package eventing
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- class AsyncEventingFunctionManager extends AnyRef
This interface allows managing eventing functions.
This interface allows managing eventing functions.
Note that an eventing function exists in a particular scope. This interface is for working with eventing functions in the admin ("*.*") scope. For working with eventing functions in different scopes, see ScopedEventingFunctionManager, accessed from com.couchbase.client.scala.Scope.eventingFunctions
- class AsyncScopeEventingFunctionManager extends AnyRef
This interface allows managing eventing functions that exist on a particular scope.
This interface allows managing eventing functions that exist on a particular scope.
For working with eventing functions in the admin ("*.*") scope see EventingFunctionManager, accessed from com.couchbase.client.scala.Cluster.eventingFunctions
- Annotations
- @Uncommitted() @SinceCouchbase()
- case class EventingFunction(name: String, code: String, sourceKeyspace: EventingFunctionKeyspace, metadataKeyspace: EventingFunctionKeyspace, settings: Option[EventingFunctionSettings] = None, version: Option[String] = None, enforceSchema: Option[Boolean] = None, handlerUuid: Option[Long] = None, functionInstanceId: Option[String] = None, bucketBindings: Option[Seq[EventingFunctionBucketBinding]] = None, urlBindings: Option[Seq[EventingFunctionUrlBinding]] = None, constantBindings: Option[Seq[EventingFunctionConstantBinding]] = None) extends Product with Serializable
- sealed trait EventingFunctionBucketAccess extends AnyRef
- case class EventingFunctionBucketBinding(alias: String, name: EventingFunctionKeyspace, access: EventingFunctionBucketAccess) extends Product with Serializable
- case class EventingFunctionConstantBinding(alias: String, literal: String) extends Product with Serializable
- sealed trait EventingFunctionDcpBoundary extends AnyRef
- sealed trait EventingFunctionDeploymentStatus extends AnyRef
- case class EventingFunctionKeyspace(bucket: String, scope: Option[String] = None, collection: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable
- sealed trait EventingFunctionLanguageCompatibility extends AnyRef
- sealed trait EventingFunctionLogLevel extends AnyRef
- class EventingFunctionManager extends AnyRef
This interface allows managing eventing functions.
This interface allows managing eventing functions.
Note that an eventing function exists in a particular scope. This interface is for working with eventing functions in the admin ("*.*") scope. For working with eventing functions in different scopes, see ScopedEventingFunctionManager, accessed from com.couchbase.client.scala.Scope.eventingFunctions
- sealed trait EventingFunctionProcessingStatus extends AnyRef
- case class EventingFunctionSettings(cppWorkerThreadCount: Option[Long] = None, dcpStreamBoundary: Option[EventingFunctionDcpBoundary] = None, description: Option[String] = None, logLevel: Option[EventingFunctionLogLevel] = None, languageCompatibility: Option[EventingFunctionLanguageCompatibility] = None, executionTimeout: Option[Duration] = None, lcbInstCapacity: Option[Long] = None, lcbRetryCount: Option[Long] = None, lcbTimeout: Option[Duration] = None, queryConsistency: Option[QueryScanConsistency] = None, numTimerPartitions: Option[Long] = None, sockBatchSize: Option[Long] = None, tickDuration: Option[Duration] = None, timerContextSize: Option[Long] = None, userPrefix: Option[String] = None, bucketCacheSize: Option[Long] = None, bucketCacheAge: Option[Long] = None, curlMaxAllowedRespSize: Option[Long] = None, workerCount: Option[Long] = None, queryPrepareAll: Option[Boolean] = None, handlerHeaders: Option[Seq[String]] = None, handlerFooters: Option[Seq[String]] = None, enableAppLogRotation: Option[Boolean] = None, appLogDir: Option[String] = None, appLogMaxSize: Option[Long] = None, appLogMaxFiles: Option[Long] = None, checkpointInterval: Option[Duration] = None, processingStatus: Option[EventingFunctionProcessingStatus] = None, deploymentStatus: Option[EventingFunctionDeploymentStatus] = None) extends Product with Serializable
- case class EventingFunctionState(name: String, status: EventingFunctionStatus, numBootstrappingNodes: Int, numDeployedNodes: Int, deploymentStatus: EventingFunctionDeploymentStatus, processingStatus: EventingFunctionProcessingStatus) extends Product with Serializable
- sealed trait EventingFunctionStatus extends AnyRef
- sealed trait EventingFunctionUrlAuth extends AnyRef
- case class EventingFunctionUrlBinding(hostname: String, alias: String, auth: EventingFunctionUrlAuth, allowCookies: Boolean, validateSslCertificate: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
- case class EventingStatus(numEventingNodes: Int, functions: Seq[EventingFunctionState]) extends Product with Serializable
- class ReactiveEventingFunctionManager extends AnyRef
This interface allows managing eventing functions.
This interface allows managing eventing functions.
Note that an eventing function exists in a particular scope. This interface is for working with eventing functions in the admin ("*.*") scope. For working with eventing functions in different scopes, see ScopedEventingFunctionManager, accessed from com.couchbase.client.scala.Scope.eventingFunctions
- class ReactiveScopeEventingFunctionManager extends AnyRef
This interface allows managing eventing functions that exist on a particular scope.
This interface allows managing eventing functions that exist on a particular scope.
For working with eventing functions in the admin ("*.*") scope see ReactiveEventingFunctionManager, accessed from com.couchbase.client.scala.ReactiveCluster.eventingFunctions
- Annotations
- @Uncommitted() @SinceCouchbase()
- class ScopeEventingFunctionManager extends AnyRef
This interface allows managing eventing functions that exist on a particular scope.
This interface allows managing eventing functions that exist on a particular scope.
For working with eventing functions in the admin ("*.*") scope see EventingFunctionManager, accessed from com.couchbase.client.scala.Cluster.eventingFunctions
- Annotations
- @Uncommitted() @SinceCouchbase()
Value Members
- object EventingFunction extends Serializable
- object EventingFunctionBucketAccess
- object EventingFunctionDcpBoundary
- object EventingFunctionDeploymentStatus
- object EventingFunctionKeyspace extends Serializable
- object EventingFunctionLanguageCompatibility
- object EventingFunctionLogLevel
- object EventingFunctionProcessingStatus
- object EventingFunctionStatus
- object EventingFunctionUrlAuth