Uses of Class
Package | Description |
---|---| |
Namespace for various analytics-service related classes.
| |
JSON encoding and decoding.
| |
Namespace for various kv-service related classes.
| | | | | |
APIs related to N1QL query index management.
| | | |
Namespace for various query-service related classes.
| |
Namespace for various search-service related classes.
| |
Search facets APIs.
| |
Contains the various APIs for search queries.
| |
Holds search result classes and interfaces.
| |
Holds classes related to search sorting.
| |
Namespace for various view-service related classes.
Uses of JsonObject in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description List<JsonObject>
AnalyticsResult. rowsAsObject()
Returns all rows, converted intoJsonObject
ReactiveAnalyticsResult. rowsAsObject()
Get aFlux
which publishes the rows that were fetched by the query which are then decoded toJsonObject
AnalyticsMetaData. signature()
Get the signature as the target type, if present.Methods in with parameters of type JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description void
AnalyticsOptions.Built. injectParams(JsonObject input)
AnalyticsOptions. parameters(JsonObject named)
Sets named parameters for this query. -
Uses of JsonObject in
Methods in that return JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description static JsonObject
JacksonTransformers. bytesToJsonObject(byte[] input)
static JsonObject
JsonObject. create()
Creates a emptyJsonObject
.static JsonObject
JsonObject. create(int initialCapacity)
Creates a emptyJsonObject
.static JsonObject
JsonObject. from(Map<String,?> mapData)
Constructs aJsonObject
from aMap<String, ?>
.static JsonObject
JsonObject. fromJson(byte[] s)
static JsonObject
JsonObject. fromJson(String s)
Static method to create aJsonObject
from a JSONString
JsonArray. getObject(int index)
Retrieves the value by the position in theJsonArray
and casts it toJsonObject
JsonObject. getObject(String name)
Retrieves the value from the field name and casts it toJsonObject
JsonObjectCrypto. getObject(String fieldName)
static JsonObject
JsonValue. jo()
Static factory method to create an emptyJsonObject
JsonObjectCrypto. object()
Returns the JsonObject bound to this crypto view.JsonObject
JsonObject. put(String name, boolean value)
Stores aBoolean
value identified by the field name.JsonObject
JsonObject. put(String name, double value)
Stores aDouble
value identified by the field name.JsonObject
JsonObject. put(String name, int value)
Stores aInteger
value identified by the field name.JsonObject
JsonObject. put(String name, long value)
Stores aLong
value identified by the field name.JsonObject
JsonObject. put(String name, JsonArray value)
Stores aJsonArray
value identified by the field name.JsonObject
JsonObject. put(String name, JsonObject value)
Stores aJsonObject
value identified by the field name.JsonObject
JsonObject. put(String name, Number value)
Stores aNumber
value identified by the field name.JsonObject
JsonObject. put(String name, Object value)
Stores aObject
value identified by the field name.JsonObject
JsonObject. put(String name, String value)
Stores aString
value identified by the field name.JsonObject
JsonObject. put(String name, List<?> value)
Stores aJsonArray
value identified by the field name.JsonObject
JsonObject. put(String name, Map<String,?> value)
Attempt to convert aMap
to aJsonObject
value and store it, identified by the field name.JsonObject
JsonObject. putNull(String name)
Store a null value identified by the field's name.JsonObject
JsonObject. removeKey(String name)
Removes an entry from theJsonObject
.static JsonObject
JacksonTransformers. stringToJsonObject(String input)
Methods in with parameters of type JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
JsonArray. add(JsonObject value)
Append anJsonObject
element to theJsonArray
JsonObject. put(String name, JsonObject value)
Stores aJsonObject
value identified by the field name.JsonObjectCrypto
JsonObjectCrypto. withObject(JsonObject object)
Returns a new instance that is a view of the given JsonObject.Constructors in with parameters of type JsonObject Constructor Description JsonObjectCrypto(JsonObject jsonObject, CryptoManager cryptoManager, String encrypterAlias)
Uses of JsonObject in
Methods in that return JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description JsonObject
GetResult. contentAsObject()
Decodes the content of the document into aJsonObject
LookupInResult. contentAsObject(int index)
Decodes the encoded content at the given index into aJsonObject
MutationState. export()
Exports theMutationState
into a universal format, which can be used either to serialize it into a N1QL query or to send it over the network to a different application/SDK.JsonObject
MutationState. exportForSearch()
Exports theMutationState
into a format recognized by the FTS search engine.Methods in with parameters of type JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description static MutationState
MutationState. from(JsonObject source)
Create aMutationState
from the serialized state. -
Uses of JsonObject in
Methods in that return JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description static JsonObject
ProjectionsApplier. parse(JsonObject in, String path, byte[] contentRaw)
Methods in with parameters of type JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description static JsonObject
ProjectionsApplier. parse(JsonObject in, String path, byte[] contentRaw)
Uses of JsonObject in
Methods in that return JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description JsonObject
AnalyticsDataset. json()
AnalyticsDataverse. json()
AnalyticsIndex. raw()
Constructors in with parameters of type JsonObject Constructor Description AnalyticsDataset(JsonObject json)
AnalyticsDataverse(JsonObject json)
AnalyticsIndex(JsonObject raw)
Uses of JsonObject in
Methods in that return JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description JsonObject
QueryIndex. raw()
Constructors in with parameters of type JsonObject Constructor Description QueryIndex(JsonObject raw)
Uses of JsonObject in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description CompletableFuture<List<JsonObject>>
AsyncSearchIndexManager. analyzeDocument(String name, JsonObject document)
Allows to see how a document is analyzed against a specific index.CompletableFuture<List<JsonObject>>
AsyncSearchIndexManager. analyzeDocument(String name, JsonObject document, AnalyzeDocumentOptions options)
Allows to see how a document is analyzed against a specific index.Flux<JsonObject>
ReactiveSearchIndexManager. analyzeDocument(String name, JsonObject document)
Allows to see how a document is analyzed against a specific index.Flux<JsonObject>
ReactiveSearchIndexManager. analyzeDocument(String name, JsonObject document, AnalyzeDocumentOptions options)
Allows to see how a document is analyzed against a specific index.List<JsonObject>
SearchIndexManager. analyzeDocument(String name, JsonObject document)
Allows to see how a document is analyzed against a specific index.List<JsonObject>
SearchIndexManager. analyzeDocument(String name, JsonObject document, AnalyzeDocumentOptions options)
Allows to see how a document is analyzed against a specific index.Methods in with parameters of type JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description CompletableFuture<List<JsonObject>>
AsyncSearchIndexManager. analyzeDocument(String name, JsonObject document)
Allows to see how a document is analyzed against a specific index.CompletableFuture<List<JsonObject>>
AsyncSearchIndexManager. analyzeDocument(String name, JsonObject document, AnalyzeDocumentOptions options)
Allows to see how a document is analyzed against a specific index.Flux<JsonObject>
ReactiveSearchIndexManager. analyzeDocument(String name, JsonObject document)
Allows to see how a document is analyzed against a specific index.Flux<JsonObject>
ReactiveSearchIndexManager. analyzeDocument(String name, JsonObject document, AnalyzeDocumentOptions options)
Allows to see how a document is analyzed against a specific index.List<JsonObject>
SearchIndexManager. analyzeDocument(String name, JsonObject document)
Allows to see how a document is analyzed against a specific index.List<JsonObject>
SearchIndexManager. analyzeDocument(String name, JsonObject document, AnalyzeDocumentOptions options)
Allows to see how a document is analyzed against a specific index. -
Uses of JsonObject in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description Optional<JsonObject>
QueryMetaData. profile()
Returns the profiling information returned by the query engine which is then decoded toJsonObject
QueryResult. rowsAsObject()
Returns all rows, converted intoJsonObject
ReactiveQueryResult. rowsAsObject()
Get aFlux
which publishes the rows that were fetched by the query which are then decoded toJsonObject
QueryMetaData. signature()
Returns the signature as returned by the query engine which is then decoded toJsonObject
Methods in with parameters of type JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description void
QueryOptions.Built. injectParams(JsonObject queryJson)
QueryOptions. parameters(JsonObject named)
Sets named parameters for this query. -
Uses of JsonObject in
Methods in that return JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description JsonObject
SearchQuery. export()
Exports the whole query as aJsonObject
.Methods in with parameters of type JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description void
SearchOptions.Built. injectParams(String indexName, JsonObject queryJson)
Inject the top level parameters of a query into a preparedJsonObject
that represents the root of the query.protected abstract void
SearchQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
SearchQuery. injectParamsAndBoost(JsonObject input)
Uses of JsonObject in
Methods in with parameters of type JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description void
DateRangeFacet. injectParams(JsonObject queryJson)
NumericRangeFacet. injectParams(JsonObject queryJson)
SearchFacet. injectParams(JsonObject queryJson)
Uses of JsonObject in
Methods in with parameters of type JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
BooleanFieldQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
BooleanQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
ConjunctionQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
DateRangeQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
DisjunctionQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
DocIdQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
GeoBoundingBoxQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
GeoDistanceQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
GeoPolygonQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
MatchAllQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
MatchNoneQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
MatchPhraseQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
MatchQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
NumericRangeQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
PhraseQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
PrefixQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
QueryStringQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
RegexpQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
TermQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
TermRangeQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
protected void
WildcardQuery. injectParams(JsonObject input)
Uses of JsonObject in
Methods in that return JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description JsonObject
SearchRow. explanation()
() requested in the query}, an explanation of the match, in JSON form.Methods in with parameters of type JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description static SearchRowLocations
SearchRowLocations. from(JsonObject locationsJson)
Parses a FTS JSON representation of aSearchRowLocations
.Constructors in with parameters of type JsonObject Constructor Description SearchRow(String index, String id, double score, JsonObject explanation, Optional<SearchRowLocations> locations, Map<String,List<String>> fragments, byte[] fields, JsonSerializer serializer)
Uses of JsonObject in
Methods in with parameters of type JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description void
SearchSort. injectParams(JsonObject queryJson)
SearchSortField. injectParams(JsonObject queryJson)
SearchSortGeoDistance. injectParams(JsonObject queryJson)
Uses of JsonObject in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description Optional<JsonObject>
ViewMetaData. debug()
If present, returns debug information of the view request.Methods in with parameters of type JsonObject Modifier and Type Method Description ViewOptions
ViewOptions. endKey(JsonObject key)
ViewOptions. key(JsonObject key)
ViewOptions. startKey(JsonObject key)