WHERE clause

  • Capella Operational
  • reference
    The WHERE clause filters resultsets based specified conditions.


    When you want to narrow down your resultset by one or more criteria, use the WHERE clause to filter your resultset.


    where-clause ::= 'WHERE' cond
    Syntax diagram: refer to source code listing



    [Required] Conditional expression that represents a filter to be applied to the resultset. Records for which the condition resolves to TRUE are propagated to the resultset.

    You can construct complex conditional expressions, for example by using the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT.


    To try the examples in this section, set the query context to the inventory scope in the travel sample dataset. For more information, see Query Context.

    Example 1. Use WHERE filter the resultset

    To list only airports that are in France, use the WHERE clause for the "country" field.

    SELECT airportname, city, country
    FROM airport
    WHERE country = "France"
    LIMIT 4;
        "airportname": "Calais Dunkerque",
        "city": "Calais",
        "country": "France"
        "airportname": "Peronne St Quentin",
        "city": "Peronne",
        "country": "France"
        "airportname": "Les Loges",
        "city": "Nangis",
        "country": "France"
        "airportname": "Couterne",
        "city": "Bagnole-de-l'orne",
        "country": "France"
    Example 2. Use WHERE and OR to filter the resultset

    List only the landmarks that start with the letter "C" or "K". Note that the first position of the SUBSTR function is 0.

    SELECT name
    FROM landmark
    WHERE CONTAINS(SUBSTR(name,0,1),"C")
       OR CONTAINS(SUBSTR(name,0,1),"K")
    LIMIT 4;
        "name": "City Chambers"
        "name": "Kingston Bridge"
        "name": "Clyde Arc"
        "name": "Clyde Auditorium"
    Example 3. Use WHERE, AND and NOT to filter the resultset

    List landmark restaurants, except Thai restaurants.

    SELECT name, activity
    FROM landmark
    WHERE activity = "eat"
    AND NOT CONTAINS(name,"Thai")
    LIMIT 4;
        "activity": "eat",
        "name": "Hollywood Bowl"
        "activity": "eat",
        "name": "Spice Court"
        "activity": "eat",
        "name": "Beijing Inn"
        "activity": "eat",
        "name": "Ossie's Fish and Chips"