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Dynamic Admission Controller RBAC Settings


      The admission controller requires read-only access to several resource types in order to function.

      Required Permissions


      Used by the DAC to collect resources associated with a CouchbaseCluster. The DAC ensures — when considered as a whole — the configuration is valid for the Couchbase cluster.

      Required Permissions: list

      Optional Permissions


      Used the the DAC to lookup the namespace a cluster is running in. This is used on determine whether the cluster is running on Red Hat OpenShift. This information is used to determine correct defaults for the platform.

      You can opt out of this requirement with the --default-file-system-group cbopcfg flag.

      Required Permissions: get


      Used by the DAC to look for secrets references in the CouchbaseCluster specification. It will ensure that the username and password secrets exist. It will ensure that, if specified, the TLS secrets are present and correct, and are valid for the cluster.

      You can opt out of this requirement with the --validate-secrets cbopcfg flag.

      Required Permissions: get


      Used by the DAC to look for storage class references in the CouchbaseCluster specification. It will ensure that, if present, any storage class templates reference existing storage classes.

      You can opt out of this requirement with the --validate-storage-classes cbopcfg flag.

      Required Permissions: get

      Namespace, Secret and StorageClass resources are only interrogated — as described — for existence and correctness. The admission controller only performs get operations based on the names specified in the CouchbaseCluster specification. These resources will never be leaked through logs and are never persisted by the admission controller.

      If, however, your security policies declare that such permissions cannot be granted to an application, then they can be safely removed from the admission controller’s role. You will then no longer be informed about missing secrets and storage classes, incorrectly formatted secrets, and invalid TLS configurations.

      For further information on opting out of these checks, see the documentation for the cbopcfg generate admission command.