March 16, 2025
+ 12

In this lesson you’ll be introduced to Couchbase Lite, our embedded NoSQL database. You’ll learn how to create, read, update, delete, and query data using Couchbase Lite.

TIP: To make things a bit more exciting, you may want to use the pre-built database containing a list of Groceries. Refer to the Create a Database lesson to learn how to use it.

Create a Document

In Couchbase Lite, the primary entity stored in a database is called a document instead of a row or record. A document’s body takes the form of a JSON object — a collection of key/value pairs where the values can be different types of data such as numbers, strings, arrays or even nested objects. The code below creates a new list document.

// This code can be found in ListsViewController.swift // in the createTaskList(name:) method let properties: [String : Any] = [ type: task-list, name: name, owner: username ] let docId = username + . + NSUUID().uuidString guard let doc = database.document(withID: docId) else { Ui.showMessageDialog(onController: self, withTitle: Error, withMessage: Couldn't save task list) return nil } do { return try doc.putProperties(properties) } catch let error as NSError { Ui.showMessageDialog(onController: self, withTitle: Error, withMessage: Couldn't save task list, withError: error) return nil }

Here you’re creating an unsaved document instance with a pre-defined document ID (i.e. the _id property in the document’s JSON body) using the documentWithID method. The ID follows the form {username}.{uuid} where username is the name of the user logged in. Alternatively, you could also use the createDocument method to let the database generate a random ID for you.

Try it out

  1. Build and run.

  2. Create a new list using the '+' button on the application’s 'Task lists' screen.

  3. A new list document is saved to the database.


Exercise: Update the code to persist your name as the value for the name field. Then create a new list and notice that your name is displayed instead of the text input value.

Update a Document

To update a document, you must retrieve it from the database, modify the desired properties and write them back to the database. The update method does this operation for you in the form of a callback. The code below updates a list’s name property.

// This code can be found in ListsViewController.swift // in the updateTaskList(list:withName:) method do { try list.update { newRev in newRev[name] = name return true } } catch let error as NSError { Ui.showMessageDialog(onController: self, withTitle: Error, withMessage: Couldn't update task list, withError: error) }

Your callback code can modify this object’s properties as it sees fit; after it returns, the modified revision is saved and becomes the current one.

Try it out

  1. Build and run.

  2. Swipe to the left on a row to reveal the Edit button and update the List name in the pop-up.


Challenge: Modify the code to uppercase the text inserted before persisting the document to the database.

Delete a Document

A document can be deleted using the delete method. This operation actually creates a new revision in order to propagate the deletion to other clients. The concept of revisions will be covered in more detail in the next lesson. The code below deletes a list.

// This code can be found in ListsViewController.swift // in the deleteTaskList(list:) method do { try list.delete() } catch let error as NSError { Ui.showMessageDialog(onController: self, withTitle: Error, withMessage: Couldn't delete task list, withError: error) }

Challenge: Add a document change listener to detect when the document gets deleted. The document change notification documentation will be helpful for this challenge.

Try it out

  1. Build and run.

  2. Click the Delete action to delete a list.


Query Documents

The way to query data in Couchbase Lite is by registering a View and then running a Query on it with QueryOptions. The first thing to know about Couchbase Views is that they have nothing to do with UI views.

A View in Couchbase is a persistent index of documents in a database, which you then query to find data. The main component of a View is its map function. It takes a document’s JSON as input, and emits (outputs) any number of key/value pairs to be indexed. First, you will define the view to index the documents of type task-list. The diagram below shows the result of the code you will review shortly.


So you can remember that a view index is a list of key/value pairs, sorted by key. In addition, the view’s logic is written in the native language of the platform you’re developing on. The code below indexes documents as shown on the diagram above. Then it create the Query and monitors the result set using a Live Query.

// This code can be found in ListsViewController.swift // in the setupViewAndQuery method let listsView = database.viewNamed(list/listsByName) if listsView.mapBlock == nil { listsView.setMapBlock({ (doc, emit) in if let type: String = doc[type] as? String, let name = doc[name] , type == task-list { emit(name, nil) } }, version: 1.0) } listsLiveQuery = listsView.createQuery().asLive() listsLiveQuery.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: rows, options: .new, context: nil) listsLiveQuery.start()

The viewNamed method returns a View object on which the map function can be set. The map function is indexing documents where the type property is equal to task-list. Each cell on the screen will contain a list name and nothing else. For that reason, you can emit the name property as the key and nil is the value. If you also wanted to display the owner of the list in the row you could emit the owner property as the value.

The listsView.createQuery() method returns a Query object which has a run method to return the results as a QueryEnumerator object. However, in this case, you are hooking into a Live Query to keep monitoring the database for new results. Any time the result of that query changes through user interaction or synchronization, it will notify your application via the change event. A live query provides an easy way to build reactive UIs, which will be especially useful when you enable sync in the Adding Synchronization lesson. The change event is triggered as a result of user interaction locally as well as during synchronization with Sync Gateway.

In the code blow, the notifications are posted to the application code using the KVO observer method.

// This code can be found in ListsViewController.swift // in the observeValue(forKeyPath:of:_:_:) method override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) { if object as? NSObject == listsLiveQuery { reloadTaskLists() } else if object as? NSObject == incompTasksCountsLiveQuery { reloadIncompleteTasksCounts() } }

Try it out

  1. Build and run.

  2. Save a new list to the database and the live query will pick it up instantly and reload the table view.


Challenge: Update the map function to emit the document ID as the key. Don’t forget to bump the view version whenever you change the map function. The list view should now display the document ID on each row.

Aggregating Data

A problem in typical applications is how to perform data aggregation. Couchbase Lite lets you run those data queries using the full capabilities of map/reduce. To run aggregation queries on the rows emitted by the map function, you can use the reduce function which is the part of map/reduce that takes several rows from the index and aggregates them together in a single object.

Let’s write a view to query and display the number of uncompleted tasks for each list. A task is marked as completed if its complete property is true. You need to define a map function which:

  1. Returns the number of uncompleted task documents,

  2. Groups them by the list they belong to,

  3. Counts the number of rows in each group.

The diagram below shows this process.


Notice that groupingLevel = 1 coalesces the rows in the view index by their key.

Grouping is a powerful feature of Couchbase Lite. It is available on a Query using the groupLevel property, which is a number, and it defaults to 0. It basically takes the entire range of output that the query produces (i.e. the entire range of rows) and it coalesces together adjacent rows with the same key.

The most commonly used aggregation functions are Count and Sum:

  • Count: A function that counts the number of documents contained in the map (used on the diagram above).

  • Sum: A function that adds all of the items contained in the map.

The code below indexes documents as shown on the diagram above. Then it create the Query and monitors the result set using a Live Query.

// This code can be found in ListsViewController.swift // in the setupViewAndQuery() method let incompTasksCountView = database.viewNamed(list/incompleteTasksCount) if incompTasksCountView.mapBlock == nil { incompTasksCountView.setMapBlock({ (doc, emit) in if let type: String = doc[type] as? String , type == task { if let list = doc[taskList] as? [String: AnyObject], let listId = list[id], let complete = doc[complete] as? Bool , !complete { emit(listId, nil) } } }, reduce: { (keys, values, reredeuce) in return values.count }, version: 1.0) } incompTasksCountsLiveQuery = incompTasksCountView.createQuery().asLive() incompTasksCountsLiveQuery.groupLevel = 1 incompTasksCountsLiveQuery.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: rows, options: .new, context: nil) incompTasksCountsLiveQuery.start()

This time, you call emit only if the document type is task and complete is false. The document ID of the list it belongs to (doc.taskList._id) serves as the key and the value is nil. The reduce function simply counts the number of rows with the same key. Notice that the groupLevel is a property on the live query object.

Every time there is a change to incompTasksCountsLiveQuery.rows the observeValueForKeyPath method is called which will reload the list count for each row.

// This code can be found in ListsViewController.swift // in the observeValue(forKeyPath:of:_:_:) method override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) { if object as? NSObject == listsLiveQuery { reloadTaskLists() } else if object as? NSObject == incompTasksCountsLiveQuery { reloadIncompleteTasksCounts() } }

Try it out

  1. Build and run.

  2. You will see the uncompleted task count for each list.



Well done! You’ve completed this lesson on using CRUD operations with the database and running aggregation queries. In the next lesson, you’ll learn how to use Couchbase Lite’s synchronization APIs with Sync Gateway. Feel free to share your feedback, findings or ask any questions on the forums.