case class DateRangeQuery(start: Option[String] = None, inclusiveStart: Option[Boolean] = None, end: Option[String] = None, inclusiveEnd: Option[Boolean] = None, dateTimeParser: Option[String] = None, field: Option[String] = None, boost: Option[Double] = None) extends SearchQuery with Product with Serializable

An FTS query that matches documents on a range of dates. At least one bound is required.

Datetimes can be provided as RFC3339 compliant strings in UTC timezone only, or more conveniently as an Instant.



Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Product, Equals, SearchQuery, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. DateRangeQuery
  2. Serializable
  3. Product
  4. Equals
  5. SearchQuery
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new DateRangeQuery(start: Option[String] = None, inclusiveStart: Option[Boolean] = None, end: Option[String] = None, inclusiveEnd: Option[Boolean] = None, dateTimeParser: Option[String] = None, field: Option[String] = None, boost: Option[Double] = None)

Value Members

  1. def boost(boost: Double): DateRangeQuery

    The boost parameter is used to increase the relative weight of a clause (with a boost greater than 1) or decrease the relative weight (with a boost between 0 and 1)

    The boost parameter is used to increase the relative weight of a clause (with a boost greater than 1) or decrease the relative weight (with a boost between 0 and 1)


    the boost parameter, which must be >= 0


    a copy of this, for chaining

  2. def dateTimeParser(dateTimeParser: String): DateRangeQuery

    The name of the Instant/time parser to use to interpret start and end.

    The name of the Instant/time parser to use to interpret start and end. Should not be modified when passing in Instant.

  3. def end(end: Instant): DateRangeQuery

    Sets the upper boundary of the range.

    Sets the upper boundary of the range. The upper boundary is considered exclusive by default on the server side.

  4. def end(end: Instant, inclusive: Boolean): DateRangeQuery

    Sets the upper boundary of the range, inclusive or not depending on the second parameter.

  5. def end(end: String): DateRangeQuery

    Sets the upper boundary of the range.

    Sets the upper boundary of the range. The upper boundary is considered exclusive by default on the server side.

  6. def end(end: String, inclusive: Boolean): DateRangeQuery

    Sets the upper boundary of the range, inclusive or not depending on the second parameter.

  7. def field(field: String): DateRangeQuery

    If specified, only this field will be matched.

    If specified, only this field will be matched.


    a copy of this, for chaining

  8. def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
    Definition Classes
  9. def start(start: Instant): DateRangeQuery

    Sets the lower boundary of the range.

    Sets the lower boundary of the range. The lower boundary is considered inclusive by default on the server side.

  10. def start(start: Instant, inclusive: Boolean): DateRangeQuery

    Sets the lower boundary of the range, inclusive or not depending on the second parameter.

  11. def start(start: String): DateRangeQuery

    Sets the lower boundary of the range.

    Sets the lower boundary of the range. The lower boundary is considered inclusive by default on the server side.

  12. def start(start: String, inclusive: Boolean): DateRangeQuery

    Sets the lower boundary of the range, inclusive or not depending on the second parameter.

  13. def toString(): String


    the String representation of the FTS query, which is its JSON representation without global parameters.

    Definition Classes
    SearchQuery → AnyRef → Any