getting Views Information
final class ViewQuery implements ViewQueryEncodable {
/** Force a view update before returning data */
const UPDATE_BEFORE = 1;
/** Allow stale views */
const UPDATE_NONE = 2;
/** Allow stale view, update view after it has been accessed. */
const UPDATE_AFTER = 3;
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* Creates a new Couchbase ViewQuery instance for performing a view query.
* @param string $designDocumentName the name of the design document to query
* @param string $viewName the name of the view to query
* @return ViewQuery
final public static function from($designDocumentName, $viewName) {}
* Creates a new Couchbase ViewQuery instance for performing a spatial query.
* @param string $designDocumentName the name of the design document to query
* @param string $viewName the name of the view to query
* @return SpatialViewQuery
final public static function fromSpatial($designDocumentName, $viewName) {}
* Returns associative array, representing the View query.
* @return array object which is ready to be serialized.
function encode() {}
* Limits the result set to a specified number rows.
* @param int $limit maximum number of records in the response
* @return ViewQuery
final public function limit($limit) {}
* Skips a number o records rom the beginning of the result set
* @param int $skip number of records to skip
* @return ViewQuery
final public function skip($skip) {}
* Specifies the mode of updating to perorm before and after executing the query
* @param int $consistency use constants UPDATE_BEFORE, UPDATE_NONE, UPDATE_AFTER
* @return ViewQuery
* @see \Couchbase\ViewQuery::UPDATE_BEFORE
* @see \Couchbase\ViewQuery::UPDATE_NONE
* @see \Couchbase\ViewQuery::UPDATE_AFTER
final public function consistency($consistency) {}
* Orders the results by key as specified
* @param int $order use contstants ORDER_ASCENDING, ORDER_DESCENDING
* @return ViewQuery
final public function order($order) {}
* Specifies whether the reduction function should be applied to results of the query.
* @param bool $reduce
* @return ViewQuery
final public function reduce($reduce) {}
* Group the results using the reduce function to a group or single row.
* Important: this setter and groupLevel should not be used together in the
* same ViewQuery. It is sufficient to only set the grouping level only and
* use this setter in cases where you always want the highest group level
* implictly.
* @param bool $group
* @return ViewQuery
* @see \Couchbase\ViewQuery#groupLevel
final public function group($group) {}
* Specify the group level to be used.
* Important: group() and this setter should not be used together in the
* same ViewQuery. It is sufficient to only use this setter and use group()
* in cases where you always want the highest group level implictly.
* @param int $groupLevel the number of elements in the keys to use
* @return ViewQuery
* @see \Couchbase\ViewQuery#group
final public function groupLevel($groupLevel) {}
* Restict results of the query to the specified key
* @param mixed $key key
* @return ViewQuery
final public function key($key) {}
* Restict results of the query to the specified set of keys
* @param array $keys set of keys
* @return ViewQuery
final public function keys($keys) {}
* Specifies a range of the keys to return from the index.
* @param mixed $startKey
* @param mixed $endKey
* @param bool $inclusiveEnd
* @return ViewQuery
final public function range($startKey, $endKey, $inclusiveEnd = false) {}
* Specifies start and end document IDs in addition to range limits.
* This might be needed for more precise pagination with a lot of documents
* with the same key selected into the same page.
* @param string $startKeyDocumentId document ID
* @param string $endKeyDocumentId document ID
* @return ViewQuery
final public function idRange($startKeyDocumentId, $endKeyDocumentId) {}
* Specifies custom options to pass to the server.
* Note that these options are expected to be already encoded.
* @param array $customParameters parameters
* @return ViewQuery
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/rest-api/rest-views-get.html
* Getting Views Information
final public function custom($customParameters) {}
* Represents spatial Couchbase Map/Reduce View query
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::query()
* @see \Couchbase\ViewQuery
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/architecture/querying-geo-data-spatial-views.html
* Querying Geographic Data with Spatial Views
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/rest-api/rest-views-get.html
* Getting Views Information
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/views/sv-query-parameters.html
* Querying spatial views
final class SpatialViewQuery implements ViewQueryEncodable {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* Returns associative array, representing the View query.
* @return array object which is ready to be serialized.
function encode() {}
* Limits the result set to a specified number rows.
* @param int $limit maximum number of records in the response
* @return SpatialViewQuery
final public function limit($limit) {}
* Skips a number o records rom the beginning of the result set
* @param int $skip number of records to skip
* @return SpatialViewQuery
final public function skip($skip) {}
* Specifies the mode of updating to perorm before and after executing the query
* @param int $consistency use constants UPDATE_BEFORE, UPDATE_NONE, UPDATE_AFTER
* @return SpatialViewQuery
* @see \Couchbase\ViewQuery::UPDATE_BEFORE
* @see \Couchbase\ViewQuery::UPDATE_NONE
* @see \Couchbase\ViewQuery::UPDATE_AFTER
final public function consistency($consistency) {}
* Orders the results by key as specified
* @param int $order use contstants ORDER_ASCENDING, ORDER_DESCENDING
* @return SpatialViewQuery
final public function order($order) {}
* Specifies the bounding box to search within.
* Note, using bbox() is discouraged, startRange/endRange is more flexible and should be preferred.
* @param array $bbox bounding box coordinates expressed as a list of numeric values
* @return SpatialViewQuery
* @see \Couchbase\SpatialViewQuery#startRange()
* @see \Couchbase\SpatialViewQuery#endRange()
final public function bbox($bbox) {}
* Specify start range for query
* @param array $range
* @return SpatialViewQuery
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/views/sv-query-parameters.html
* Querying spatial views
final public function startRange($range) {}
* Specify end range for query
* @param array $range
* @return SpatialViewQuery
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/views/sv-query-parameters.html
* Querying spatial views
final public function endRange($range) {}
* Specifies custom options to pass to the server.
* Note that these options are expected to be already encoded.
* @param array $customParameters parameters
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/rest-api/rest-views-get.html
* Getting Views Information
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/views/sv-query-parameters.html
* Querying spatial views
final public function custom($customParameters) {}
* Represents a N1QL query
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/n1ql-query.html
* Querying with N1QL
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/php/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.html
* N1QL from the SDKs
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/n1ql/n1ql-rest-api/index.html
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/performance/index-scans.html
* Understanding Index Scans
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/performance/indexing-and-query-perf.html
* Indexing JSON Documents and Query Performance
final class N1qlQuery {
* This is the default (for single-statement requests).
* No timestamp vector is used in the index scan.
* This is also the fastest mode, because we avoid the cost of obtaining the vector,
* and we also avoid any wait for the index to catch up to the vector.
const NOT_BOUNDED = 1;
* This implements strong consistency per request.
* Before processing the request, a current vector is obtained.
* The vector is used as a lower bound for the statements in the request.
* If there are DML statements in the request, RYOW is also applied within the request.
const REQUEST_PLUS = 2;
* This implements strong consistency per statement.
* Before processing each statement, a current vector is obtained
* and used as a lower bound for that statement.
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* Creates new N1qlQuery instance directly from the N1QL string.
* @param string $statement N1QL string
* @return N1qlQuery
final public static function fromString($statement) {}
* Allows to specify if this query is adhoc or not.
* If it is not adhoc (so performed often), the client will try to perform optimizations
* transparently based on the server capabilities, like preparing the statement and
* then executing a query plan instead of the raw query.
* @param bool $adhoc if query is adhoc, default is true (plain execution)
* @return N1qlQuery
final public function adhoc($adhoc) {}
* Allows to pull credentials from the Authenticator
* @param bool $crossBucket if query includes joins for multiple buckets (default is false)
* @return N1qlQuery
* @example examples/api/couchbase.N1qlQuery.crossBucket.php Cross-bucket N1QL query
* @see \Couchbase\Authenticator
* @see \Couchbase\ClassicAuthenticator
final public function crossBucket($crossBucket) {}
* Specify array of positional parameters
* Previously specified positional parameters will be replaced.
* Note: carefully choose type of quotes for the query string, because PHP also uses `$`
* (dollar sign) for variable interpolation. If you are using double quotes, make sure
* that N1QL parameters properly escaped.
* @param array $params
* @return N1qlQuery
* @example examples/api/couchbase.N1qlQuery.positionalParams.php
final public function positionalParams($params) {}
* Specify associative array of named parameters
* The supplied array of key/value pairs will be merged with already existing named parameters.
* Note: carefully choose type of quotes for the query string, because PHP also uses `$`
* (dollar sign) for variable interpolation. If you are using double quotes, make sure
* that N1QL parameters properly escaped.
* @param array $params
* @return N1qlQuery
* @example examples/api/couchbase.N1qlQuery.namedParams.php
final public function namedParams($params) {}
* Specifies the consistency level for this query
* @param int $consistency consistency level
* @return N1qlQuery
* @see \Couchbase\N1qlQuery::NOT_BOUNDED
* @see \Couchbase\N1qlQuery::REQUEST_PLUS
* @see \Couchbase\N1qlQuery::STATEMENT_PLUS
* @see \Couchbase\N1qlQuery::consistentWith()
final public function consistency($consistency) {}
* Sets mutation state the query should be consistent with
* @param MutationState $state the container of mutation tokens
* @return N1qlQuery
* @see \Couchbase\MutationState
* @example examples/api/couchbase.N1qlQuery.consistentWith.php
final public function consistentWith($state) {}
* Represents N1QL index definition
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/performance/indexing-and-query-perf.html
* Indexing JSON Documents and Query Performance
final class N1qlIndex {
const UNSPECIFIED = 0;
const GSI = 1;
const VIEW = 2;
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* Name of the index
* @var string
public $name;
* Is it primary index
* @var boolean
public $isPrimary;
* Type of the index
* @var int
* @see \Couchbase\N1qlIndex::UNSPECIFIED
* @see \Couchbase\N1qlIndex::GSI
* @see \Couchbase\N1qlIndex::VIEW
public $type;
* The descriptive state of the index
* @var string
public $state;
* The keyspace for the index, typically the bucket name
* @var string
public $keyspace;
* The namespace for the index. A namespace is a resource pool that contains multiple keyspaces
* @var string
public $namespace;
* The fields covered by index
* @var array
public $fields;
* Return the string representation of the index's condition (the WHERE clause
* of the index), or an empty String if no condition was set.
* Note that the query service can present the condition in a slightly different
* manner from when you declared the index: for instance it will wrap expressions
* with parentheses and show the fields in an escaped format (surrounded by backticks).
* @var string
public $condition;
* A builder for subdocument lookups. In order to perform the final set of operations, use the
* execute() method.
* Instances of this builder should be obtained through \Couchbase\Bucket->lookupIn()
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::lookupIn
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Sub-Document Operations
final class LookupInBuilder {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* Get a value inside the JSON document.
* @param string $path the path inside the document where to get the value from.
* @return LookupInBuilder
final public function get($path) {}
* Check if a value exists inside the document.
* This doesn't transmit the value on the wire if it exists, saving the corresponding byte overhead.
* @param string $path the path inside the document to check for existence
* @return LookupInBuilder
final public function exists($path) {}
* Perform several lookup operations inside a single existing JSON document, using a specific timeout
* @return DocumentFragment
* @example examples/api/couchbase.LookupInBuilder.execute.php
final public function execute() {}
* A builder for subdocument mutations. In order to perform the final set of operations, use the
* execute() method.
* Instances of this builder should be obtained through \Couchbase\Bucket->mutateIn()
* @see \Couchbase\Bucket::mutateIn
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/subdocument-operations.html
* Sub-Document Operations
final class MutateInBuilder {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* Insert a fragment provided the last element of the path doesn't exists.
* @param string $path the path where to insert a new dictionary value.
* @param mixed $value the new dictionary value to insert.
* @param bool $createParents true to create missing intermediary nodes
* @return MutateInBuilder
final public function insert($path, $value, $createParents = false) {}
* Insert a fragment, replacing the old value if the path exists
* @param string $path the path where to insert (or replace) a dictionary value
* @param mixed $value the new dictionary value to be applied.
* @param bool $createParents true to create missing intermediary nodes
* @return MutateInBuilder
final public function upsert($path, $value, $createParents = false) {}
* Replace an existing value by the given fragment
* @param string $path the path where the value to replace is
* @param mixed $value the new value
* @return MutateInBuilder
final public function replace($path, $value) {}
* Remove an entry in a JSON document.
* Scalar, array element, dictionary entry, whole array or dictionary, depending on the path.
* @param string $path the path to remove
* @return MutateInBuilder
final public function remove($path) {}
* Prepend to an existing array, pushing the value to the front/first position in the array.
* @param string $path the path of the array
* @param mixed $value the value to insert at the front of the array
* @param bool $createParents true to create missing intermediary nodes
* @return MutateInBuilder
final public function arrayPrepend($path, $value, $createParents = false) {}
* Prepend multiple values at once in an existing array.
* Push all values in the collection's iteration order to the front/start of the array.
* For example given an array [A, B, C], prepending the values X and Y yields [X, Y, A, B, C]
* and not [[X, Y], A, B, C].
* @param string $path the path of the array
* @param array $values the values to insert at the front of the array as individual elements
* @param bool $createParents true to create missing intermediary nodes
* @return MutateInBuilder
final public function arrayPrependAll($path, $values, $createParents = false) {}
* Append to an existing array, pushing the value to the back/last position in the array.
* @param string $path the path of the array
* @param mixed $value the value to insert at the back of the array
* @param bool $createParents true to create missing intermediary nodes
* @return MutateInBuilder
final public function arrayAppend($path, $value, $createParents = false) {}
* Append multiple values at once in an existing array.
* Push all values in the collection's iteration order to the back/end of the array.
* For example given an array [A, B, C], appending the values X and Y yields [A, B, C, X, Y]
* and not [A, B, C, [X, Y]].
* @param string $path the path of the array
* @param array $values the values to individually insert at the back of the array
* @param bool $createParents true to create missing intermediary nodes
* @return MutateInBuilder
final public function arrayAppendAll($path, $values, $createParents = false) {}
* Insert into an existing array at a specific position
* Position denoted in the path, eg. "sub.array[2]".
* @param string $path the path (including array position) where to insert the value
* @param mixed $value the value to insert in the array
* @return MutateInBuilder
final public function arrayInsert($path, $value) {}
* Insert multiple values at once in an existing array at a specified position.
* Position denoted in the path, eg. "sub.array[2]"), inserting all values in the collection's iteration order
* at the given position and shifting existing values beyond the position by the number of elements in the
* collection.
* For example given an array [A, B, C], inserting the values X and Y at position 1 yields [A, B, X, Y, C]
* and not [A, B, [X, Y], C].
* @param string $path the path of the array
* @param array $values the values to insert at the specified position of the array, each value becoming
* an entry at or after the insert position.
* @return MutateInBuilder
final public function arrayInsertAll($path, $values) {}
* Insert a value in an existing array only if the value
* isn't already contained in the array (by way of string comparison).
* @param string $path the path to mutate in the JSON
* @param mixed $value the value to insert
* @param bool $createParents true to create missing intermediary nodes
* @return MutateInBuilder
final public function arrayAddUnique($path, $value, $createParents = false) {}
* Increment/decrement a numerical fragment in a JSON document.
* If the value (last element of the path) doesn't exist the counter
* is created and takes the value of the delta.
* @param string $path the path to the counter (must be containing a number).
* @param int $delta the value to increment or decrement the counter by
* @param bool $createParents true to create missing intermediary nodes
* @return MutateInBuilder
final public function counter($path, $delta, $createParents = false) {}
* Perform several mutation operations inside a single existing JSON document.
* @return DocumentFragment
* @example examples/api/couchbase.MutateInBuilder.execute.php
final public function execute() {}
* Represents full text search query
* @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/4.6/sdk/php/full-text-searching-with-sdk.html
* Searching from the SDK
final class SearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable {
const HIGHLIGHT_HTML = 'html';
const HIGHLIGHT_ANSI = 'ansi';
const HIGHLIGHT_SIMPLE = 'simple';
* Prepare boolean search query
* @return BooleanSearchQuery
final public static function boolean() {}
* Prepare date range search query
* @return DateRangeSearchQuery
final public static function dateRange() {}
* Prepare boolean field search query
* @param bool $value
* @return BooleanFieldSearchQuery
final public static function booleanField($value) {}
* Prepare compound conjunction search query
* @param SearchQueryPart ...$queries list of inner query parts
* @return ConjunctionSearchQuery
final public static function conjuncts(...$queries) {}
* Prepare compound disjunction search query
* @param SearchQueryPart ...$queries list of inner query parts
* @return DisjunctionSearchQuery
final public static function disjuncts(...$queries) {}
* Prepare document ID search query
* @param string ...$documentIds
* @return DocIdSearchQuery
final public static function docId(...$documentIds) {}
* Prepare match search query
* @param string $match
* @return MatchSearchQuery
final public static function match($match) {}
* Prepare match all search query
* @return MatchAllSearchQuery
final public static function matchAll() {}
* Prepare match non search query
* @return MatchNoneSearchQuery
final public static function matchNone() {}
* Prepare phrase search query
* @param string ...$terms
* @return MatchPhraseSearchQuery
final public static function matchPhrase(...$terms) {}
* Prepare prefix search query
* @param string $prefix
* @return PrefixSearchQuery
final public static function prefix($prefix) {}
* Prepare query string search query
* @param string $queryString
* @return QueryStringSearchQuery
final public static function queryString($queryString) {}
* Prepare regexp search query
* @param string $regexp
* @return RegexpSearchQuery
final public static function regexp($regexp) {}
* Prepare term search query
* @param string $term
* @return TermSearchQuery
final public static function term($term) {}
* Prepare wildcard search query
* @param string $wildcard
* @return WildcardSearchQuery
final public static function wildcard($wildcard) {}
* Prepare term search facet
* @param string $field
* @param int $limit
* @return TermSearchFacet
final public static function termFacet($field, $limit) {}
* Prepare date range search facet
* @param string $field
* @param int $limit
* @return DateRangeSearchFacet
final public static function dateRangeFacet($field, $limit) {}
* Prepare numeric range search facet
* @param string $field
* @param int $limit
* @return NumericRangeSearchFacet
final public static function numericRangeFacet($field, $limit) {}
* Prepare an FTS SearchQuery on an index.
* Top level query parameters can be set after that by using the fluent API.
* @param string $indexName the FTS index to search in
* @param SearchQueryPart $queryPart the body of the FTS query (e.g. a match phrase query)
final public function __construct($indexName, $queryPart) {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* Add a limit to the query on the number of hits it can return
* @param int $limit the maximum number of hits to return
* @return SearchQuery
final public function limit($limit) {}
* Set the number of hits to skip (eg. for pagination).
* @param int $skip the number of results to skip
* @return SearchQuery
final public function skip($skip) {}
* Activates the explanation of each result hit in the response
* @param bool $explain
* @return SearchQuery
final public function explain($explain) {}
* Sets the server side timeout in milliseconds
* @param int $serverSideTimeout the server side timeout to apply
* @return SearchQuery
final public function serverSideTimeout($serverSideTimeout) {}
* Sets the consistency to consider for this FTS query to AT_PLUS and
* uses the MutationState to parameterize the consistency.
* This replaces any consistency tuning previously set.
* @param MutationState $state the mutation state information to work with
* @return SearchQuery
final public function consistentWith($state) {}
* Configures the list of fields for which the whole value should be included in the response.
* If empty, no field values are included. This drives the inclusion of the fields in each hit.
* Note that to be highlighted, the fields must be stored in the FTS index.
* @param string ...$fields
* @return SearchQuery
final public function fields(...$fields) {}
* Configures the highlighting of matches in the response
* @param string $style highlight style to apply. Use constants HIGHLIGHT_HTML,
* @param string ...$fields the optional fields on which to highlight.
* If none, all fields where there is a match are highlighted.
* @return SearchQuery
* @see \Couchbase\SearchQuery::HIGHLIGHT_HTML
* @see \Couchbase\SearchQuery::HIGHLIGHT_ANSI
* @see \Couchbase\SearchQuery::HIGHLIGHT_SIMPLE
final public function highlight($style, ...$fields) {}
* Adds one SearchFacet to the query
* This is an additive operation (the given facets are added to any facet previously requested),
* but if an existing facet has the same name it will be replaced.
* Note that to be faceted, a field's value must be stored in the FTS index.
* @param string $name
* @param SearchFacet $facet
* @return SearchQuery
* @see \Couchbase\SearchFacet
* @see \Couchbase\TermSearchFacet
* @see \Couchbase\NumericRangeSearchFacet
* @see \Couchbase\DateRangeSearchFacet
final public function addFacet($name, $facet) {}
* Common interface for all classes, which could be used as a body of SearchQuery
* @see \Couchbase\SearchQuery::__construct()
interface SearchQueryPart {}
* A FTS query that queries fields explicitly indexed as boolean.
final class BooleanFieldSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return BooleanFieldSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* @param string $field
* @return BooleanFieldSearchQuery
final public function field($field) {}
* A compound FTS query that allows various combinations of sub-queries.
final class BooleanSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return BooleanSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* @param SearchQueryPart ...$queries
* @return BooleanSearchQuery
final public function must(...$queries) {}
* @param SearchQueryPart ...$queries
* @return BooleanSearchQuery
final public function mustNot(...$queries) {}
* @param SearchQueryPart ...$queries
* @return BooleanSearchQuery
final public function should(...$queries) {}
* A compound FTS query that performs a logical AND between all its sub-queries (conjunction).
final class ConjunctionSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return ConjunctionSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* @param SearchQueryPart ...$queries
* @return ConjunctionSearchQuery
final public function every(...$queries) {}
* A compound FTS query that performs a logical OR between all its sub-queries (disjunction). It requires that a
* minimum of the queries match. The minimum is configurable (default 1).
final class DisjunctionSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return DisjunctionSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* @param SearchQueryPart ...$queries
* @return DisjunctionSearchQuery
final public function either(...$queries) {}
* @param int $min
* @return DisjunctionSearchQuery
final public function min($min) {}
* A FTS query that matches documents on a range of values. At least one bound is required, and the
* inclusiveness of each bound can be configured.
final class DateRangeSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return DateRangeSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* @param string $field
* @return DateRangeSearchQuery
final public function field($field) {}
* @param int|string $start The strings will be taken verbatim and supposed to be formatted with custom date
* time formatter (see dateTimeParser). Integers interpreted as unix timestamps and represented as RFC3339
* strings.
* @param bool $inclusive
* @return DateRangeSearchQuery
final public function start($start, $inclusive = true) {}
* @param int|string $end The strings will be taken verbatim and supposed to be formatted with custom date
* time formatter (see dateTimeParser). Integers interpreted as unix timestamps and represented as RFC3339
* strings.
* @param bool $inclusive
* @return DateRangeSearchQuery
final public function end($end, $inclusive = false) {}
* @param string $dateTimeParser
* @return DateRangeSearchQuery
final public function dateTimeParser($dateTimeParser) {}
* A FTS query that matches documents on a range of values. At least one bound is required, and the
* inclusiveness of each bound can be configured.
final class NumericRangeSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return NumericRangeSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* @param string $field
* @return NumericRangeSearchQuery
final public function field($field) {}
* @param float $min
* @param bool $inclusive
* @return NumericRangeSearchQuery
final public function min($min, $inclusive = true) {}
* @param float $max
* @param bool $inclusive
* @return NumericRangeSearchQuery
final public function max($max, $inclusive = false) {}
* A FTS query that matches on Couchbase document IDs. Useful to restrict the search space to a list of keys (by using
* this in a compound query).
final class DocIdSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return DocIdSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* @param string $field
* @return DocIdSearchQuery
final public function field($field) {}
* @param string ...$documentIds
* @return DocIdSearchQuery
final public function docIds(...$documentIds) {}
* A FTS query that matches all indexed documents (usually for debugging purposes).
final class MatchAllSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return MatchAllSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* A FTS query that matches 0 document (usually for debugging purposes).
final class MatchNoneSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return MatchNoneSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* A FTS query that matches several given terms (a "phrase"), applying further processing
* like analyzers to them.
final class MatchPhraseSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return MatchPhraseSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* @param string $field
* @return MatchPhraseSearchQuery
final public function field($field) {}
* @param string $analyzer
* @return MatchPhraseSearchQuery
final public function analyzer($analyzer) {}
* A FTS query that matches a given term, applying further processing to it
* like analyzers, stemming and even #fuzziness(int).
final class MatchSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return MatchSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* @param string $field
* @return MatchSearchQuery
final public function field($field) {}
* @param string $analyzer
* @return MatchSearchQuery
final public function analyzer($analyzer) {}
* @param int $prefixLength
* @return MatchSearchQuery
final public function prefixLength($prefixLength) {}
* @param int $fuzziness
* @return MatchSearchQuery
final public function fuzziness($fuzziness) {}
* A FTS query that matches several terms (a "phrase") as is. The order of the terms mater and no further processing is
* applied to them, so they must appear in the index exactly as provided. Usually for debugging purposes, prefer
* MatchPhraseQuery.
final class PhraseSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return PhraseSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* @param string $field
* @return PhraseSearchQuery
final public function field($field) {}
* A FTS query that allows for simple matching of regular expressions.
final class RegexpSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return RegexpSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* @param string $field
* @return RegexpSearchQuery
final public function field($field) {}
* A FTS query that allows for simple matching using wildcard characters (* and ?).
final class WildcardSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return WildcardSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* @param string $field
* @return WildcardSearchQuery
final public function field($field) {}
* A FTS query that allows for simple matching on a given prefix.
final class PrefixSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return PrefixSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* @param string $field
* @return PrefixSearchQuery
final public function field($field) {}
* A FTS query that performs a search according to the "string query" syntax.
final class QueryStringSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return QueryStringSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* A facet that gives the number of occurrences of the most recurring terms in all hits.
final class TermSearchQuery implements \JsonSerializable, SearchQueryPart {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return TermSearchQuery
final public function boost($boost) {}
* @param string $field
* @return TermSearchQuery
final public function field($field) {}
* @param int $prefixLength
* @return TermSearchQuery
final public function prefixLength($prefixLength) {}
* @param int $fuzziness
* @return TermSearchQuery
final public function fuzziness($fuzziness) {}
* Common interface for all search facets
* @see \Couchbase\SearchQuery::addFacet()
* @see \Couchbase\TermSearchFacet
* @see \Couchbase\DateRangeSearchFacet
* @see \Couchbase\NumericRangeSearchFacet
interface SearchFacet {}
* A facet that gives the number of occurrences of the most recurring terms in all hits.
final class TermSearchFacet implements \JsonSerializable, SearchFacet {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* A facet that categorizes hits inside date ranges (or buckets) provided by the user.
final class DateRangeSearchFacet implements \JsonSerializable, SearchFacet {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param string $name
* @param int|string $start
* @param int|string $end
* @return DateSearchFacet
final public function addRange($name, $start, $end) {}
* A facet that categorizes hits into numerical ranges (or buckets) provided by the user.
final class NumericRangeSearchFacet implements \JsonSerializable, SearchFacet {
/** @ignore */
final private function __construct() {}
* @ignore
* @return array
final public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param string $name
* @param float $min
* @param float $max
* @return NumericSearchFacet
final public function addRange($name, $min, $max) {}