On-premise deployment

    • Developer Preview

      A working example is provided based on a docker compose stack to run up a single node Couchbase cluster with the microlith all correctly configured.

      The basic steps are:

      1. Install a container runtime for your platform, for example on Ubuntu details are here: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/

      2. Run the microlith container up: docker run --name=couchbase-grafana --rm -d -P couchbase-observability

      3. Configure the cluster to talk to it by providing credentials to Prometheus and cluster monitor tools.

      Prometheus end points and credentials can be added to the config file mounted into the container above. This is periodically rescanned and new end points added.

            "targets": [
            "labels": {
              "job": "db1",
              "container": "exporter"

      The cluster monitor currently requires configuration via a bespoke REST API: curl -u "${CLUSTER_MONITOR_USER}:${CLUSTER_MONITOR_PWD}" -X POST -d '{ "user": "'"${COUCHBASE_USER}"'", "password": "'"${COUCHBASE_PWD}"'", "host": "'"${COUCHBASE_ENDPOINT}"'" }' "${CLUSTER_MONITOR_ENDPOINT}/api/v1/clusters"

      • COUCHBASE_ENDPOINT should be set to a node that you want to monitor in a Couchbase cluster.

      • COUCHBASE_USER & COUCHBASE_PWD are the credentials for accesing that cluster.

      • CLUSTER_MONITOR_ENDPOINT is the mapping to port 7196 of the container we started, e.g. http://localhost:7196. In the container run line above we map to dynamic ports so grab them using docker container port couchbase-grafana 7196 and use that value in the URL or alternatively use the Nginx reverse-proxy URL http://localhost:8080/couchbase.

      • CLUSTER_MONITOR_USER & CLUSTER_MONITOR_PWD are the credentials for the cluster monitor tool, defaults to a admin:password but can be set differently using these variables when launching the container.

      As an example to configure a new cluster node to be monitored:

      CLUSTER_MONITOR_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:$(docker container port couchbase-grafana 7196)
      curl -u "${CLUSTER_MONITOR_USER}:${CLUSTER_MONITOR_PWD}" -X POST -d '{ "user": "'"${COUCHBASE_USER}"'", "password": "'"${COUCHBASE_PWD}"'", "host": "'"${COUCHBASE_ENDPOINT}"'" }' "${CLUSTER_MONITOR_ENDPOINT}/api/v1/clusters"

      We can also run with a directory containing shell scripts that do the above: -v $PWD/microlith/dynamic/healthcheck/:/etc/healthcheck/ This will be re-scanned periodically and any scripts in it run.