



package datastructures

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class CouchbaseBuffer[T] extends AbstractBuffer[T]

    Presents a Scala Buffer interface on top of a mutable persistent data structure, in the form of a document stored on the cluster.

  2. case class CouchbaseCollectionOptions(timeout: Duration, retryStrategy: RetryStrategy, durability: Durability) extends Product with Serializable
  3. class CouchbaseMap[T] extends AbstractMap[String, T]

    Presents a Scala Map interface on top of a mutable persistent data structure, in the form of a document stored on the cluster.

  4. class CouchbaseQueue[T] extends CouchbaseBuffer[T]

    Presents a Scala Queue interface on top of a mutable persistent data structure, in the form of a document stored on the cluster.

  5. class CouchbaseSet[T] extends AbstractSet[T]

    Presents a Scala Set interface on top of a mutable persistent data structure, in the form of a document stored on the cluster.

Value Members

  1. object CouchbaseCollectionOptions extends Serializable
