
object Companion


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fun connect(connectionString: String, authenticator: Authenticator, envBuilder: ClusterEnvironment.Builder = ClusterEnvironment.builder()): Cluster
fun connect(connectionString: String, authenticator: Authenticator, envConfigBlock: ClusterEnvironmentConfigBlock): Cluster

Connects to a Couchbase cluster using an alternate authentication strategy like CertificateAuthenticator.

fun connect(connectionString: String, username: String, password: String, envBuilder: ClusterEnvironment.Builder = ClusterEnvironment.builder()): Cluster
fun connect(connectionString: String, username: String, password: String, envConfigBlock: ClusterEnvironmentConfigBlock): Cluster

Connects to a Couchbase cluster, authenticating with username and password.

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fun connectUsingSharedEnvironment(connectionString: String, authenticator: Authenticator, env: ClusterEnvironment): Cluster

Connects to a Couchbase cluster using an alternate authentication strategy like CertificateAuthenticator.

fun connectUsingSharedEnvironment(connectionString: String, username: String, password: String, env: ClusterEnvironment): Cluster

Connects to a Couchbase cluster, authenticating with username and password.


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True means exceeding maxAllowedInstances is a fatal error, false means just log a warning.

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var maxAllowedInstances: Int

The number of connected Cluster instances that may exist at the same time. Calling Cluster.connect after this limit is reached will either fail or log a warning, depending on the value of failIfInstanceLimitReached.