



class ReactiveBucket extends AnyRef

Represents a Couchbase bucket resource.

This is the reactive version of the Bucket API.

Applications should not create these manually, but instead use the functions in Cluster.



Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ReactiveBucket
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. val async: AsyncBucket
  2. def collection(collectionName: String): ReactiveCollection

    Opens a Couchbase collection resource on the default scope.

    Opens a Couchbase collection resource on the default scope.


    the name of the collection


    a created collection resource

  3. lazy val collections: ReactiveCollectionManager
  4. def defaultCollection: ReactiveCollection

    Returns the Couchbase default collection resource.

  5. def defaultScope: ReactiveScope

    Opens and returns the default Couchbase scope.

    Opens and returns the default Couchbase scope.

  6. def ping(options: PingOptions): SMono[PingResult]

    Performs application-level ping requests with custom options against services in the Couchbase cluster.

    Performs application-level ping requests with custom options against services in the Couchbase cluster.

    Note that this operation performs active I/O against services and endpoints to assess their health. If you do not wish to perform I/O, consider using the .diagnostics instead.


    options to customize the ping


    the PingResult once complete.

  7. def ping(timeout: Option[Duration] = None): SMono[PingResult]

    Performs application-level ping requests with custom options against services in the Couchbase cluster.

    Performs application-level ping requests with custom options against services in the Couchbase cluster.

    Note that this operation performs active I/O against services and endpoints to assess their health. If you do not wish to perform I/O, consider using the .diagnostics instead.

    This overload provides only the most commonly used options. If you need to configure something more esoteric, use the overload that takes a com.couchbase.client.scala.diagnostics.PingOptions instead, which supports all available options.


    the timeout to use for the operation


    the PingResult once complete.

  8. def scope(scopeName: String): ReactiveScope

    Opens and returns a Couchbase scope resource.

    Opens and returns a Couchbase scope resource.


    the name of the scope

  9. lazy val viewIndexes: ReactiveViewIndexManager
  10. def viewQuery(designDoc: String, viewName: String, timeout: Duration = ...): SMono[ReactiveViewResult]

    Performs a view query against the cluster.

    Performs a view query against the cluster.

    This is a reactive streaming version of this API. See Bucket for a synchronous blocking version, and Bucket.async for an async version.

    This overload provides only the most commonly used options. If you need to configure something more esoteric, use the overload that takes a com.couchbase.client.scala.view.ViewOptions instead, which supports all available options.


    the view design document to use


    the view to use


    how long the operation is allowed to take


    a Mono containing a view.ViewResult (which includes any returned rows)

  11. def viewQuery(designDoc: String, viewName: String, options: ViewOptions): SMono[ReactiveViewResult]

    Performs a view query against the cluster.

    Performs a view query against the cluster.

    This is a reactive streaming version of this API. See Bucket for a synchronous blocking version, and Bucket.async for an async version.


    the view design document to use


    the view to use


    any view query options - see view.ViewOptions for documentation


    a Mono containing a view.ViewResult (which includes any returned rows)

  12. def waitUntilReady(timeout: Duration, options: WaitUntilReadyOptions): SMono[Unit]

    Waits until the desired ClusterState is reached.

    Waits until the desired ClusterState is reached.

    This method will wait until either the cluster state is "online", or the timeout is reached. Since the SDK is bootstrapping lazily, this method allows to eagerly check during bootstrap if all of the services are online and usable before moving on.


    the maximum time to wait until readiness.


    options to customize the wait

  13. def waitUntilReady(timeout: Duration): SMono[Unit]

    Waits until the desired ClusterState is reached.

    Waits until the desired ClusterState is reached.

    This method will wait until either the cluster state is "online", or the timeout is reached. Since the SDK is bootstrapping lazily, this method allows to eagerly check during bootstrap if all of the services are online and usable before moving on.

    This overload provides only the most commonly used options. If you need to configure something more esoteric, use the overload that takes a com.couchbase.client.scala.diagnostics.WaitUntilReadyOptions instead, which supports all available options.


    the maximum time to wait until readiness.