class AnalyticsIndexManager extends AnyRef

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. AnalyticsIndexManager
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new AnalyticsIndexManager(async: AsyncAnalyticsIndexManager, reactive: ReactiveAnalyticsIndexManager)

Value Members

  1. def createDataset(datasetName: String, bucketName: String, dataverseName: Option[String] = None, condition: Option[String] = None, ignoreIfExists: Boolean = false, timeout: Duration = DefaultTimeout, retryStrategy: RetryStrategy = DefaultRetryStrategy): Try[Unit]
  2. def createDataverse(dataverseName: String, ignoreIfExists: Boolean = false, timeout: Duration = DefaultTimeout, retryStrategy: RetryStrategy = DefaultRetryStrategy): Try[Unit]
  3. def createIndex(indexName: String, datasetName: String, fields: Map[String, AnalyticsDataType], dataverseName: Option[String] = None, ignoreIfExists: Boolean = false, timeout: Duration = DefaultTimeout, retryStrategy: RetryStrategy = DefaultRetryStrategy): Try[Unit]
  4. def createLink(link: AnalyticsLink, timeout: Duration = DefaultTimeout, retryStrategy: RetryStrategy = DefaultRetryStrategy, parentSpan: Option[RequestSpan] = None): Try[Void]

    Create an analytics link.

    Create an analytics link. See the AnalyticsLink documentation for the types of links that can be created.

    If a link with the same name already exists, a LinkExistsException will be raised.

  5. def dropDataset(datasetName: String, dataverseName: Option[String] = None, ignoreIfNotExists: Boolean = false, timeout: Duration = DefaultTimeout, retryStrategy: RetryStrategy = DefaultRetryStrategy): Try[Unit]
  6. def dropDataverse(dataverseName: String, ignoreIfNotExists: Boolean = false, timeout: Duration = DefaultTimeout, retryStrategy: RetryStrategy = DefaultRetryStrategy): Try[Unit]
  7. def dropIndex(indexName: String, datasetName: String, dataverseName: Option[String] = None, ignoreIfNotExists: Boolean = false, timeout: Duration = DefaultTimeout, retryStrategy: RetryStrategy = DefaultRetryStrategy): Try[Unit]
  8. def dropLink(linkName: String, dataverse: String, timeout: Duration = DefaultTimeout, retryStrategy: RetryStrategy = DefaultRetryStrategy, parentSpan: Option[RequestSpan] = None): Try[Void]

    Drops (deletes) an existing analytics link.

    Drops (deletes) an existing analytics link.

    If no such link exists, a LinkNotFoundException will be raised.

  9. def getAllDatasets(timeout: Duration = DefaultTimeout, retryStrategy: RetryStrategy = DefaultRetryStrategy): Try[Seq[AnalyticsDataset]]
  10. def getAllIndexes(timeout: Duration = DefaultTimeout, retryStrategy: RetryStrategy = DefaultRetryStrategy): Try[Seq[AnalyticsIndex]]
  11. def getLinks(dataverse: Option[String] = None, name: Option[String] = None, linkType: Option[AnalyticsLinkType] = None, timeout: Duration = DefaultTimeout, retryStrategy: RetryStrategy = DefaultRetryStrategy, parentSpan: Option[RequestSpan] = None): Try[Seq[AnalyticsLink]]

    Gets analytics links.

    Gets analytics links.

    If dataverse, name and linkType are all None, then all links are returned. If dataverse is specified then links returned will all be from that dataverse. If dataverse and name specified then a maximum of one link will be returned, matching that name. (It is illegal to specify name but not dataverse - a InvalidArgumentException will be raised in this situation.) If linkType is specified then links returned will all match that link type.

    It is legal to combine linkType and dataverse.

  12. def replaceLink(link: AnalyticsLink, timeout: Duration = DefaultTimeout, retryStrategy: RetryStrategy = DefaultRetryStrategy, parentSpan: Option[RequestSpan] = None): Try[Void]

    Replaces an existing analytics link.

    Replaces an existing analytics link.

    Note that on fetching an existing link e.g. with GetAllLinks, some returned fields will intentionally be blanked out (empty strings) for security reasons. It may be necessarily to reconstruct the original AnalyticsLink with this security information before calling this method.

    If no such link exists, a LinkNotFoundException will be raised.