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IJsonSerializer Interface

An interface describing a class that can serialize .NET objects to and from their JSON representation

Namespace:  Couchbase.Lite
Assembly:  Couchbase.Lite (in Couchbase.Lite.dll) Version: 1.4.1-b107
public interface IJsonSerializer : IDisposable

The IJsonSerializer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCurrentToken
Gets the current token when parsing in streaming mode
Public propertySettings
Gets or sets the settings to apply to the serializer
Public methodConvertToDictionaryK, V
Converts the object from its intermediary JSON dictionary class to a .NET dictionary, if applicable.
Public methodConvertToListT
Converts the object from its intermediary JSON array class to a .NET list, if applicable.
Public methodDeepClone
Makes a deep copy of the serializer in order to start an incremental parse that is disposable.
Public methodDeserializeT
Reads a stream and converts the contained data to a typed object
Public methodDeserializeNextObjectT
A convenience function for deserializing the next object in a stream into a .NET object
Public methodDeserializeObjectT
Converts a JSON string to a typed object
Public methodRead
Reads the next token from a JSON stream. Note that an incremental parse must be started first.
Public methodSerializeObject
Convert an object to a JSON string
Public methodStartIncrementalParse
Starts parsing a stream of JSON incrementally, rather than serializing the entire object into memory
Public methodStopIncrementalParse
Stops parsing a stream of JSON incrementally (after calling StartIncrementalParse(Stream))
See Also