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QueryRow Class

A result row for a Couchbase Lite ViewQuery.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Couchbase.Lite
Assembly:  Couchbase.Lite (in Couchbase.Lite.dll) Version: 1.4.1-b107
public sealed class QueryRow

The QueryRow type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDatabase
Gets the Database that owns the QueryRow's View.
Public propertyDocument
Gets the associated Document.
Public propertyDocumentId
Gets the Id of the associated Document.
Public propertyDocumentProperties
Gets the properties of the associated Document.
Public propertyDocumentRevisionId
Gets the Id of the associated Revision.
Public propertyKey
Gets the QueryRow's key.
Public propertySequenceNumber
Gets the sequence number of the associated Revision.
Public propertySourceDocumentId
Gets the Id of the Document that caused the QueryRow to be emitted into the View. This will be the same as the documentId property, unless the map function caused a related Document to be linked by adding an '_id' key to the emmitted value. In this case, documentId will refer to the linked Document, while sourceDocumentId always refers to the original Document. In a reduced or grouped Query, sourceDocumentId will be null because the rows don't correspond to individual Document.
Public propertyValue
Gets the QueryRow's value.
Public methodAsJSONDictionary
Returns the query row formatted as a JSON object
Public methodEquals
This is used implicitly by -[LiveQuery update] to decide whether the query result has changed enough to notify the client.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodGetConflictingRevisions
Gets the conflicting Revisions of the associated Document.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a QueryRow object.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current QueryRow.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public methodValueAsT
Returns the value of the QueryRow and interprets it as the given type
See Also