Class UpsertOptions

public class UpsertOptions extends CommonDurabilityOptions<UpsertOptions>
  • Method Details

    • upsertOptions

      public static UpsertOptions upsertOptions()
    • expiry

      public UpsertOptions expiry(Duration expiry)
      Sets the expiry for the document. By default the document will never expire.

      The duration must be less than 50 years. For expiry further in the future, use expiry(Instant).

      expiry - the duration after which the document will expire (zero duration means never expire).
      this options class for chaining purposes.
    • expiry

      public UpsertOptions expiry(Instant expiry)
      Sets the expiry for the document. By default the document will never expire.
      expiry - the point in time when the document will expire (epoch second zero means never expire).
      this options class for chaining purposes.
    • preserveExpiry

      @Uncommitted @SinceCouchbase("7.0") public UpsertOptions preserveExpiry(boolean preserveExpiry)
      Specifies whether an existing document's expiry should be preserved. Defaults to false.

      If true, and the document exists, its expiry will not be modified. Otherwise the document's expiry is determined by expiry(Duration) or expiry(Instant).

      Requires Couchbase Server 7.0 or later.

      preserveExpiry - true to preserve expiry, false to set new expiry
      this options class for chaining purposes.
    • transcoder

      public UpsertOptions transcoder(Transcoder transcoder)
      Allows to specify a custom transcoder that is used to encode the content of the request.
      transcoder - the custom transcoder that should be used for encoding.
      the UpsertOptions to allow method chaining.
    • build