Class Bucket

Exposes the operations which are available to be performed against a bucket. Namely the ability to access to Collections as well as performing management operations against the bucket.


  • get name(): string
  • The name of the bucket this Bucket object references.

    Returns string


  • Creates a Collection object reference to a specific collection.


    • collectionName: string

      The name of the collection to reference.

    Returns Collection

  • Returns a CollectionManager which can be used to manage the collections of this bucket.

    Returns CollectionManager

  • Creates a Collection object reference to the default collection.

    Returns Collection

  • Creates a Scope object reference to the default scope.

    Returns Scope

  • Performs a ping operation against the cluster. Pinging the bucket services which are specified (or all services if none are specified). Returns a report which describes the outcome of the ping operations which were performed.


    • Optional options: PingOptions

      Optional parameters for this operation.

    • Optional callback: NodeCallback<PingResult>

      A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

    Returns Promise<PingResult>

  • Creates a Scope object reference to a specific scope.


    • scopeName: string

      The name of the scope to reference.

    Returns Scope

  • Returns a ViewIndexManager which can be used to manage the view indexes of this bucket.

    Returns ViewIndexManager