Service Broker Container Reference

      This section details any relevant configuration for the Service Broker.

      The Service Broker requires very little configuration to start using it—​the vast majority is handled through the ServiceBrokerConfig Kubernetes resource. For the most part, the examples will suffice for simple proof-of-concept deployments. For production deployments, you may require the Service Broker to be run in a non-default namespace, or with enhanced logging. This section details the modifications that can be made along with requirements.

      Command Line Arguments


      The Service Broker currently uses glog to report logging. By default this logs to files, it needs to be redirected to the console to correctly integrate with Kubernetes. This argument should always be present.

      -v value

      The Service Broker has multiple log levels to control the verbosity of log output. If not specified, this will default to "0" and show only informational logs. The Service Broker also supports log level "1" to include debug logging. Debug logging should be used with caution as verbose API logging will reveal API credentials.

      -tls-certificate string

      The Service Broker must use TLS to provide network level security. The TLS certificate argument must be a path to a PEM formatted X.509 TLS certificate, valid for the Service Broker’s Kubernetes Service resource. This argument defaults to /var/run/secrets/service-broker/tls-certificate.

      -tls-private-key string

      The Service Broker must use TLS to provide network level security. The TLS private key argument must be a path to a PEM formatted private key. This argument defaults to /var/run/secrets/service-broker/tls-private-key.

      -token string

      The Service Broker must use bearer token authentication to provide API level protection against malicious attacks. The token argument must be a path to a file containing a bearer token string. This argument defaults to /var/run/secrets/service-broker/token.

      -config string

      The Service Broker allows the configuration resource name to be modified to suit your needs. This may, for example, be used to allow multiple Service Brokers to exist in the same namespace. This argument defaults to couchbase-service-broker.