
package analytics

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class AnalyticsMetaData(requestId: String, clientContextId: String, signatureContent: Option[Array[Byte]], metrics: AnalyticsMetrics, warnings: Seq[AnalyticsWarning], status: AnalyticsStatus) extends Product with Serializable

    Additional information returned by the Analytics service after any rows and errors.

    Additional information returned by the Analytics service after any rows and errors.


    metrics related to the Analytics request, if they are available


    any warnings returned from the Analytics service


    the raw status string returned from the Analytics service

  2. case class AnalyticsMetrics(elapsedTime: Duration, executionTime: Duration, resultCount: Long, resultSize: Long, processedObjects: Long, errorCount: Long, warningCount: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    Metrics of a given Analytics request.

    Metrics of a given Analytics request.


    the total time taken for the request, that is the time from when the request was received until the results were returned, in a human-readable format (eg. 123.45ms for a little over 123 milliseconds).


    the time taken for the execution of the request, that is the time from when analytics execution started until the results were returned, in a human-readable format (eg. 123.45ms for a little over 123 milliseconds).


    the total number of results selected by the engine before restriction through LIMIT clause.


    the total number of returned rows.


    the total number of processed objects.


    the number of errors that occurred during the request.


    the number of warnings that occurred during the request.

  3. case class AnalyticsOptions(parameters: Option[AnalyticsParameters] = None, clientContextId: Option[String] = None, retryStrategy: Option[RetryStrategy] = None, timeout: Option[Duration] = None, priority: Boolean = false, readonly: Option[Boolean] = None, scanConsistency: Option[AnalyticsScanConsistency] = None, parentSpan: Option[RequestSpan] = None, raw: Option[Map[String, Any]] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Customize the execution of an analytics query.

    Customize the execution of an analytics query.



  4. sealed trait AnalyticsParameters extends AnyRef
  5. case class AnalyticsResult(rows: Seq[AnalyticsChunkRow], metaData: AnalyticsMetaData) extends Product with Serializable

    The results of an Analytics query.

    The results of an Analytics query.


    all rows returned from the analytics service


    any additional information related to the Analytics query



  6. sealed trait AnalyticsScanConsistency extends AnyRef
  7. sealed trait AnalyticsStatus extends AnyRef
  8. case class AnalyticsWarning(inner: ErrorCodeAndMessage) extends Product with Serializable
  9. case class ReactiveAnalyticsResult(rows: SFlux[AnalyticsChunkRow], meta: SMono[AnalyticsMetaData]) extends Product with Serializable

    The results of an Analytics query, as returned by the reactive API.

    The results of an Analytics query, as returned by the reactive API.


    a Flux of any returned rows. If the Analytics service returns an error while returning the rows, it will be raised on this Flux


    any additional information related to the Analytics query