package eventing

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class AsyncEventingFunctionManager extends AnyRef

    This interface allows managing eventing functions.

    This interface allows managing eventing functions.

    Note that an eventing function exists in a particular scope. This interface is for working with eventing functions in the admin ("*.*") scope. For working with eventing functions in different scopes, see ScopedEventingFunctionManager, accessed from com.couchbase.client.scala.Scope.eventingFunctions

  2. class AsyncScopeEventingFunctionManager extends AnyRef

    This interface allows managing eventing functions that exist on a particular scope.

    This interface allows managing eventing functions that exist on a particular scope.

    For working with eventing functions in the admin ("*.*") scope see EventingFunctionManager, accessed from com.couchbase.client.scala.Cluster.eventingFunctions

    @Uncommitted() @SinceCouchbase()
  3. case class EventingFunction(name: String, code: String, sourceKeyspace: EventingFunctionKeyspace, metadataKeyspace: EventingFunctionKeyspace, settings: Option[EventingFunctionSettings] = None, version: Option[String] = None, enforceSchema: Option[Boolean] = None, handlerUuid: Option[Long] = None, functionInstanceId: Option[String] = None, bucketBindings: Option[Seq[EventingFunctionBucketBinding]] = None, urlBindings: Option[Seq[EventingFunctionUrlBinding]] = None, constantBindings: Option[Seq[EventingFunctionConstantBinding]] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  4. sealed trait EventingFunctionBucketAccess extends AnyRef
  5. case class EventingFunctionBucketBinding(alias: String, name: EventingFunctionKeyspace, access: EventingFunctionBucketAccess) extends Product with Serializable
  6. case class EventingFunctionConstantBinding(alias: String, literal: String) extends Product with Serializable
  7. sealed trait EventingFunctionDcpBoundary extends AnyRef
  8. sealed trait EventingFunctionDeploymentStatus extends AnyRef
  9. case class EventingFunctionKeyspace(bucket: String, scope: Option[String] = None, collection: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  10. sealed trait EventingFunctionLanguageCompatibility extends AnyRef
  11. sealed trait EventingFunctionLogLevel extends AnyRef
  12. class EventingFunctionManager extends AnyRef

    This interface allows managing eventing functions.

    This interface allows managing eventing functions.

    Note that an eventing function exists in a particular scope. This interface is for working with eventing functions in the admin ("*.*") scope. For working with eventing functions in different scopes, see ScopedEventingFunctionManager, accessed from com.couchbase.client.scala.Scope.eventingFunctions

  13. sealed trait EventingFunctionProcessingStatus extends AnyRef
  14. case class EventingFunctionSettings(cppWorkerThreadCount: Option[Long] = None, dcpStreamBoundary: Option[EventingFunctionDcpBoundary] = None, description: Option[String] = None, logLevel: Option[EventingFunctionLogLevel] = None, languageCompatibility: Option[EventingFunctionLanguageCompatibility] = None, executionTimeout: Option[Duration] = None, lcbInstCapacity: Option[Long] = None, lcbRetryCount: Option[Long] = None, lcbTimeout: Option[Duration] = None, queryConsistency: Option[QueryScanConsistency] = None, numTimerPartitions: Option[Long] = None, sockBatchSize: Option[Long] = None, tickDuration: Option[Duration] = None, timerContextSize: Option[Long] = None, userPrefix: Option[String] = None, bucketCacheSize: Option[Long] = None, bucketCacheAge: Option[Long] = None, curlMaxAllowedRespSize: Option[Long] = None, workerCount: Option[Long] = None, queryPrepareAll: Option[Boolean] = None, handlerHeaders: Option[Seq[String]] = None, handlerFooters: Option[Seq[String]] = None, enableAppLogRotation: Option[Boolean] = None, appLogDir: Option[String] = None, appLogMaxSize: Option[Long] = None, appLogMaxFiles: Option[Long] = None, checkpointInterval: Option[Duration] = None, processingStatus: Option[EventingFunctionProcessingStatus] = None, deploymentStatus: Option[EventingFunctionDeploymentStatus] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  15. case class EventingFunctionState(name: String, status: EventingFunctionStatus, numBootstrappingNodes: Int, numDeployedNodes: Int, deploymentStatus: EventingFunctionDeploymentStatus, processingStatus: EventingFunctionProcessingStatus) extends Product with Serializable
  16. sealed trait EventingFunctionStatus extends AnyRef
  17. sealed trait EventingFunctionUrlAuth extends AnyRef
  18. case class EventingFunctionUrlBinding(hostname: String, alias: String, auth: EventingFunctionUrlAuth, allowCookies: Boolean, validateSslCertificate: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  19. case class EventingStatus(numEventingNodes: Int, functions: Seq[EventingFunctionState]) extends Product with Serializable
  20. class ReactiveEventingFunctionManager extends AnyRef

    This interface allows managing eventing functions.

    This interface allows managing eventing functions.

    Note that an eventing function exists in a particular scope. This interface is for working with eventing functions in the admin ("*.*") scope. For working with eventing functions in different scopes, see ScopedEventingFunctionManager, accessed from com.couchbase.client.scala.Scope.eventingFunctions

  21. class ReactiveScopeEventingFunctionManager extends AnyRef

    This interface allows managing eventing functions that exist on a particular scope.

    This interface allows managing eventing functions that exist on a particular scope.

    For working with eventing functions in the admin ("*.*") scope see ReactiveEventingFunctionManager, accessed from com.couchbase.client.scala.ReactiveCluster.eventingFunctions

    @Uncommitted() @SinceCouchbase()
  22. class ScopeEventingFunctionManager extends AnyRef

    This interface allows managing eventing functions that exist on a particular scope.

    This interface allows managing eventing functions that exist on a particular scope.

    For working with eventing functions in the admin ("*.*") scope see EventingFunctionManager, accessed from com.couchbase.client.scala.Cluster.eventingFunctions

    @Uncommitted() @SinceCouchbase()
