Add Child Mapping


      The option insert child mapping specifies a document-field whose value is a JSON object. Selecting this option displays the following:

      fts type mappings child mapping dialog

      The following interactive field and checkbox are displayed:

      • {}: The name of a field whose value is a JSON object. Note that an analyzer for the field, by means of the pull-down menu.

      • only index specified fields: When checked, only fields explicitly specified are added to the index. Note that the JSON object specified as the value for {} has multiple fields of its own. Checking this box ensures that all or a subset of these can be selected for indexing.

      When completed, this panel might look as follows (note that reviews is a field within the hotel-type documents of the travel-sample bucket whose value is a JSON object):

      fts type mappings child mapping dialog complete

      Save by left-clicking OK. The field is now displayed as part of the hotel type mapping. Note that by hovering over the reviews row with the mouse, the Edit and + buttons are revealed: the + button is present because reviews is an object that contains child-fields; which can now themselves be individually indexed. Left-click on this, and a child-field, such as content, can be specified:

      fts type mappings child mapping add field