| Member name | Value | Description |
| AssertionFailed | 1 |
Internal assertion failure
| Unimplemented | 2 |
An unimplemented API call
| UnsupportedEncryption | 3 |
Unsupported encryption algorithm
| BadRevisionID | 4 |
An invalid revision ID was attempted to be used to insert a document
(usually because of an invalid revision ID written directly into
Sync Gateway via the REST API)
| CorruptRevisionData | 5 |
Revision contains corrupted/unreadable data
| NotOpen | 6 |
Database/KeyStore is not open
| NotFound | 7 |
Document not found
| Conflict | 8 |
Document update conflict
| InvalidParameter | 9 |
Invalid function parameter or struct value
| UnexpectedError | 10 |
Internal unexpected C++ exception
| CantOpenFile | 11 |
Database file can't be opened; may not exist
| IOError | 12 |
File I/O error
| MemoryError | 13 |
Memory allocation failed (out of memory?)
| NotWriteable | 14 |
File is not writeable
| CorruptData | 15 |
Data is corrupted
| Busy | 16 |
Database is busy / locked
| NotInTransaction | 17 |
Function cannot be called while in a transaction
| TransactionNotClosed | 18 |
Database can't be closed while a transaction is open
| Unsupported | 19 |
Operation not supported on this database
| UnreadableDatabase | 20 |
File is not a database or encryption key is wrong
| WrongFormat | 21 |
Database exists but not in the format/storage requested
| Crypto | 22 |
Encryption / Decryption error
| InvalidQuery | 23 |
Invalid query
| MissingIndex | 24 |
No such index, or query requires a nonexistent index
| InvalidQueryParam | 25 |
Unknown query param name, or param number out of range
| RemoteError | 26 |
Unknown error from remote server
| DatabaseTooOld | 27 |
Database file format is older than what I can open
| DatabaseTooNew | 28 |
Database file format is newer than what I can open
| BadDocID | 29 |
Invalid document ID
| CantUpgradeDatabase | 30 |
Database can't be upgraded (might be unsupported dev version)
| NetworkBase | 5000 |
Not an actual error, but serves as the lower bound for network related
| DNSFailure | 5001 |
DNS Lookup failed
| UnknownHost | 5002 |
DNS server doesn't know the hostname
| Timeout | 5003 |
Socket timeout during an operation
| InvalidUrl | 5004 |
The provided URL is not valid
| TooManyRedirects | 5005 |
Too many HTTP redirects for the HTTP client to handle
| TLSHandshakeFailed | 5006 |
Failure during TLS handshake process
| TLSCertExpired | 5007 |
The provided TLS certificate has expired
| TLSCertUntrusted | 5008 |
Cert isn't trusted for other reason
| TLSClientCertRequired | 5009 |
A required client certificate was not provided
| TLSClientCertRejected | 5010 |
Client certificate was rejected by the server
| TLSCertUnknownRoot | 5011 |
Self-signed cert, or unknow anchor cert
| InvalidRedirect | 5012 |
The client was redirected to an invalid location by the server
| HTTPBase | 10000 |
Not an actual error, but serves as the lower bound for HTTP related
| HTTPAuthRequired | 10401 |
Missing or incorrect user authentication
| HTTPForbidden | 10403 |
User doesn't have permission to access resource
| HTTPNotFound | 10404 |
Resource not found
| HTTPProxyAuthRequired | 10407 |
HTTP proxy requires authentication
| HTTPConflict | 10409 |
Update conflict
| HTTPEntityTooLarge | 10413 |
Data is too large to upload
| HTTPInternalServerError | 10500 |
Something's wrong with the server
| HTTPNotImplemented | 10501 |
Unimplemented server functionality
| HTTPServiceUnavailable | 10503 |
Service is down temporarily
| WebSocketBase | 11000 |
Not an actual error, but serves as the lower bound for WebSocket
related errors
| WebSocketGoingAway | 11001 |
Peer has to close, e.g. because host app is quitting
| WebSocketProtocolError | 11002 |
Protocol violation: invalid framing data
| WebSocketDataError | 11003 |
Message payload cannot be handled
| WebSocketAbnormalClose | 11006 |
TCP socket closed unexpectedly
| WebSocketBadMessageFormat | 11007 |
Unparseable WebSocket message
| WebSocketPolicyError | 11008 |
Message violated unspecified policy
| WebSocketMessageTooBig | 11009 |
Message is too large for peer to handle
| WebSocketMissingExtension | 11010 |
Peer doesn't provide a necessary extension
| WebSocketCantFulfill | 11011 |
Can't fulfill request due to "unexpected condition"
| WebSocketUserTransient | 14001 |
Exceptions during P2P replication that are transient will be assigned this error code
| WebSocketUserPermanent | 14002 |
Exceptions during P2P replication that are permanent will be assigned this error code