Couchbase C++ SDK 1.0.1 (rev. 58d46d7)
No Matches
Volatile Interfaces

List of the volatile interfaces.

Types/Methods/Interfaces marked as volatile can change any time and for any reason.

They may be volatile for reasons including:

  • Depends on specific implementation detail within the library which may change in the response.
  • Depends on specific implementation detail within the server which may change in the response.
  • Has been introduced as part of a trial phase for the specific feature.
Member analytics_meta_data::analytics_meta_data (std::string request_id, std::string client_context_id, analytics_status status, std::vector< analytics_warning > warnings, analytics_metrics metrics, std::optional< codec::binary > signature)
Should not be used in production
Member analytics_metrics::analytics_metrics (std::chrono::nanoseconds elapsed_time, std::chrono::nanoseconds execution_time, std::uint64_t result_count, std::uint64_t result_size, std::uint64_t processed_objects, std::uint64_t error_count, std::uint64_t warning_count)
Should not be used in production
Member analytics_result::analytics_result (analytics_meta_data meta_data, std::vector< codec::binary > rows)
Should not be used in production
Member analytics_warning::analytics_warning (std::uint64_t code, std::string message)
Should not be used in production
Member cluster_options::apply_profile (const std::string &profile_name)
Should not be used in production
Member cluster_options::behavior () -> behavior_options &
Should not be used in production
Member collection::scan (const scan_type &scan_type, const scan_options &options, scan_handler &&handler) const
Should not be used in production
Member collection::scan (const scan_type &scan_type, const scan_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, scan_result > >
Should not be used in production
Member configuration_profile::apply (cluster_options &options)=0
Should not be used in production
Member configuration_profiles_registry::register_profile (const std::string &name, std::shared_ptr< configuration_profile > profile)
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::errc::crypto_key_not_found
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::errc::decrypter_not_found
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::errc::decryption_failure
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::errc::encrypter_not_found
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::errc::encryption_failure
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::errc::field_level_encryption
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::errc::generic_cryptography_failure
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::errc::invalid_ciphertext
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::errc::invalid_crypto_key
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::scan_handler
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::scan_item_handler
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::subdoc::lookup_in_macro
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::subdoc::mutate_in_macro
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::subdoc::to_binary (mutate_in_macro value) -> std::vector< std::byte >
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::subdoc::to_lookup_in_macro (std::string_view input) -> std::optional< lookup_in_macro >
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::subdoc::to_mutate_in_macro (std::string_view input) -> std::optional< mutate_in_macro >
Should not be used in production
Member couchbase::subdoc::to_string (lookup_in_macro value) -> std::string
Should not be used in production
Member query_meta_data::query_meta_data (std::string request_id, std::string client_context_id, query_status status, std::vector< query_warning > warnings, std::optional< query_metrics > metrics, std::optional< codec::binary > signature, std::optional< codec::binary > profile)
Should not be used in production
Member query_metrics::query_metrics (std::chrono::nanoseconds elapsed_time, std::chrono::nanoseconds execution_time, std::uint64_t result_count, std::uint64_t result_size, std::uint64_t sort_count, std::uint64_t mutation_count, std::uint64_t error_count, std::uint64_t warning_count)
Should not be used in production
Member query_result::query_result (query_meta_data meta_data, std::vector< codec::binary > rows)
Should not be used in production
Member query_warning::query_warning (std::uint64_t code, std::string message, std::optional< std::uint64_t > reason, std::optional< bool > retry)
Should not be used in production
Member scan_result::begin () -> iterator
Should not be used in production
Member scan_result::cancel ()
Should not be used in production
Member scan_result::end () -> iterator
Should not be used in production
Class scan_result::iterator
Should not be used in production
Member scan_result::next () const -> std::future< std::pair< error, std::optional< scan_result_item > > >
Should not be used in production
Member scan_result::next (scan_item_handler &&handler) const
Should not be used in production
Member scope::search_indexes () const -> scope_search_index_manager
Should not be used in production
Member scope_search_index_manager::allow_querying (std::string index_name, const allow_querying_search_index_options &options, allow_querying_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Should not be used in production
Member scope_search_index_manager::analyze_document (std::string index_name, Document document, const analyze_document_options &options, analyze_document_handler &&handler) const
Should not be used in production
Member scope_search_index_manager::analyze_document (std::string index_name, std::string document, const analyze_document_options &options, analyze_document_handler &&handler) const
Should not be used in production
Member scope_search_index_manager::disallow_querying (std::string index_name, const disallow_querying_search_index_options &options, disallow_querying_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Should not be used in production
Member scope_search_index_manager::drop_index (std::string index_name, const drop_search_index_options &options, drop_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Should not be used in production
Member scope_search_index_manager::freeze_plan (std::string index_name, const freeze_plan_search_index_options &options, freeze_plan_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Should not be used in production
Member scope_search_index_manager::get_all_indexes (const get_all_search_indexes_options &options, get_all_search_indexes_handler &&handler) const
Should not be used in production
Member scope_search_index_manager::get_index (std::string index_name, const get_search_index_options &options, get_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Should not be used in production
Member scope_search_index_manager::get_indexed_documents_count (std::string index_name, const get_indexed_search_index_options &options, get_indexed_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Should not be used in production
Member scope_search_index_manager::pause_ingest (std::string index_name, const pause_ingest_search_index_options &options, pause_ingest_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Should not be used in production
Member scope_search_index_manager::resume_ingest (std::string index_name, const resume_ingest_search_index_options &options, resume_ingest_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Should not be used in production
Member scope_search_index_manager::unfreeze_plan (std::string index_name, const unfreeze_plan_search_index_options &options, unfreeze_plan_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Should not be used in production
Member scope_search_index_manager::upsert_index (const management::search::index &search_index, const upsert_search_index_options &options, upsert_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Should not be used in production
Member search_meta_data::search_meta_data (internal_search_meta_data internal)
Should not be used in production
Member search_metrics::search_metrics (std::chrono::nanoseconds took, std::uint64_t total_rows, std::uint64_t success_partition_count, std::uint64_t error_partition_count, std::uint64_t total_partition_count, double max_score)
Should not be used in production
Member search_result::search_result (internal_search_result internal)
Should not be used in production
Member search_row::search_row (internal_search_row internal)
Should not be used in production
Struct transaction_result
Should not be used in production
Struct vector_search_options
Should not be used in production
Member vector_search_options::query_combination (vector_query_combination combination) -> vector_search_options &
Should not be used in production