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AttachmentMetadataDictionaryKeys Structure

Contains the keys associated with attachment metadata (i.e. entries in _attachments)

Namespace:  Couchbase.Lite
Assembly:  Couchbase.Lite (in Couchbase.Lite.dll) Version: 1.4.1-b107
public struct AttachmentMetadataDictionaryKeys

The AttachmentMetadataDictionaryKeys type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberContentType
The key for the type of attachment
Public fieldStatic memberDigest
The key for the digest of the attachment
Public fieldStatic memberEncodedLength
The key for the length of the attachment when encoded
Public fieldStatic memberEncoding
The key for the encoding of the attachment
Public fieldStatic memberFollows
The key for indicating whether the attachment body is coming later in the request
Public fieldStatic memberLength
The key for the length of the attachment when decoded
Public fieldStatic memberStub
The key for indicating whether or not the attachment is a stub (i.e. doesn't have inlined data)
See Also