Collecting Logs

  • reference
    Couchbase-Server logs can be collected, prior to inspection.

    HTTP method and URI

    POST /controller/startLogsCollection
    GET /pools/default/tasks
    POST /controller/cancelLogsCollection


    The Couchbase-Server Logging facility records important events, and saves the details to log files, on disk. On each node within a Couchbase-Server cluster, logging is performed continuously. Logged information can be collected either from all or from selected nodes within the cluster.

    The POST /controller/startLogsCollection method and endpoint start the collection of Couchbase-Server log files. The POST /controller/cancelLogsCollection method and endpoint can be used to cancel collection, once it has been started. The GET /pools/default/tasks method and endpoint, which are fully described in Getting Cluster Tasks, can be used to return status on ongoing tasks, including the collection of log files.

    Both POST /controller/startLogsCollection and POST /controller/cancelLogsCollection require either the Full Admin or the Cluster Admin role.

    Log-File Locations

    By default, on Linux systems, log files are saved to /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs; on MacOS, to /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs; and on Windows, to C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\var\lib\couchbase\logs.

    Curl Syntax

    curl -X POST http://<ip-address-or-domain-name>:8091/controller/startLogsCollection
    -u <username>:<password>
    -d nodes=[ '*' | <node-list> ]
    -d logRedactionLevel=[ 'partial' | 'none' ]
    -d logDir=<pathname>
    -d tmpDir=<pathname>
    -d logRedactionSalt=<string>
    -d uploadHost=<upload-host-name>
    -d uploadProxy=<upload-proxy-name>
    -d customer=<customer-name>
    -d ticket=<ticket-number>
    curl -X POST http://<ip-address-or-domain-name>:8091/controller/cancelLogsCollection
    -u <username>:<password>

    For the curl syntax for GET /pools/default/tasks, see Getting Cluster Tasks.

    Parameters for POST /controller/startLogsCollection are as follows:

    • nodes. Either a (quoted) wildcard character, '*', indicating that logs are to be collected for all nodes in the cluster; or a list of nodes for which logs are to be collected. If a list is specified, each element in the list must be comma-separated from the element that follows it; and each element must take the following form:


      After log-collection has started, if POST /controller/cancelLogsCollection is executed, log-collection is stopped on all nodes that were specified by means of the nodes flag.

    • logRedactionLevel. The redaction-level for the logs. This must be either none (the default) or partial. If partial is specified, data such as usernames, keys, and values are redacted from the logs.

    • logDir. The pathname of the directory on each node into which logs are written. Each node must have this pathname. If a node does not have the pathname, or if the directory has insufficient space, or if the directory is not accessible by user couchbase, log-collection fails for that node.

    • tmpDir. The pathname of the directory on each node into which temporary files are written, during log-collection. If a node does not have the pathname, the operating system’s temporary directory is used instead. If the administrator-specified directory has insufficient space, or if the directory is not accessible by user couchbase, log-collection fails for that node.

    • logRedactionSalt. Used optionally, to specify a string to be used as the salt, when partial redaction is specified; so as to increase redaction-security. If no salt is specified, a salt is automatically generated and applied by Couchbase Server.

    • upload-host. Used optionally, to specify, as a URL, the name of the host to which the zip file containing the collected logs is to be uploaded.

    • upload-proxy. Specifies a proxy that can be used for upload; in cases where the cluster has been deployed in a secure environment, and so does not have a direct, outbound connection to the internet.

    • customer. Used optionally, to specify a customer-name that is the name of the customer uploading logs.

    • ticket. Used optionally, to specify a ticket-number that corresponds to a ticket created by Couchbase Support to track the issue in connection with which logs are being uploaded.


    On success, both POST /controller/startLogsCollection and POST /controller/cancelLogsCollection return 200 OK; and an empty array.

    Status on an ongoing log-collection, including reports of failure, can be accessed by means of GET /pools/default/tasks. For example, starting log-collection with an inaccessible output directory returns 200 OK: however, subsequent use of GET /pools/default/tasks returns output containing the following:

    "perNode": {
          "ns_1@": {
            "status": "failed",
            "collectionStatusCode": "1",
            "collectionOutput": "do not have write access to the directory /home/vagrant/output2\n"

    Failure to authenticate returns 401 Unauthorized. Specifying an incorrect URL returns 404 Object Not Found. An attempt to start log-collection while log-collection is already underway returns 400 Bad Request and an error message such as {"_":"Logs collection task is already started"}.

    An attempt to start log-collection while specifying an unknown node returns 400 Bad Request and an error message such as {"nodes":"Unknown nodes: [\"ns_1@\"]"}.


    The following example starts log-collection for three, explicitly specified cluster-nodes. It also specifies that partial redaction be used, and provides a salt. Additionally, it specifies an upload-host, a customer-name, and a ticket-number.

    curl -X POST \
    -u Administrator:password \
    -d nodes=ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@ \
    -d logRedactionLevel=partial \
    -d logDir=/home/vagrant/output \
    -d tmpDir=/home/vagrant/tmp \
    -d logRedactionSalt=hello \
    -d \
    -d customer=joe \
    -d ticket=1234

    Success returns an empty array. Progress can be checked as follows. Note that this example uses jq, to facilitate output-readability:

    curl -X GET -u Administrator:password  | jq

    If successful, the call returns output such as the following:

        "statusId": "953f92ce4618c864dec1f048ae1c0bb2",
        "type": "rebalance",
        "subtype": "rebalance",
        "status": "notRunning",
        "statusIsStale": false,
        "masterRequestTimedOut": false,
        "lastReportURI": "/logs/rebalanceReport?reportID=92aae5912d284b37cd2ace9a25df846e"
        "node": "ns_1@",
        "type": "clusterLogsCollection",
        "perNode": {
          "ns_1@": {
            "status": "started",
            "path": "/home/vagrant/output/"
          "ns_1@": {
            "status": "started",
            "path": "/home/vagrant/output/"
          "ns_1@": {
            "status": "started",
            "path": "/home/vagrant/output/"
        "progress": 0,
        "ts": "2023-06-06 14:07:35",
        "status": "running",
        "recommendedRefreshPeriod": 2,
        "cancelURI": "/controller/cancelLogsCollection"

    In the above output, a clusterLogsCollection task executed on node ns_1@ is shown to have three perNode activities. The status for each is displayed as started, and the path of the output file is shown. The cancelURI for the task is also provided.

    The following call is used to cancel the ongoing log-collection:

    curl -X POST -u Administrator:password

    Success returns an empty array. Results can be checked by a further use of GET /pools/default/tasks. Output is as follows:

        "statusId": "953f92ce4618c864dec1f048ae1c0bb2",
        "type": "rebalance",
        "subtype": "rebalance",
        "status": "notRunning",
        "statusIsStale": false,
        "masterRequestTimedOut": false,
        "lastReportURI": "/logs/rebalanceReport?reportID=92aae5912d284b37cd2ace9a25df846e"
        "node": "ns_1@",
        "type": "clusterLogsCollection",
        "perNode": {
          "ns_1@": {
            "status": "failed"
          "ns_1@": {
            "status": "failed"
          "ns_1@": {
            "status": "failed"
        "progress": 100,
        "ts": "2023-06-06 14:07:35",
        "status": "cancelled"

    The above output shows that the status of each activity is failed; and that of the overall task is cancelled.

    See Also

    Logging, redaction, and file upload are described at Manage Logging. This also provides a list of log-files, and a description of how to use logging with Couchbase Web Console It also provides an introduction to managing logging with the CLI.

    Complete information on using the CLI to start, stop, and get status on log-collection is provided at collect-logs-start, collect-logs-stop, and collect-logs-status