Class CommonOptions<SELF extends CommonOptions<SELF>>

Direct Known Subclasses:
AllowQueryingSearchIndexOptions, AnalyticsOptions, AnalyzeDocumentOptions, BuildQueryIndexOptions, CommonDatastructureOptions, CommonDurabilityOptions, ConnectLinkAnalyticsOptions, CreateBucketOptions, CreateCollectionOptions, CreateDatasetAnalyticsOptions, CreateDataverseAnalyticsOptions, CreateIndexAnalyticsOptions, CreatePrimaryQueryIndexOptions, CreateQueryIndexOptions, CreateScopeOptions, DisallowQueryingSearchIndexOptions, DisconnectLinkAnalyticsOptions, DropBucketOptions, DropCollectionOptions, DropDatasetAnalyticsOptions, DropDataverseAnalyticsOptions, DropDesignDocumentOptions, DropGroupOptions, DropIndexAnalyticsOptions, DropPrimaryQueryIndexOptions, DropQueryIndexOptions, DropScopeOptions, DropSearchIndexOptions, DropUserOptions, ExistsOptions, FlushBucketOptions, FreezePlanSearchIndexOptions, GetAllBucketOptions, GetAllDatasetsAnalyticsOptions, GetAllDesignDocumentsOptions, GetAllGroupsOptions, GetAllIndexesAnalyticsOptions, GetAllQueryIndexesOptions, GetAllReplicasOptions, GetAllScopesOptions, GetAllSearchIndexesOptions, GetAllUsersOptions, GetAndLockOptions, GetAndTouchOptions, GetAnyReplicaOptions, GetBucketOptions, GetDesignDocumentOptions, GetGroupOptions, GetIndexedSearchIndexOptions, GetOptions, GetPendingMutationsAnalyticsOptions, GetRolesOptions, GetScopeOptions, GetSearchIndexOptions, GetUserOptions, LookupInOptions, PauseIngestSearchIndexOptions, PublishDesignDocumentOptions, QueryOptions, RawManagerOptions, ResumeIngestSearchIndexOptions, SearchOptions, TouchOptions, UnfreezePlanSearchIndexOptions, UnlockOptions, UpdateBucketOptions, UpsertDesignDocumentOptions, UpsertGroupOptions, UpsertSearchIndexOptions, UpsertUserOptions, ViewOptions

public abstract class CommonOptions<SELF extends CommonOptions<SELF>>
extends Object
Common options that are used by most operations.
  • Constructor Details

    • CommonOptions

      public CommonOptions()
  • Method Details

    • self

      protected SELF self()
      Allows to return the right options builder instance for child implementations.
    • timeout

      public SELF timeout​(Duration timeout)
      Specifies a custom per-operation timeout.

      Note: if a custom timeout is provided through this builder, it will override the default set on the environment.

      timeout - the timeout to use for this operation.
      this options builder for chaining purposes.
    • retryStrategy

      public SELF retryStrategy​(RetryStrategy retryStrategy)
      Specifies a custom RetryStrategy for this operation.

      Note: if a custom strategy is provided through this builder, it will override the default set on the environment.

      retryStrategy - the retry strategy to use for this operation.
      this options builder for chaining purposes.
    • clientContext

      public SELF clientContext​(Map<String,​Object> clientContext)
      Specifies custom, client domain specific context metadata with this operation.
      clientContext - the client context information as a map.
      this options builder for chaining purposes.
    • parentSpan

      @Volatile public SELF parentSpan​(RequestSpan parentSpan)
      Allows to specify a parent span that should be used on top of this request.

      Note that this only has impact when using a tracing implementation that can actually deal with the notion of a parent. You likely want to use this if you want to wire up your application with OpenTracing or OpenTelemetry - use the support separate modules for that.

      IMPORTANT: this is a volatile, likely to change API!

      parentSpan - the parent span for this request.
      this options builder for chaining purposes.