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CouchbaseLiteErrorType Enumeration

These are the domains into which a CouchbaseException can fall. Each domain has one or more corresponding exception subclasses. You can trap a CouchbaseException and check its Domain to see which kind of subclass you should cast to, if desirable. Subclasses have a fixed domain.

Namespace:  Couchbase.Lite
Assembly:  Couchbase.Lite (in Couchbase.Lite.dll) Version: 2.1.0-b0232
public enum CouchbaseLiteErrorType
  Member nameValueDescription
CouchbaseLite0 This error was generated by LiteCore and involves data verification, disk and network I/O, and HTTP / WebSocket statuses
POSIX1 A POSIX error code was received during operation. For Windows this is best effort as Win32 API does not set POSIX error codes.
SQLite2 An error occurred during a SQLite operation and is being bubbled up
Fleece3 An error occurred during serialization or deserialization of data
See Also