Couchbase C++ SDK 1.0.4 (rev. 5355b0f)
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Errors related to Analytics service (CBAS)
Enumerator | |
compilation_failure | The query failed to compile.
job_queue_full | Indicates the analytics server job queue is full.
dataset_not_found | The dataset referenced in the query is not found on the server.
dataverse_not_found | The dataverse referenced in the query is not found on the server.
dataset_exists | The dataset referenced in the query is found on the server, when it should not be.
dataverse_exists | The dataverse referenced in the query is found on the server, when it should not be.
link_not_found | The link referenced in the query is not found on the server.
link_exists | The link referenced in the query is found on the server, when it should not be.
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Common errors for all services and modules.
Enumerator | |
request_canceled | A request is cancelled and cannot be resolved in a non-ambiguous way. Most likely the request is in-flight on the socket and the socket gets closed.
invalid_argument | It is unambiguously determined that the error was caused because of invalid arguments from the user. Usually only thrown directly when doing request arg validation
service_not_available | It can be determined from the config unambiguously that a given service is not available. I.e. no query node in the config, or a memcached bucket is accessed and views or n1ql queries should be performed
internal_server_failure | Indicates an operation failed because there has been an internal error in the server.
authentication_failure | Indicates authentication problems.
temporary_failure | Returned when the server reports a temporary failure. This is exception is very likely retryable.
parsing_failure | Indicates an operation failed because parsing of the input returned with an error.
cas_mismatch | Indicates an optimistic locking failure. The operation failed because the specified compare and swap (CAS) value differs from the document's actual CAS value. This means the document was modified since the original CAS value was acquired. The application should usually respond by fetching a fresh version of the document and repeating the failed operation.
bucket_not_found | A request is made but the current bucket is not found.
collection_not_found | A request is made but the current collection (including scope) is not found.
unsupported_operation | The server indicates that the operation is not supported.
ambiguous_timeout | A timeout occurs and we aren't sure if the underlying operation has completed. This normally occurs because we sent the request to the server successfully, but timed out waiting for the response. Note that idempotent operations should never return this, as they do not have ambiguity.
unambiguous_timeout | A timeout occurs and we are confident that the operation could not have succeeded. This normally would occur because we received confident failures from the server, or never managed to successfully dispatch the operation.
feature_not_available | A feature which is not available was used.
scope_not_found | A management API attempts to target a scope which does not exist.
index_not_found | The index that was referenced by the operation does not exist on the server.
index_exists | The index that was referenced by the operation exist on the server when it expected not to.
encoding_failure | Returned when encoding of a user object failed while trying to write it to the cluster.
decoding_failure | Returned when decoding of the data into the user object failed.
rate_limited | This error is raised if the operation failed due to hitting a rate-limit on the server side.
quota_limited | This error is raised if the operation failed due to hitting a quota-limit on the server side.
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Field-Level Encryption Error Definitions.
Enumerator | |
generic_cryptography_failure | Generic cryptography failure.
encryption_failure | Raised by CryptoManager encrypt when encryption fails for any reason. Should have one of the other Field-Level Encryption errors as a cause.
decryption_failure | Raised by CryptoManager.decrypt() when decryption fails for any reason. Should have one of the other Field-Level Encryption errors as a cause.
crypto_key_not_found | Raised when a crypto operation fails because a required key is missing.
invalid_crypto_key | Raised by an encrypter or decrypter when the key does not meet expectations (for example, if the key is the wrong size).
decrypter_not_found | Raised when a message cannot be decrypted because there is no decrypter registered for the algorithm.
encrypter_not_found | Raised when a message cannot be encrypted because there is no encrypter registered under the requested alias.
invalid_ciphertext | Raised when decryption fails due to malformed input, integrity check failure, etc.
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Errors for related to Key/Value service (kv_engine)
Enumerator | |
document_not_found | Indicates an operation failed because the key does not exist.
document_irretrievable | In collection::get_any_replica, the collection::get_all_replicas returns an empty stream because all the individual errors are dropped (all returned a key_value::document_not_found)
document_locked | Returned when the server reports a temporary failure that is very likely to be lock-related (like an already locked key or a bad cas used for unlock).
value_too_large | The value that was sent was too large to store (typically > 20MB)
document_exists | An operation which relies on the document not existing fails because the document existed.
durability_level_not_available | The specified durability level is invalid.
durability_impossible | The specified durability requirements are not currently possible (for example, there are an insufficient number of replicas online).
durability_ambiguous | A sync-write has not completed in the specified time and has an ambiguous result – it may have succeeded or failed, but the final result is not yet known. A SEQNO OBSERVE operation is performed and the vbucket UUID changes during polling.
durable_write_in_progress | A durable write is attempted against a key which already has a pending durable write.
durable_write_re_commit_in_progress | The server is currently working to synchronize all replicas for previously performed durable operations (typically occurs after a rebalance).
path_not_found | The path provided for a sub-document operation was not found.
path_mismatch | The path provided for a sub-document operation did not match the actual structure of the document.
path_invalid | The path provided for a sub-document operation was not syntactically correct.
path_too_big | The path provided for a sub-document operation is too long, or contains too many independent components.
path_too_deep | The document contains too many levels to parse.
value_too_deep | The value provided, if inserted into the document, would cause the document to become too deep for the server to accept.
value_invalid | The value provided for a sub-document operation would invalidate the JSON structure of the document if inserted as requested.
document_not_json | A sub-document operation is performed on a non-JSON document.
number_too_big | The existing number is outside the valid range for arithmetic operations.
delta_invalid | The delta value specified for an operation is too large.
path_exists | A sub-document operation which relies on a path not existing encountered a path which exists.
xattr_unknown_macro | A macro was used which the server did not understand.
xattr_invalid_key_combo | A sub-document operation attempts to access multiple XATTRs in one operation.
xattr_unknown_virtual_attribute | A sub-document operation attempts to access an unknown virtual attribute.
xattr_cannot_modify_virtual_attribute | A sub-document operation attempts to modify a virtual attribute.
xattr_no_access | The user does not have permission to access the attribute. Occurs when the user attempts to read or write a system attribute (name starts with underscore) but does not have the
document_not_locked | The document is already locked - generally returned when an unlocking operation is being performed.
cannot_revive_living_document | Only deleted document could be revived.
mutation_token_outdated | The provided mutation token is outdated compared to the current state of the server.
range_scan_completed |
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Errors related to management service (ns_server)
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Errors related to networking IO.
Enumerator | |
resolve_failure | Unable to resolve node address.
no_endpoints_left | No hosts left to connect.
handshake_failure | Failed to complete protocol handshake.
protocol_error | Unexpected protocol state or input.
configuration_not_available | Configuration is not available for some reason.
cluster_closed | The cluster object has been explicitly closed, no requests allowed.
end_of_stream |
need_more_data |
operation_queue_closed |
operation_queue_full |
request_already_queued |
request_cancelled |
bucket_closed |
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Errors related to Query service (N1QL)
Enumerator | |
planning_failure | Indicates an operation failed because there has been an issue with the query planner.
index_failure | Indicates an operation failed because there has been an issue with the query planner or similar.
prepared_statement_failure | Indicates an operation failed because there has been an issue with query prepared statements.
dml_failure | This exception is raised when the server fails to execute a DML query.
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Errors related to Search service (CBFT)
Enumerator | |
index_not_ready | The index referenced in the query is not ready yet.
consistency_mismatch | Consistency constraints cannot be accepted by the server.
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Errors related to streaming JSON parser.
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Errors related to a failed transaction.
Enumerator | |
failed | |
expired | |
failed_post_commit | |
ambiguous |
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Errors related to a failed transaction operation.
Enumerator | |
generic |
active_transaction_record_entry_not_found | |
active_transaction_record_full | |
active_transaction_record_not_found | |
document_already_in_transaction | |
document_exists | |
document_not_found | |
feature_not_available | |
transaction_aborted_externally | |
previous_operation_failed | |
forward_compatibility_failure | |
parsing_failure | |
illegal_state | |
service_not_available | |
request_canceled | |
concurrent_operations_detected_on_same_document | |
commit_not_permitted | |
rollback_not_permitted | |
transaction_already_aborted | |
transaction_already_committed | |
transaction_op_failed |
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Errors related to Views service (CAPI)
Enumerator | |
view_not_found | View does not exist on the server.
design_document_not_found | Design document does not exist on the server.