Class ReactiveCollectionQueryIndexManager


@Volatile public class ReactiveCollectionQueryIndexManager extends Object
Performs management operations on query indexes at the ReactiveCollection level.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • createIndex

      public Mono<Void> createIndex(String indexName, Collection<String> fields)
      Creates a named query index on this collection.
      indexName - the name of the query index.
      fields - the collection of fields that are part of the index.
      IndexFailureException - if creating the index failed (see reason for details).
      IndexExistsException - if an index already exists with the given name on this collection.
      CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • createIndex

      public Mono<Void> createIndex(String indexName, Collection<String> fields, CreateQueryIndexOptions options)
      Creates a named query index with custom options, on this collection.
      indexName - the name of the query index.
      fields - the collection of fields that are part of the index.
      options - the custom options to apply.
      IndexFailureException - if creating the index failed (see reason for details).
      IndexExistsException - if an index already exists with the given name on this collection.
      CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • createPrimaryIndex

      public Mono<Void> createPrimaryIndex()
      Creates a primary query index on this collection.
      IndexFailureException - if creating the index failed (see reason for details).
      IndexExistsException - if an index already exists with the given name on this collection.
      CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • createPrimaryIndex

      public Mono<Void> createPrimaryIndex(CreatePrimaryQueryIndexOptions options)
      Creates a primary query index with custom options, on this collection.
      options - the custom options to apply.
      IndexFailureException - if creating the index failed (see reason for details).
      IndexExistsException - if an index already exists with the given name on this collection.
      CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • getAllIndexes

      public Flux<QueryIndex> getAllIndexes()
      Fetches all indexes on this collection.
      a (potentially empty) Flux of indexes or failed with an error.
      CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • getAllIndexes

      public Flux<QueryIndex> getAllIndexes(GetAllQueryIndexesOptions options)
      Fetches all indexes from this collection with custom options.
      options - the custom options to apply.
      a (potentially empty) Flux of indexes or failed with an error.
      CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • dropPrimaryIndex

      public Mono<Void> dropPrimaryIndex()
      Drops the primary index from this collection.
      IndexNotFoundException - if the index does not exist.
      IndexFailureException - if dropping the index failed (see reason for details).
      CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • dropPrimaryIndex

      public Mono<Void> dropPrimaryIndex(DropPrimaryQueryIndexOptions options)
      Drops the primary index from this collection.
      IndexNotFoundException - if the index does not exist.
      IndexFailureException - if dropping the index failed (see reason for details).
      CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • dropIndex

      public Mono<Void> dropIndex(String indexName)
      Drops a query index from this collection.
      indexName - the name of the index to drop.
      IndexNotFoundException - if the index does not exist.
      IndexFailureException - if dropping the index failed (see reason for details).
      CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • dropIndex

      public Mono<Void> dropIndex(String indexName, DropQueryIndexOptions options)
      Drops a query index from this collection with custom options.
      indexName - the name of the index to drop.
      options - the custom options to apply.
      IndexNotFoundException - if the index does not exist.
      IndexFailureException - if dropping the index failed (see reason for details).
      CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • buildDeferredIndexes

      public Mono<Void> buildDeferredIndexes()
      Builds all currently deferred indexes on this collection.
      CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • buildDeferredIndexes

      public Mono<Void> buildDeferredIndexes(BuildQueryIndexOptions options)
      Builds all currently deferred indexes on this collection, with custom options.
      options - the custom options to apply.
      CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • watchIndexes

      public Mono<Void> watchIndexes(Collection<String> indexNames, Duration timeout)
      Watches/Polls indexes on this collection until they are online.
      indexNames - the names of the indexes to watch.
      timeout - the maximum amount of time the indexes should be watched.
      CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • watchIndexes

      public Mono<Void> watchIndexes(Collection<String> indexNames, Duration timeout, WatchQueryIndexesOptions options)
      Watches/Polls indexes on this collection until they are online with custom options.
      indexNames - the names of the indexes to watch.
      timeout - the maximum amount of time the indexes should be watched.
      options - the custom options to apply.
      CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.