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ReplicationOptions Properties

The ReplicationOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllNew
If true, assume all document revisions are new and skip asking the server if they exist during replication
Public propertyHeartbeat
Gets or sets the heartbeat value to specify when making long running requests (if honored by the server, a heartbeat message should be received every X amount of time and thus prevent closing the connection for being idle). Must be >= 15 seconds.
Public propertyMaxOpenHttpConnections
Gets or sets the maximum number of parallel HTTP requests to make during replication
Public propertyMaxRevsToGetInBulk
Gets or sets the maximum number of revisions to request in one bulk GET operation. Higher values will result in longer running requests with more data, while lower values will result in a higher number of requests that finish more quickly.
Public propertyPollInterval
Gets or sets the time to wait between subsequent requests for changes (to throttle the amount of requests going to the server). This is only applicable to continuous replications.
Public propertyPurgePushed
If true, purge documents after pushing
Public propertyRemoteUUID
Gets or sets a value to identify the remote endpoint of a replication. This is useful in cases where the remote URL is subject to frequent change (for example in a P2P discovery scenario) because it will replace the URL as part of the checkpoint calculation. Otherwise, if the remote URL changes the replication is considered new and starts from the beginning of time
Public propertyReplicationRetryDelay
Non-continuous replications will give up on revisions after a while, and restart the replication process to try to get them later. This property will set how long they should wait before doing so.
Public propertyRequestTimeout
Gets or sets the request timeout for requests during the replication process (i.e. if the server takes longer than X to respond to a request, it is considered timed out)
Public propertyReset
Gets or sets whether or not the replication should forcibly start over (getting changes from the beginning of time)
Public propertyRetryStrategy
Gets or set the strategy to use when retrying requests that fail with a transient error (default is exponential backoff)
Public propertySocketTimeout
Gets or sets the socket timeout for requests during the replication process (i.e. if the client cannot read data from the server response for longer than X it is considered timed out). This property is not supported on Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
Public propertyUseWebSocket
Gets or sets whether or not web sockets are allowed during the replication process (default is *true*, set to false to disable web sockets)
See Also