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Token Functions

  • reference

    Tokenization is the process of breaking a stream of text up into words, phrases, symbols, or other meaningful elements called tokens. The list of tokens becomes input for further processing such as parsing or text mining. Token functions are not limited to string input since they work with generic JSON objects and documents.

    If any arguments to any of the following functions are MISSING then the result is also MISSING (i.e. no result is returned). Similarly, if any of the arguments passed to the functions are NULL or are of the wrong type (e.g. an integer instead of a string), then NULL is returned as the result.

    CONTAINS_TOKEN(input_obj, token_expr [, options ])


    Checks whether or not the specified search token token_expr is a sub-string of the input object input_obj.



    Any JSON object, or any valid expression which evaluates to a string, to search within.


    A token string, or any valid expression which evaluates to a string, that is being searched for.


    An optional JSON object to control tokenization. Within options:


    A boolean to include object names (default: true)


    Either "lower" or "upper" for case folding (default: no change to the original text)


    A boolean to include strings with special characters, such as email addresses and URLs (default: false)


    A boolean to split string values into words (default: true)


    A boolean to trim spaces around unsplit string values (default: true)

    Return Value

    A boolean, representing whether the search expression exists within the input object.

    This returns true if the sub-string exists within the input string, otherwise false is returned.


    To try the examples in this section, set the query context to the inventory scope in the travel sample dataset. For more information, see Query Context.

    Finding hotels with the word "Inn" within their name
    SELECT name
    FROM hotel
    WHERE CONTAINS_TOKEN(name, "Inn",{"specials":true})
    LIMIT 4;
            "name": "Sportsman Inn"
            "name": "Keefer's Inn"
            "name": "Quality Inn King City Hotel"
            "name": "Premier Inn, Albert Dock"

    CONTAINS_TOKEN_LIKE(input_obj, token_expr [, options ])


    Checks whether or not the specified search token token_expr is a sub-string of the input object input_obj.



    Any JSON object, or any valid expression which evaluates to a string, to search within.


    A token string, or any valid expression which evaluates to a string, that is being searched for.


    An optional JSON object to control tokenization. Within options:


    A boolean to include object names (default: true)


    Either "lower" or "upper" for case folding (default: no change to the original text)


    A boolean to include strings with special characters, such as email addresses and URLs (default: false)


    A boolean to split string values into words (default: true)


    A boolean to trim spaces around unsplit string values (default: true)

    Return Value

    A boolean, representing whether the search expression exists within the input object.

    This returns true if the sub-string exists within the input string, otherwise false is returned.


    To try the examples in this section, set the query context to the inventory scope in the travel sample dataset. For more information, see Query Context.

    Finding email addresses of UK hotels
    SELECT email
    FROM hotel
    WHERE CONTAINS_TOKEN_LIKE(email, "%uk",{"specials":true})
    LIMIT 4;
            "email": "glencoe@syha.org.uk"
            "email": "owner@hillhousellanrhidian.co.uk"
            "email": "julia@number38thegower.co.uk"
            "email": "stay@holiday-harlech.co.uk"

    CONTAINS_TOKEN_REGEXP(input_obj, token_expr [, options ])


    Checks whether or not the specified search token token_expr is a sub-string of the input object input_obj.



    Any JSON object, or any valid expression which evaluates to a string, to search within.


    A token string, or any valid expression which evaluates to a string, that is being searched for.


    An optional JSON object to control tokenization. Within options:


    A boolean to include object names (default: true)


    Either "lower" or "upper" for case folding (default: no change to the original text)


    A boolean to include strings with special characters, such as email addresses and URLs (default: false)


    A boolean to split string values into words (default: true)


    A boolean to trim spaces around unsplit string values (default: true)

    Return Value

    A boolean, representing whether the search expression exists within the input object.

    This returns true if the sub-string exists within the input string, otherwise false is returned.


    To try the examples in this section, set the query context to the inventory scope in the travel sample dataset. For more information, see Query Context.

    Finding hotels with the word "Inn" within their name
    SELECT name
    FROM hotel
    WHERE CONTAINS_TOKEN_REGEXP(name, "In+.*",{"specials":true})
    LIMIT 4;
            "name": "Sportsman Inn"
            "name": "Inveraray Youth Hostel"
            "name": "Inverness Youth Hostel"
            "name": "Indian Cove Campground"

    HAS_TOKEN(input_obj, token_expr [, options ])

    Alias for CONTAINS_TOKEN().

    TOKENS(in_str, opt)


    This function tokenizes (i.e. breaks up into meaningful segments) the given input string based on specified delimiters, and other options. It recursively enumerates all tokens in a JSON value and returns an array of values (JSON atomic values) as the result.



    A valid JSON object, this can be anything: constant literal, simple JSON value, JSON key name or the whole document itself.

    The following table lists the rules for each JSON type:

    JSON Type Return Value














    FLATTEN(TOKENS(element) for each element in array

    (Concatenation of element tokens)


    For each name-value pair, name+TOKENS(value)


    A JSON object indicating the options passed to the TOKENS() function. Options can take the following options, and each invocation of TOKENS() can choose one or more of the options:

    {"name": true}

    Optional. Valid values are true or false. By default, this is set to true and TOKENS() will include field names. You can choose to not include field names by setting this option to false.


    Optional. Valid values are lower or upper. Default is neither, as in it returns the case of the original data. Use this option to specify the case sensitivity.

    {"specials": true}

    Optional. Use this option to preserve strings with specials characters, such as email addresses, URLs, and hyphenated phone numbers. The default value is false.

    The specials options preserves special characters except at the end of a word.

    Return Value

    An array of strings containing all of the tokens obtained from the input string.


    By default, for speed, the results are randomly ordered. To make the difference more clear between the first two example queries, the ARRAY_SORT() function is used.
    List the tokens of an array where specials is FALSE
      TOKENS( ['jim@example.com, kim@example.com, http://example.com/, 408-555-1212'],
              {'specials': false} ));
        "$1": [
    List the tokens of an array where specials is TRUE
      TOKENS( ['jim@example.com, kim@example.com, http://example.com/, 408-555-1212'],
              {'specials': true} ));
        "$1": [
    Convert all of the URL data into UPPER case and adds the full URL to the delimited words

    For this example, set the query context to the inventory scope in the travel sample dataset. For more information, see Query Context.

    SELECT ARRAY_SORT( TOKENS(url) ) AS defaulttoken,
           ARRAY_SORT( TOKENS(url, {"specials":true, "case":"UPPER"}) ) AS specialtoken
    FROM hotel
    LIMIT 1;
        "defaulttoken": [
        "specialtoken": [

    You can also use {"case":"lower"} or {"case":"upper"} to have case sensitive search. Index creation and querying can use this and other parameters in combination. These parameters should be passed within the query predicates as well. The parameters and values must match exactly for N1QL to pick up and use the index correctly.

    Create an index with case and use it your application

    For this example, set the query context to the inventory scope in the travel sample dataset. For more information, see Query Context.

    CREATE INDEX idx_url_upper_special ON hotel(
            TOKENS(url, {"specials":true, "case":"UPPER"})
        END );
    SELECT name, address, url
    FROM hotel
    WHERE ANY v IN TOKENS(url, {"specials":true, "case":"UPPER"})
        "results": [
                "address": "Capstone Road, ME7 3JE",
                "name": "Medway Youth Hostel",
                "url": "http://www.yha.org.uk"