
package view

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait DesignDocumentNamespace extends AnyRef

    Specifies what namespace the design document is in, e.g.

    Specifies what namespace the design document is in, e.g. production or development.

  2. case class ReactiveViewResult(metaData: SMono[ViewMetaData], rows: SFlux[ViewRow]) extends Product with Serializable

    The results of a N1QL view, as returned by the reactive API.

    The results of a N1QL view, as returned by the reactive API.


    contains additional information related to the view.


    a Flux of any returned rows. If the view service returns an error while returning the rows, it will be raised on this Flux

  3. sealed trait ViewErrorMode extends AnyRef

    Specify what to do if an error is encountered during the query.

  4. case class ViewMetaData(debug: Option[Array[Byte]], totalRows: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    Additional information returned by the view service aside from any rows and errors.

    Additional information returned by the view service aside from any rows and errors.


    any debug information available from the view service


    the total number of returned rows

  5. case class ViewOptions(namespace: Option[DesignDocumentNamespace] = None, reduce: Option[Boolean] = None, limit: Option[Int] = None, group: Option[Boolean] = None, groupLevel: Option[Int] = None, inclusiveEnd: Option[Boolean] = None, skip: Option[Int] = None, onError: Option[ViewErrorMode] = None, debug: Option[Boolean] = None, order: Option[ViewOrdering] = None, key: Option[String] = None, startKeyDocId: Option[String] = None, endKeyDocId: Option[String] = None, endKey: Option[String] = None, startKey: Option[String] = None, keys: Option[String] = None, retryStrategy: Option[RetryStrategy] = None, timeout: Option[Duration] = None, scanConsistency: Option[ViewScanConsistency] = None, parentSpan: Option[RequestSpan] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Customize the execution of a view.

    Customize the execution of a view.



  6. sealed trait ViewOrdering extends AnyRef

    Specifies the ordering of results from the query.

  7. case class ViewResult(metaData: ViewMetaData, rows: Seq[ViewRow]) extends Product with Serializable

    The results of a view request.

    The results of a view request.


    any additional information associated with the view result


    all rows returned from the view



  8. case class ViewRow(_content: Array[Byte]) extends Product with Serializable

    An individual view result row.

  9. sealed trait ViewScanConsistency extends AnyRef

    Specifies the scan consistency on a view query.