
class Scope(name: String, bucket: Bucket)


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fun analyticsQuery(statement: String, common: CommonOptions = CommonOptions.Default, parameters: AnalyticsParameters = AnalyticsParameters.None, serializer: JsonSerializer? = null, consistency: AnalyticsScanConsistency = AnalyticsScanConsistency.notBounded(), @SinceCouchbase(value = "6.5") readonly: Boolean = false, priority: AnalyticsPriority = AnalyticsPriority.normal(), clientContextId: String? = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), raw: Map<String, Any?> = emptyMap()): Flow<AnalyticsFlowItem>
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fun collection(name: String): Collection

Opens a collection for this scope.

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fun query(statement: String, common: CommonOptions = CommonOptions.Default, parameters: QueryParameters = QueryParameters.None, @SinceCouchbase(value = "7.1") preserveExpiry: Boolean = false, serializer: JsonSerializer? = null, consistency: QueryScanConsistency = QueryScanConsistency.notBounded(), readonly: Boolean = false, adhoc: Boolean = true, flexIndex: Boolean = false, metrics: Boolean = false, profile: QueryProfile = QueryProfile.OFF, maxParallelism: Int? = null, scanCap: Int? = null, pipelineBatch: Int? = null, pipelineCap: Int? = null, clientContextId: String? = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), raw: Map<String, Any?> = emptyMap()): Flow<QueryFlowItem>

fun query(statement: String, common: CommonOptions = CommonOptions.Default, parameters: QueryParameters = QueryParameters.None, @SinceCouchbase(value = "7.1") preserveExpiry: Boolean = false, serializer: JsonSerializer? = null, consistency: QueryScanConsistency = QueryScanConsistency.notBounded(), readonly: Boolean = false, adhoc: Boolean = true, flexIndex: Boolean = false, metrics: Boolean = false, profile: QueryProfile = QueryProfile.OFF, maxParallelism: Int? = null, scanCap: Int? = null, pipelineBatch: Int? = null, pipelineCap: Int? = null, clientContextId: String? = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), raw: Map<String, Any?> = emptyMap(), @SinceCouchbase(value = "7.6") useReplica: Boolean? = null): Flow<QueryFlowItem>

Returns a Flow which may be collected to execute a scope-level SQL++ query and process the results.

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@SinceCouchbase(value = "7.6")
fun search(indexName: String, spec: SearchSpec, common: CommonOptions = CommonOptions.Default, page: SearchPage = SearchPage.startAt(offset = 0), limit: Int? = null, sort: SearchSort = SearchSort.byScore(Direction.DESCENDING), fields: List<String> = emptyList(), facets: List<SearchFacet> = emptyList(), highlight: Highlight = Highlight.none(), includeLocations: Boolean = false, score: Score = Score.default(), explain: Boolean = false, @SinceCouchbase(value = "7.0") collections: List<String> = emptyList(), consistency: SearchScanConsistency = SearchScanConsistency.notBounded(), serializer: JsonSerializer? = null, raw: Map<String, Any?> = emptyMap()): Flow<SearchFlowItem>

Returns a Flow which can be collected to execute a Full-Text Search (vector, non-vector, or mixed-mode) against a scope-level index.


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val bucket: Bucket
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val name: String
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@SinceCouchbase(value = "7.6")
val searchIndexes: ScopeSearchIndexManager

A manager for administering scope-level Full-Text Search indexes.