Couchbase Cloud-Native Database Compatibility Matrix

      The Couchbase Cloud-Native Database compatibility matrix describes the various cloud-native components that are compatible with each version of the Couchbase Autonomous Operator.

      Couchbase maximizes cloud-native technologies' advantages by natively integrating the Couchbase Autonomous Operator and Couchbase Service Broker to deliver a geo-distributed database platform, providing a hybrid, multi-cloud database solution for organizations.

      Autonomous Operator Cloud-Native Compatibility

      The matrix below denotes the version of Couchbase Autonomous Operator and its compatibility with other cloud-native components.

      Table 1. Couchbase Cloud-Native Database Compatibility Matrix - Autonomous Operator
      Kubernetes Helm Prometheus Service Mesh Fluent Bit

      Couchbase Autonomous Operator 1.2

      1.11, 1.12, 1.13





      Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0

      1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18

      Helm 3.1+

      Chart 2.0

      Prometheus 2.18+

      Couchbase Exporter 1.0.2



      Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.1

      1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19

      Helm 3.1+

      Chart 2.1

      Prometheus 2.24+

      Couchbase Exporter 1.0.3

      Istio 1.8.1+


      Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.2

      1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.21

      Helm 3.1+

      Chart 2.2

      Prometheus 2.27+

      Couchbase Exporter 1.0.4

      Istio 1.10+

      Fluent Bit 1.7.3

      Couchbase Fluent Bit 1.0.1


      • The Couchbase Autonomous Operator has its own platform compatibility requirements. Refer to Prerequisites and System Requirements in the Autonomous Operator documentation for more information.

      • CAO does not support Istio Service Mesh on RedHat OpenShift Container Platform.

      Service Broker Cloud-Native Compatibility

      The matrix below denotes the version of Couchbase Service Broker and its compatibility with other cloud-native components.

      Table 2. Couchbase Cloud-Native Database Compatibility Matrix - Service Broker
      Couchbase Autonomous Operator Open Service Broker API

      Couchbase Service Broker 1.0



      Couchbase Service Broker 1.1



      The Couchbase Service Broker has its own platform compatibility requirements. Refer to the Prerequisites in the Service Broker documentation for more information.