One row of a Full-Text Search result.
Represents a document matching the query condition.
Returns fields deserialized into an object of the requested type, or null if there are no fields.
Bytes of a JSON Object explaining how the score was calculated, or an empty array if the explain parameter was false.
The bytes of a JSON Object that has the requested document fields, or null if no fields were requested (or none of the requested fields are stored).
A map from field name to a list of text fragments from that field containing one or more highlighted match terms.
Document ID.
Name of this index this row came from.
Identifies this row's position in the full, unpaginated search results. In order for this to be useful, the query's sort must impose a total ordering on the result set. This is typically done by including byId() as the last sort tier.
Where the match terms appear in the document.
Score assigned to this document (higher means better match).