Namespace for various kv-service related classes.
ClassDescriptionModifies properties of the append operation.An intention to perform a SubDocument array add-unique operation.An intention to perform a SubDocument array append operation.An intention to perform a SubDocument array insert operation.An intention to perform a SubDocument array prepend operation.CommonDatastructureOptions<SELF extends CommonDatastructureOptions<SELF>>CommonDurabilityOptions<SELF extends CommonDurabilityOptions<SELF>>Extends the
to also include the durability requirements.Result returned from counter (increment, decrement) operations.Modifies properties of the decrement operation.TheEncodedFragment
represents a fragment returned from a subdocument lookup.Result returned from an exists KeyValue operation.Allows to customize a get request.Extends GetResult to include additional information for get-from-replica style calls.Returned from all kinds of KeyValue Get operation to fetch a document or a subset of it.An intention to perform a SubDocument increment operation.Modifies properties of the increment operation.An intention to perform a SubDocument insert operation.Convenience macros to retrieve document metadata using a lookupIn Sub-Document call.Extends LookupInResult to include additional information for lookupIn-from-replica style calls.This result is returned from successful KeyValue subdocument lookup responses.Defines specs to lookup parts in a JSON document.This result is returned from successful KeyValue subdocument mutation responses.Defines specs to mutate parts in a JSON document.Internal utility methods for the MutateIn subdoc operation.Result returned from all kinds of Key-Value mutation operations.Aggregation of one or moreMutationToken
s for specifying consistency requirements of N1QL or FTS queries.Performs a KV range scan for documents whose IDs start with a certain prefix.Modifies properties of the prepend operation.Performs a KV range scan to scan between twoScanTerms
.Represents the read preference for a given replica get operation.An intention to perform a SubDocument remove operation.An intention to perform a SubDocument replace operation.Performs a KV range scan using random sampling.Allows to customize the various range and sampling scan options.Returned for each found item in a KV Range Scan operation.A singleScanTerm
identifying either the point to scan from or to scan to.Specifies which documents to include in a KV scan.Describes how the outer document store semantics on subdoc should act.An intention to perform a SubDocument upsert operation.