Class IncrementOptions

public class IncrementOptions extends CommonDurabilityOptions<IncrementOptions>
Modifies properties of the increment operation.
  • Method Details

    • incrementOptions

      public static IncrementOptions incrementOptions()
      Creates a new IncrementOptions.
      the created options.
    • delta

      public IncrementOptions delta(long delta)
      The amount of which the document value should be incremented.
      delta - the amount to increment.
      this options class for chaining purposes.
    • initial

      public IncrementOptions initial(long initial)
      The initial value that should be used if the document has not been created yet.
      initial - the initial value to use.
      this options class for chaining purposes.
    • expiry

      public IncrementOptions expiry(Duration expiry)
      Sets the expiry for the document. By default, the document will never expire.

      CAVEAT: If the counter document already exists, this option is ignored and the document's current expiry is preserved.

      The duration must be less than 50 years. For expiry further in the future, use expiry(Instant).

      expiry - the duration after which the document will expire (zero duration means never expire).
      this options class for chaining purposes.
    • expiry

      public IncrementOptions expiry(Instant expiry)
      Sets the expiry for the document. By default, the document will never expire.

      CAVEAT: If the counter document already exists, this option is ignored and the document's current expiry is preserved.

      expiry - the point in time when the document will expire (epoch second zero means never expire).
      this options class for chaining purposes.
    • build