
class AsyncCluster extends AnyRef

Represents a connection to a Couchbase cluster.

This is the asynchronous version of the Cluster API.

These can be created through the functions in the companion object, or through Cluster.async.



Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. AsyncCluster
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new AsyncCluster(environment: => ClusterEnvironment, authenticator: Authenticator, seedNodes: Set[SeedNode])


    the environment used to create this

Value Members

  1. lazy val analyticsIndexes: AsyncAnalyticsIndexManager
  2. def analyticsQuery(statement: String, parameters: AnalyticsParameters = AnalyticsParameters.None, timeout: Duration = env.timeoutConfig.queryTimeout()): Future[AnalyticsResult]

    Performs an Analytics query against the cluster.

    Performs an Analytics query against the cluster.

    This is asynchronous. See Cluster.reactive for a reactive streaming version of this API, and Cluster for a blocking version.


    the Analytics query to execute


    provides named or positional parameters for queries parameterised that way.


    sets a maximum timeout for processing.


    a Future containing a Success(AnalyticsResult) (which includes any returned rows) if successful, else a Failure

  3. def analyticsQuery(statement: String, options: AnalyticsOptions): Future[AnalyticsResult]

    Performs an Analytics query against the cluster.

    Performs an Analytics query against the cluster.

    This is asynchronous. See Cluster.reactive for a reactive streaming version of this API, and Cluster for a blocking version.


    the Analytics query to execute


    any query options - see for documentation


    a Future containing a Success(AnalyticsResult) (which includes any returned rows) if successful, else a Failure

  4. def bucket(bucketName: String): AsyncBucket

    Opens and returns a Couchbase bucket resource that exists on this cluster.

    Opens and returns a Couchbase bucket resource that exists on this cluster.


    the name of the bucket to open

  5. lazy val buckets: AsyncBucketManager

    The AsyncBucketManager provides access to creating and getting buckets.

    The AsyncBucketManager provides access to creating and getting buckets.

  6. def diagnostics(options: DiagnosticsOptions): Future[DiagnosticsResult]

    Returns a DiagnosticsResult, reflecting the SDK's current view of all its existing connections to the cluster.

    Returns a DiagnosticsResult, reflecting the SDK's current view of all its existing connections to the cluster.


    options to customize the report generation


    a DiagnosticsResult

  7. def diagnostics(reportId: String = UUID.randomUUID.toString): Future[DiagnosticsResult]

    Returns a DiagnosticsResult, reflecting the SDK's current view of all its existing connections to the cluster.

    Returns a DiagnosticsResult, reflecting the SDK's current view of all its existing connections to the cluster.


    this will be returned in the DiagnosticsResult. If not specified it defaults to a UUID.


    a DiagnosticsResult

  8. def disconnect(timeout: Duration = env.timeoutConfig.disconnectTimeout()): Future[Unit]

    Shutdown all cluster resources.

    Shutdown all cluster resources.

    This should be called before application exit.


    how long the disconnect is allowed to take; defaults to disconnectTimeout on the environment

  9. val env: ClusterEnvironment

    The environment used to create this cluster

  10. def ping(options: PingOptions): Future[PingResult]

    Performs application-level ping requests with custom options against services in the Couchbase cluster.

    Performs application-level ping requests with custom options against services in the Couchbase cluster.

    Note that this operation performs active I/O against services and endpoints to assess their health. If you do not wish to perform I/O, consider using .diagnostics() instead.


    options to customize the ping


    the PingResult once complete.

  11. def ping(timeout: Option[Duration] = None): Future[PingResult]

    Performs application-level ping requests with custom options against services in the Couchbase cluster.

    Performs application-level ping requests with custom options against services in the Couchbase cluster.

    Note that this operation performs active I/O against services and endpoints to assess their health. If you do not wish to perform I/O, consider using .diagnostics() instead.

    This overload provides only the most commonly used options. If you need to configure something more esoteric, use the overload that takes a com.couchbase.client.scala.diagnostics.PingOptions instead, which supports all available options.


    the timeout to use for the operation


    the PingResult once complete.

  12. def query(statement: String, parameters: QueryParameters = QueryParameters.None, timeout: Duration = env.timeoutConfig.queryTimeout(), adhoc: Boolean = true): Future[QueryResult]

    Performs a N1QL query against the cluster.

    Performs a N1QL query against the cluster.

    This is asynchronous. See Cluster.reactive for a reactive streaming version of this API, and Cluster for a blocking version.

    This overload provides only the most commonly used options. If you need to configure something more esoteric, use the overload that takes a com.couchbase.client.scala.query.QueryOptions instead, which supports all available options.


    the N1QL statement to execute


    provides named or positional parameters for queries parameterised that way.


    sets a maximum timeout for processing.


    if true (the default), adhoc mode is enabled: queries are just run. If false, adhoc mode is disabled and transparent prepared statement mode is enabled: queries are first prepared so they can be executed more efficiently in the future.


    a Future containing a Success(QueryResult) (which includes any returned rows) if successful, else a Failure

  13. def query(statement: String, options: QueryOptions): Future[QueryResult]

    Performs a N1QL query against the cluster.

    Performs a N1QL query against the cluster.

    This is asynchronous. See Cluster.reactive for a reactive streaming version of this API, and Cluster for a blocking version.


    the N1QL statement to execute


    any query options - see com.couchbase.client.scala.query.QueryOptions for documentation


    a Future containing a Success(QueryResult) (which includes any returned rows) if successful, else a Failure

  14. lazy val queryIndexes: AsyncQueryIndexManager
  15. lazy val searchIndexes: AsyncSearchIndexManager
  16. def searchQuery(indexName: String, query: SearchQuery, timeout: Duration = environment.timeoutConfig.searchTimeout()): Future[SearchResult]

    Performs a Full Text Search (FTS) query against the cluster.

    Performs a Full Text Search (FTS) query against the cluster.

    This is asynchronous. See Cluster.reactive for a reactive streaming version of this API, and Cluster for a blocking version.

    This overload provides only the most commonly used options. If you need to configure something more esoteric, use the overload that takes a instead, which supports all available options.


    the name of the search index to use


    the FTS query to execute. See for more


    how long the operation is allowed to take


    a Future containing a Success(SearchResult) (which includes any returned rows) if successful, else a Failure

  17. def searchQuery(indexName: String, query: SearchQuery, options: SearchOptions): Future[SearchResult]

    Performs a Full Text Search (FTS) query against the cluster.

    Performs a Full Text Search (FTS) query against the cluster.

    This is asynchronous. See Cluster.reactive for a reactive streaming version of this API, and Cluster for a blocking version.


    the name of the search index to use


    the FTS query to execute. See for more


    the FTS query to execute. See for how to construct


    a Future containing a Success(SearchResult) (which includes any returned rows) if successful, else a Failure

  18. lazy val users: AsyncUserManager

    The AsyncUserManager provides programmatic access to and creation of users and groups.

    The AsyncUserManager provides programmatic access to and creation of users and groups.

  19. def waitUntilReady(timeout: Duration, options: WaitUntilReadyOptions): Future[Unit]

    Waits until the desired ClusterState is reached.

    Waits until the desired ClusterState is reached.

    This method will wait until either the cluster state is "online", or the timeout is reached. Since the SDK is bootstrapping lazily, this method allows to eagerly check during bootstrap if all of the services are online and usable before moving on.


    the maximum time to wait until readiness.


    options to customize the wait

  20. def waitUntilReady(timeout: Duration): Future[Unit]

    Waits until the desired ClusterState is reached.

    Waits until the desired ClusterState is reached.

    This method will wait until either the cluster state is "online", or the timeout is reached. Since the SDK is bootstrapping lazily, this method allows to eagerly check during bootstrap if all of the services are online and usable before moving on.

    This overload provides only the most commonly used options. If you need to configure something more esoteric, use the overload that takes a com.couchbase.client.scala.diagnostics.WaitUntilReadyOptions instead, which supports all available options.


    the maximum time to wait until readiness.