Class ViewOptions


public class ViewOptions
extends CommonOptions<ViewOptions>
  • Method Details

    • viewOptions

      public static ViewOptions viewOptions()
    • namespace

      public ViewOptions namespace​(DesignDocumentNamespace namespace)
    • serializer

      public ViewOptions serializer​(JsonSerializer serializer)
    • reduce

      public ViewOptions reduce​(boolean reduce)
      Explicitly enable/disable the reduce function on the query.
      reduce - if reduce should be enabled or not.
      the ViewOptions object for proper chaining.
    • limit

      public ViewOptions limit​(int limit)
      Limit the number of the returned documents to the specified number.
      limit - the number of documents to return.
      the ViewOptions object for proper chaining.
    • group

      public ViewOptions group​(boolean group)
      Group the results using the reduce function to a group or single row.

      Important: this setter and groupLevel(int) should not be used together in the same ViewOptions. It is sufficient to only set the grouping level only and use this setter in cases where you always want the highest group level implictly.

      the ViewOptions object for proper chaining.
    • groupLevel

      public ViewOptions groupLevel​(int grouplevel)
      Specify the group level to be used.

      Important: group(boolean) and this setter should not be used together in the same ViewOptions. It is sufficient to only use this setter and use group(boolean) in cases where you always want the highest group level implicitly.

      grouplevel - How deep the grouping level should be.
      the ViewOptions object for proper chaining.
    • inclusiveEnd

      public ViewOptions inclusiveEnd​(boolean inclusive)
      Specifies whether the specified end key should be included in the result.
      the ViewOptions object for proper chaining.
    • skip

      public ViewOptions skip​(int skip)
      Skip this number of records before starting to return the results.
      skip - The number of records to skip.
      the ViewOptions object for proper chaining.
    • scanConsistency

      public ViewOptions scanConsistency​(ViewScanConsistency scanConsistency)
      Sets the scan consistency (staleness) of a view query.
      scanConsistency - Which consistency mode should be used.
      the ViewOptions object for proper chaining.
    • onError

      public ViewOptions onError​(ViewErrorMode viewErrorMode)
      Sets the response in the event of an error.

      See the "OnError" enum for more details on the available options.

      viewErrorMode - The appropriate error handling type.
      the ViewOptions object for proper chaining.
    • debug

      public ViewOptions debug​(boolean debug)
      Enable debugging on view queries.
      the ViewOptions object for proper chaining.
    • order

      public ViewOptions order​(ViewOrdering ordering)
      Return the documents in descending key order.
      the ViewOptions object for proper chaining.
    • key

      public ViewOptions key​(String key)
    • key

      public ViewOptions key​(int key)
    • key

      public ViewOptions key​(long key)
    • key

      public ViewOptions key​(double key)
    • key

      public ViewOptions key​(boolean key)
    • key

      public ViewOptions key​(JsonObject key)
    • key

      public ViewOptions key​(JsonArray key)
    • keys

      public ViewOptions keys​(JsonArray keys)
    • startKeyDocId

      public ViewOptions startKeyDocId​(String id)
    • endKeyDocId

      public ViewOptions endKeyDocId​(String id)
    • endKey

      public ViewOptions endKey​(String key)
    • endKey

      public ViewOptions endKey​(int key)
    • endKey

      public ViewOptions endKey​(long key)
    • endKey

      public ViewOptions endKey​(double key)
    • endKey

      public ViewOptions endKey​(boolean key)
    • endKey

      public ViewOptions endKey​(JsonObject key)
    • endKey

      public ViewOptions endKey​(JsonArray key)
    • startKey

      public ViewOptions startKey​(String key)
    • startKey

      public ViewOptions startKey​(int key)
    • startKey

      public ViewOptions startKey​(long key)
    • startKey

      public ViewOptions startKey​(double key)
    • startKey

      public ViewOptions startKey​(boolean key)
    • startKey

      public ViewOptions startKey​(JsonObject key)
    • startKey

      public ViewOptions startKey​(JsonArray key)
    • raw

      public ViewOptions raw​(String key, String value)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      A string representation of this ViewQuery, suitable for logging and other human consumption. If the keys(JsonArray) parameter is too large, it is truncated in this dump.

      see the export() ()} for the parameter representation of the ViewQuery execution URL.

      toString in class Object
    • build

      @Internal public ViewOptions.Built build()