Query Data in Amazon S3

  • Capella Columnar
  • how-to
    To provide query access to OLAP data in an Amazon S3 bucket, you create an external link and associate it with an external collection.


    Your Columnar account must have either the Project Owner or Project Manager role to be able to create a link for the external data.

    You need several pieces of information about the S3 bucket containing the data you want to query.


    To create an external link for a private data in an Amazon S3 bucket, you must supply an access key ID and secret access key. These credentials must have permission to list and read data from the bucket. For more information, see Managing access keys for IAM users in the AWS documentation.

    You can specify a session token to indicate that the credentials are temporary. For more information, see Temporary security credentials in IAM in the AWS documentation.

    You do not need credentials for publicly available data in S3.

    When you create an external link, be sure to follow best practices for security. Couchbase recommends that you grant the minimum possible permissions to perform the required operations, and allow access only to the required data and resources. You should never use root account credentials.

    The Location Path

    When you create an external collection based on an S3 bucket, you can supply a path to the files Capella Columnar queries. A path consists of one or more prefixes that define a hierarchical organization, using a format such as topLevel/nextLevel/lowestLevel. The path does not include filenames.

    If you use the Amazon S3 console, prefixes are also referred to as folders.

    To make querying the external data source as efficient as possible, you should supply a path that’s as specific and precise as possible. You can use static prefixes, dynamic prefixes, or a mixture of both to define a path. For information about static and dynamic prefixes, see Design a Location Path.

    Because you cannot index the data located in an external store, Couchbase encourages thoughtful design of the paths used in external collections.

    For information about using prefixes for data on S3, see Organizing objects using prefixes in the AWS documentation.

    You can select a subset of the files in a location by using fields that include and exclude filenames.

    Alternate Storage Provider Information

    If you’re accessing data from an S3-compatible storage provider, you need your provider’s endpoint address. You do not need to provide an endpoint for Amazon S3 buckets.

    Create a Link for Amazon S3

    1. In the Capella UI, select the Columnar tab.

    2. Click a cluster name. The workbench opens.

    3. Use the explorer to explore the existing databases, scopes, and collections. You can add a database and scope if necessary: see Create a Database.

    4. Select Create  Data Link. The Create Link for <cluster name> Cluster dialog opens.

    5. Select Amazon S3 then click Continue

    6. In the Link Name field, enter a name for the link.

    7. From Region, select the Amazon S3 region.

    8. If the S3 bucket is private, add your the credentials to the Access Key and Secret Access key fields. If you have temporary access to the bucket, in the Session Token field enter an Amazon S3 session token.

    9. If accessing an S3-compatible object store provider, in the Endpoint field enter the URL for that provider.

    10. Click Save & Continue to proceed. Capella Columnar creates the link to the S3 data source.

    Create a Collection for S3 Data

    You must create a collection for the data before you can query it in Capella Columnar. After you create the link to an S3 bucket, Capella Columnar prompts you to create a collection for your data. You can create the collection immediately by clicking Create Linked Collection. If you want to create the collection later, click Complete Later. When you’re ready to create the collection, hover over the link name’s under Links and select More Options (⋮)  Create Linked Collection.

    To complete creating the collection:

    1. On the Create Collection Linked to <S3 link name> dialog, select the database and scope and enter a name for the collection.

    2. In the S3 Bucket field, enter the name of an Amazon S3 bucket. Supply only the name of the bucket, not a URL.

    3. In the S3 Path field, enter one or more prefixes separated by slashes / to identify the location of the files you want to query. Do not include filenames in the path. To query files located at the top-most, or bucket, level, leave the path blank. See Design a Location Path.

    4. Choose the File Format of the files at that destination. Depending on the format you select, you may see additional fields:

      • CSV and TSV

      • Parquet

      • Define the data types for the fields in the files as a comma-separated list of <field-name> <datatype> values. The <datatype> is one of the primitive data types. If the field’s value does not match the data type, Capella Columnar ignores the record. You can also specify NOT UNKNOWN flag after the data type to have Capella Columnar ignore the record if the value is missing or null. For example:

        id BIGINT NOT UNKNOWN, firstname STRING, lastname STRING
      • Clear File includes header row if the first line of your CSV file is not a list of the columns in the file.

      • If your data uses a value other than an empty string ("") to indicate a null value, select Use custom string as Null and enter the value.

      Choose whether Capella Columnar should parse embedded JSON data and convert decimal values to doubles.

    5. Optionally, use either the Include or Exclude field to specify files to include in, or exclude from, queries. You can use the following wildcards:

      • * matches any character or characters

      • ? matches any single character

      • [ sequence ] matches any characters in the supplied sequence

      • [! sequence ] matches any characters not in the supplied sequence

        For example, if the bucket stores both JSON and Parquet files, you can enter *.JSON in the Include field to query only the files that are in JSON format.

    6. Click Create Collection. Your link and collection appear under the scope in the explorer.

    The link is now available to provide your credentials whenever you query data in the external data source.

    Because the data in an external collection is not ingested into Capella Columnar and remains on the external host, Capella Columnar cannot index it.