Couchbase C++ SDK 1.0.4 (rev. 5355b0f)
No Matches
Uncommitted Interfaces

List of the uncommitted interfaces.

No commitment is made about the interface.

It may be changed in incompatible ways and dropped from one release to another. The difference between an uncommitted interface and a volatile interface is its maturity and likelihood of being changed. Uncommitted interfaces may mature into committed interfaces.

Member analytics_options::encoded_named_parameters (std::map< std::string, codec::binary, std::less<> > parameters) -> analytics_options &
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member analytics_options::encoded_positional_parameters (std::vector< codec::binary > parameters) -> analytics_options &
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member analytics_options::encoded_raw_options (std::map< std::string, codec::binary, std::less<> > options) -> analytics_options &
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member collection::insert (std::string document_id, codec::encoded_value document, const insert_options &options, insert_handler &&handler) const
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member collection::insert (std::string document_id, codec::encoded_value document, const insert_options &options) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, mutation_result > >
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member collection::replace (std::string document_id, codec::encoded_value document, const replace_options &options, replace_handler &&handler) const
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member collection::replace (std::string document_id, codec::encoded_value document, const replace_options &options) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, mutation_result > >
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member collection::upsert (std::string document_id, codec::encoded_value document, const upsert_options &options, upsert_handler &&handler) const
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member collection::upsert (std::string document_id, codec::encoded_value document, const upsert_options &options) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, mutation_result > >
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Namespace couchbase
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::analytics_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::append_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::build_deferred_query_indexes_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::cluster_connect_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::connect_link_analytics_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::create_dataset_analytics_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::create_dataverse_analytics_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::create_index_analytics_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::create_link_analytics_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::create_primary_query_index_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::create_query_index_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::decrement_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::disconnect_link_analytics_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::drop_dataset_analytics_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::drop_dataverse_analytics_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::drop_index_analytics_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::drop_link_analytics_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::drop_primary_query_index_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::drop_query_index_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::bucket_closed
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::cluster_closed
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::configuration_not_available
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::consistency_mismatch
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::end_of_stream
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::handshake_failure
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::index_not_ready
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::mutation_token_outdated
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::need_more_data
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::network
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::no_endpoints_left
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::operation_queue_closed
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::operation_queue_full
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::protocol_error
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::request_already_queued
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::request_cancelled
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::resolve_failure
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::streaming_json_lexer
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::transaction
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::errc::transaction_op
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::exists_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::get_all_datasets_analytics_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::get_all_indexes_analytics_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::get_all_query_indexes_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::get_all_replicas_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::get_all_replicas_result
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::get_and_lock_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::get_and_touch_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::get_any_replica_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::get_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::get_links_analytics_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::get_pending_mutations_analytics_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::increment_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::insert_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::lookup_in_all_replicas_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::lookup_in_all_replicas_result
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::lookup_in_any_replica_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::lookup_in_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::mutate_in_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::prepend_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::query_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::remove_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::replace_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::replace_link_analytics_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::search_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::touch_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::unlock_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::upsert_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member couchbase::watch_query_indexes_handler
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Struct formatter< couchbase::error >
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Struct formatter< couchbase::error_context >
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member query_options::encoded_named_parameters (std::map< std::string, codec::binary, std::less<> > parameters) -> query_options &
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member query_options::encoded_positional_parameters (std::vector< codec::binary > parameters) -> query_options &
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member query_options::encoded_raw_options (std::map< std::string, codec::binary, std::less<> > options) -> query_options &
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed
Member scan_result_item::expiry_time () const -> const std::optional< std::chrono::system_clock::time_point > &
Might be changed in the future, and eventually promoted to committed