
package query

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package handlers

Type Members

  1. case class QueryMetaData(requestId: String, clientContextId: String, _signatureContent: Option[Array[Byte]], metrics: Option[QueryMetrics], warnings: Seq[QueryWarning], status: QueryStatus, _profileContent: Option[Array[Byte]]) extends Product with Serializable

    Additional information returned by the query service aside from any rows and errors.

    Additional information returned by the query service aside from any rows and errors.


    the request identifier string of the query request


    the client context id passed into com.couchbase.client.scala.query.QueryOptions


    metrics related to the query request, if they were enabled in com.couchbase.client.scala.query.QueryOptions


    any warnings returned from the query service


    the status returned from the query service

  2. case class QueryMetrics(elapsedTime: Duration, executionTime: Duration, resultCount: Long, resultSize: Long, mutationCount: Long, sortCount: Long, errorCount: Long, warningCount: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    Metrics of a given query request.

    Metrics of a given query request.


    the total time taken for the request, that is the time from when the request was received until the results were returned.


    the time taken for the execution of the request, that is the time from when query execution started until the results were returned.


    the total number of results selected by the engine before restriction through LIMIT clause.


    the total number of returned rows.


    the number of mutations that were made during the request.


    the total number of results selected by the engine before restriction through LIMIT clause.


    the number of errors that occurred during the request.


    the number of warnings that occurred during the request.

  3. case class QueryOptions(parameters: Option[QueryParameters] = None, clientContextId: Option[String] = None, maxParallelism: Option[Int] = None, metrics: Boolean = false, pipelineBatch: Option[Int] = None, pipelineCap: Option[Int] = None, profile: Option[QueryProfile] = None, readonly: Option[Boolean] = None, retryStrategy: Option[RetryStrategy] = None, scanCap: Option[Int] = None, scanConsistency: Option[QueryScanConsistency] = None, consistentWith: Option[Seq[MutationToken]] = None, timeout: Option[Duration] = None, adhoc: Boolean = true, deferredException: Option[RuntimeException] = None, parentSpan: Option[RequestSpan] = None, raw: Option[Map[String, Any]] = None, flexIndex: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

    Customize the execution of a N1QL query.

    Customize the execution of a N1QL query.



  4. sealed trait QueryParameters extends AnyRef
  5. sealed trait QueryProfile extends AnyRef
  6. case class QueryResult(rows: Seq[QueryChunkRow], metaData: QueryMetaData) extends Product with Serializable

    The results of a N1QL query.

    The results of a N1QL query.


    all rows returned from the query


    any additional information related to the query

  7. sealed trait QueryScanConsistency extends AnyRef

    Provides some control over what consistency is required for a given query.

  8. sealed trait QueryStatus extends AnyRef
  9. case class QueryWarning(code: Int, message: String) extends Product with Serializable

    A warning returned from the query service.

  10. case class ReactiveQueryResult(rows: SFlux[QueryChunkRow], metaData: SMono[QueryMetaData]) extends Product with Serializable

    The results of a N1QL query, as returned by the reactive API.

    The results of a N1QL query, as returned by the reactive API.


    any additional information related to the query

Value Members

  1. object QueryOptions extends Serializable
  2. object QueryParameters
  3. object QueryProfile
  4. object QueryScanConsistency
  5. object QueryStatus