Couchbase C Client
Asynchronous C Client for Couchbase
▼ doc | |
apiattr.h | |
environment.h | |
intro.h | |
mainpage.h | |
▼ include | |
▼ libcouchbase | |
▼ plugins | |
▼ io | |
wsaerr.h | |
assert.h | |
auth.h | Credentials store for Couchbase |
cntl-private.h | |
cntl.h | Command codes for libcouchbase |
couchbase.h | Main header file for Couchbase |
crypto.h | Field encryption |
error.h | Definition of all of the error codes used by libcouchbase |
iometrics.h | |
iops.h | Public I/O integration interface |
ixmgmt.h | |
kvbuf.h | Low level structures used by commands for buffers |
logger.h | |
metrics.h | |
pktfwd.h | |
sysdefs.h | |
tracing.h | |
utils.h | Various utility functions |
vbucket.h | VBucket Mapping API |
visibility.h | |
▼ plugins | |
▼ io | |
▼ libev | |
libev_io_opts.h | Libev integration with libcouchbase |
▼ libevent | |
libevent_io_opts.h | Libevent integration with libcouchbase |
▼ libuv | |
libuv_io_opts.h | Libuv integration with libcouchbase |