XDCR Data-Type Conversion

      XDCR filtering expressions are supported by data-type conversion and collation.

      Understanding Data-Type Conversion

      XDCR filtering expressions allow case-sensitive matches, comparisons, logical and other operations to be performed on values within documents. When values referenced by a filtering expression have different data types, either conversion or collation is performed:

      • Conversion means that one or both of the values is converted from its own data type to a different one, so that the operation can be performed.

      • Collation means that conversion is not possible; and that therefore, the operation will be resolved by value-comparison according to a set of rules.

      All conversion performed by XDCR is implicit, meaning that it is performed automatically within the system. No explicit conversion (that is, data-type conversion selected and imposed by the administrator) is supported.

      Supported Data Types

      The data types supported by XDCR Filtering are listed below, in descending order of precedence — the lowest precedence-value (and earliest position) therefore indicating the highest precedence.


      Data Type





















      When an expression entails values of the same data type, no conversion is required. When the data types differ, and conversion or collation is therefore required, data types take precedence in accordance with their closeness to the top of the list. For example, if an operation refers to two values, one of which is Invalid and the other of which is Boolean, the Invalid value determines the result. As another example, if an operation refers to two values, one of which is Boolean and the other Numeric, the Numeric value is if possible converted to Boolean, and the operation performed.

      The data types listed above, and their order of precedence, can be compared with those used by SQL++ — which are similar, but not identical.

      See XDCR Filtering Expressions, for information on how comparisons can be performed, using the data types listed above.

      Numeric Data-Type Internal Conversions

      A value of the Numeric data type (listed above, in Supported Data Types) always further corresponds to one of three internal numeric data types; which are unsigned integer, integer, and float. When two Numeric data-type values are referenced in a filtering expression, comparisons (e.g. equality, inequality) and operations (e.g. addition, subtraction) are performed as indicated in the following table.

      Type 1 Type 2 Comparison Operation



      The comparison is performed.

      The operation is performed. If the operation results in a negative value, both values are converted to Int, and the operation is repeated; unless one or both conversions to Int would result in overflow, in which case InvalidValue is returned.



      If Int is negative, Uint is converted to Int, and the comparison is performed; unless the conversion to Int would result in overflow, in which case InvalidValue is returned.

      If Int is positive, Int is converted to Uint, and the comparison is performed.

      The operation is performed. If the result is an Int, the Int is returned. If the result is a valid Uint, the Uint is returned. If the result would be non-valid as a Uint (due to the result’s being negative), the result is converted to Int, and is returned as such; unless the conversion to Int would result in overflow, in which case, InvalidValue is returned.



      Uint is converted to Float, and the comparison is performed.

      Uint is converted to Float, and the operation is performed.



      Int is converted to Float, and the comparison is performed.

      Int is converted to Float, and the operation is performed.



      The comparison is performed.

      The operation is performed.



      The comparison is performed.

      The operation is performed.

      Implicit Conversion versus Collation Comparison

      Implicit conversion occurs when Couchbase Server converts a value from its existing data type to another, so that a comparison or operation can be performed on values of the same data type. Implicit conversion is only sometimes possible: therefore, when an existing data type cannot be implicitly converted into another, collation comparison is used instead.

      Collation comparison works as follows:

      • Equality and inequality. Checking for equality between different data types returns false. Therefore, if var1 and var2 represent different data types, the expression var1 == var2 returns false.

        Checking for inequality between different data types returns true. Therefore, if var1 and var2 represent different data types, the expression var1 != var2 returns true.

      • Regular expression matches. Checking for a regular-expression match between different data types returns false. Therefore, if var1 and var2 represent different data types, the expression REGEXP_CONTAINS(var1, var2) returns false.

        Checking for a regular-expression non-match between different data types returns true. Therefore, if var1 and var2 represent different data types, the expression NOT REGEXP_CONTAINS(var1, var2) returns true.

      • Magnitude comparison between different data types is resolved in accordance with the respective positions of the data types in the list of Supported Data Types). This list presents the supported data types in order of precedence: note that precedence and magnitude are inversely proportional; and that therefore, the data type at the bottom of the list (Binary) has the least precedence and greatest magnitude; while the data type at the top (Invalid) has the greatest precedence and least magnitude.

        Consequently, if the data type of var1 is below that of var2 in the list, the expression var1 > var2 returns true; and the expression var1 < var2 returns false.

      Supported and Unsupported Type Conversions

      The following diagram lists supported and unsupported type conversions. Conversion-support is indicated by the following:

      • checkmark green sm Conversion can be performed.

      • checkmark orange sm Conversion can be performed under certain conditions.

      • dash black inline Conversion is not required.

      • cross mark red sm wide Conversion cannot be performed.

      Each cell in the diagram bears one or more integers: these correspond to explanatory annotations that are listed further below.


      These conversion-support options are described in the following table, each row of which starts with an integer that corresponds to an annotation in the diagram above. Notes on comparison-procedures are also provided.

      # From To Validity Comparison




      dash black inline No conversion need be performed.

      Standard comparison for the type.




      checkmark green sm checkmark orange sm cross mark red sm wide Valid, possibly valid, or invalid. See Numeric Data-Type Internal Conversions, above.

      See Numeric Data-Type Internal Conversions, above, for details on comparison.




      checkmark green sm Valid for Int, Uint, and Float. In each case, Numeric is converted to String.

      Standard string-comparison is performed.




      checkmark orange sm Valid if String can be converted to Int; otherwise valid if String can be converted to Float; otherwise invalid.

      Standard numeric-comparison is performed, if possible. Otherwise, collation comparison is performed.




      cross mark red sm wide Invalid. No conversion can occur, except to Null.

      Collation comparison is performed, except for Regex and Null.




      cross mark red sm wide Invalid. No conversion can occur, except to Null.

      Collation comparison is performed, except for Pcre and Null.




      cross mark red sm wide Invalid. No conversion can occur.

      Standard comparison for the type.




      checkmark green sm Valid. The Boolean values true and false are converted to the Int values 1 and 0 respectively.

      Standard numeric-comparison is performed.




      checkmark green sm Valid. The Boolean values true and false are converted to the Uint values 1 and 0 respectively.

      Standard numeric-comparison is performed.




      checkmark green sm Valid. The Boolean values true and false are converted to the Float values 1.0 and 0.0 respectively.

      Standard numeric-comparison is performed.




      checkmark green sm Valid. A Boolean can be converted to a String whose value is either "true" or "false"

      The string-comparison "true" > "false" returns true.




      cross mark red sm wide Invalid.

      Collation comparison is performed for all except Array and Null.




      cross mark red sm wide Invalid.

      Collation comparison is performed for all except Object and Null.




      cross mark red sm wide Invalid.

      Collation comparison is performed for all except Time and Null.




      cross mark red sm wide Invalid.

      Collation comparison is performed for all except Regex.




      cross mark red sm wide Invalid.

      Collation comparison is performed for all except Pcre.




      checkmark green sm Valid. <Any> is converted a non-Null value, for comparison with Null.

      The comparison non-Null > Null returns true.




      checkmark green sm Valid for all Int values. The Int value 0 is converted to the Boolean value false; all other Int values are converted to the Boolean value true.

      The boolean-comparison true > false returns true.




      checkmark green sm Valid for all Uint values. The Uint value 0 is converted to the Boolean value false; all other Uint values are converted to the Boolean value true.

      The boolean-comparison true > false returns true.




      checkmark green sm Valid for all Float values. The Float value 0.0 is converted to the Boolean value false; all other Float values are converted to the Boolean value true.

      The boolean-comparison true > false returns true.




      checkmark orange sm Valid if String is case-insensitive "true" or "false"; in which case String is converted to its Boolean equivalent.

      The boolean-comparison true > false returns true.




      cross mark red sm wide Invalid.

      Collation comparison is performed.




      cross mark red sm wide Invalid.

      Collation comparison is performed.




      cross mark red sm wide Invalid.

      Collation comparison is performed.




      checkmark orange sm Valid if String can be parsed as a parameter to the DATE function.

      Standard comparison is performed if valid; otherwise, collation comparison is performed.




      dash black inline No conversion need be performed.

      See the Note for Row 25, below.




      dash black inline No conversion need be performed.

      See the Note for Row 26, below.

      Note for Row 25

      Comparison is performed along the following lines: the specified expression is first applied to the arrays themselves, based on the respective array-lengths. For example, if the expression is arg_1 > arg_2, this gets applied as Array_1 > Array_2; and if the length of Array_1 is indeed greater than the length of Array_2, the condition is considered to have been met; whereby true is returned, and the comparison-process ends.

      In cases where the condition specified by the expression is one of inequality (i.e., >, <, !=), the array-lengths are not equal, and the specified condition is not met (for example, where the expression is arg_1 > arg_2, and the length of Array_1 is less than that of Array_2), false is returned, and the comparison-process ends.

      In cases where the condition specified by the expression is one of inequality, and the condition is not met due to the array-lengths being equal, the comparison-process continues as follows: in sequence, pairs of correspondingly positioned objects from the arrays are compared, until the specified requirement is met, or is finally determined not to have been met. For example, if the expression is arg_1 > arg_2, this gets applied as Array_1[0] > Array_2[0], Array_1[1] > Array_2[1], and so forth.

      Note for Row 26

      Comparison is performed along the following lines: the specified expression is first applied to the objects in terms of their respective lengths. For example, if the expression is arg_1 > arg_2, this gets applied as Object_1 > Object_2; and if the length of Object_1 is indeed greater than the length of Object_2, the requirement is considered to have been met; whereby true is returned, and the comparison-process ends.

      In cases where the condition specified by the expression is one of inequality (i.e., >, <, !=), the object-lengths are not equal, and the specified condition is not met (for example, where the expression is arg_1 > arg_2, and the length of Object_1 is less than that of Object_2), false is returned, and the comparison-process ends.

      In cases where the condition specified by the expression is one of inequality, and the condition is not met due to the object-lengths being equal, the comparison-process continues as follows: in sequence, pairs of correspondingly positioned data-bytes from the objects are compared, until the specified requirement is met, or is finally determined not to have been met. For example, if the expression is arg_1 > arg_2, this gets applied as Object_1[0] > Object_2[0], Object_1[1] > Object_2[1], and so forth.

      Implicit Conversion Modes

      Each filter expression requires implicit conversion to be applied to one of the following combinations:

      • A Constant and a Variable. The filter expression contains a user-specified constant and a variable, which are to be compared. Couchbase Server determines the data type of the constant, and attempts to apply this data type to the value of the variable.

      • Two Variables. The filter expression specifies two variables, which are to be compared. Couchbase Server determines the data type of the variables from the corresponding values in the JSON document to which filtering is currently being applied.

      These modes are described in the subsections below.

      Implicit Conversion of Constant and Variable.

      When a constant and a variable are to be compared, Couchbase Server determines the data type of the constant, and attempts to apply this also to the value of the variable.

      Data-Type Conversion of User-Specified Constants

      When the user explicitly enters a constant into a filter expression, the data type for the constant is evaluated by Couchbase Server, as part of its process for tokenizing the expression (that is, parsing the expression into identifiable lexical components).

      The correspondences between token formats and duly assigned data types is described in the following table.

      Token Format Assigned Data Type Example

      Any character-sequence enclosed either by double quotes ("") or by single quotes ('').


      variable == "a string"

      Variable == 'another string'

      Any numeric values without precision delimiter or mantissa.


      variable > 1234

      variable < -2345

      Any number representing a valid golang float, optionally with precision delimiter and/or mantissa.


      variable >= 1.2343e+25

      Any of the following, specified without enclosing punctuation (such as commas or inverted commas): true, TRUE, false, FALSE.


      variable == true

      variable != FALSE

      Either of the keyword-phrases IS NULL and IS NOT NULL.


      variable IS NULL

      variable IS NOT NULL

      Valid hard-coded strings wrapped by the DATE() function.


      variable < DATE("2018-10-17T00:01:02Z")

      Mathematical Data Types

      Mathematical expressions may be entered as constants.


      When an expression includes a division operation, the result of which is intended to be a decimal number, the operands themselves must be specified as (or, if they are variables, allowed to be implicitly cast to) decimals.

      For example, if A == 4 returns true, then 1 / A == 0.25 returns false; because the expression 1 / A casts A implicitly to Int, and duly returns an Int. Thus, Int(1 / 4) == 0 returns true.

      On the other hand, 1.0 / A == 0.25 returns true; because the expression 1.0 / A casts A implicitly to Float, and duly returns a Float. Thus, 1.0 / 4.0 == 0.25 returns true.

      Not-a-Number Values

      NaN (Not-a-Number) float-values are considered less than any other real number.

      Two NaNs do not yield equality. Note, however, that the operators <= and => return true: this differs from the golang standard (according to which these operators return false).

      Data-Type Conversion of Variable-Values, for Comparison with Constants

      When an expression includes both a constant and a variable, Implicit Conversion to Constant Data-Type is performed on the constant. Then, the data-type derived from evaluation of the constant is assigned, attemptedly, to the value represented by the variable.

      For example, given the expression variable > 4.5, the constant 4.5 is determined to be a Float. The value of variable is then examined; and if determined not itself to be a Float, is attemptedly converted to Float.

      If conversion of the variable’s value into the data type specified by the user is not possible, collation comparison is performed. For example, given the expression variable != true, if the value of variable is not Boolean, collation comparison is performed, and true is returned, due to the data types' being different.

      If the data-type of the user-specified constant is Numeric, and the value of the variable is also Numeric, the appropriate numeric data-type internal conversion is performed (see above).

      If the value is NaN, the value is converted to the Invalid data-type, and collation comparison is performed. For example, given the expression ASIN(variable) > 0, if the value of variable is 93, then ASIN(93) results in a NaN value, which is then duly converted to Invalid. Collation comparison is then performed, and returns that the NaN is smaller than the Int.

      Alternatively, given the expression ASIN(variable) != 0, collation comparison returns true, due to the comparison’s being made between different data types (Invalid and Int).

      An explanation of comparisons with NaN values is provided in Not-a-Number Values, above.

      Implicit Conversion between Variables

      When an expression consists entirely of variables (for example, variable != otherVariable), Couchbase Server retrieves the corresponding values from the JSON document to which filtering is currently being applied, and performs conversions on the values.

      The result of conversion may vary for each variable, document by document, based on changes encountered in JSON definitions.

      Couchbase Server performs conversion differently, according to whether both values are determined to be Numeric.

      Numeric Comparison

      If the values of both variables are determined to be Numeric, the appropriate numerical comparison from those described in Data Type Conversion of User-Specified Constants is made.

      Non-Numeric Comparison

      If the values for the variables are not both numeric, both require non-numeric conversion. Conversion is performed based on the following sequence:

      1. Whether the perceived types support comparison. See the diagram in Supported and Unsupported Type Conversions for information.

      2. Whether, if the perceived types do support comparison, a successful attempt can be made to convert the less restrictive data type to the more restricted. See the table in Supported Data Types, for information.

      3. Whether, if the less restrictive data type cannot be converted to the more restricted, the more restricted can be converted to the less.

      If conversion cannot be achieved by the above sequence, collation comparison is performed.

      For example, given the expression variable1 > variable2, where variable1 is the Boolean value true, and variable2 is the String value "test":

      1. The perceived types are checked as to whether they support direct comparison. They do not.

      2. The String value test is attemptedly cast to a Boolean: which fails.

      3. The Boolean value true is attemptedly cast to a String: which succeeds — the new String value being "true".

      A comparison between the strings is now performed, with the result being true.

      Alternatively, given the same expression, where variable1 is now the String value "test", and variable2 is a JSON array; conversion cannot be achieved by the sequence. Therefore, collation comparison is performed; the result of which is false, because Array is of lower precedence (and therefore, higher magnitude) than String — see Supported Data Types for the precedence-list of data types.