Couchbase C++ SDK 1.0.4 (rev. 5355b0f)
No Matches
Committed Interfaces

List of the committed interfaces.

A committed interface is the highest grade of stability, and is the preferred attribute level for consumers of the library.

Couchbase tries at best effort to preserve committed interfaces between major versions, and changes to committed interfaces within a major version is highly exceptional. Such exceptions may include situations where the interface may lead to data corruption, security holes etc. Explicitly note that backwards-compatible extensions are always allowed since they don't break old code.

This is the default interface level for an API, unless the API is specifically marked otherwise.
Member analytics_index_manager::connect_link (const connect_link_analytics_options &options, connect_link_analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::connect_link (const connect_link_analytics_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::create_dataset (const std::string &dataset_name, const std::string &bucket_name, const create_dataset_analytics_options &options, create_dataset_analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::create_dataset (const std::string &dataset_name, const std::string &bucket_name, const create_dataset_analytics_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::create_dataverse (const std::string &dataverse_name, const create_dataverse_analytics_options &options, create_dataverse_analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::create_dataverse (const std::string &dataverse_name, const create_dataverse_analytics_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::create_index (const std::string &index_name, const std::string &dataset_name, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &fields, const create_index_analytics_options &options, create_index_analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::create_index (const std::string &index_name, const std::string &dataset_name, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &fields, const create_index_analytics_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::create_link (const management::analytics_link &link, const create_link_analytics_options &options, create_link_analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::create_link (const management::analytics_link &link, const create_link_analytics_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::disconnect_link (const disconnect_link_analytics_options &options, disconnect_link_analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::disconnect_link (const disconnect_link_analytics_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::drop_dataset (const std::string &dataset_name, const drop_dataset_analytics_options &options, drop_dataset_analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::drop_dataset (const std::string &dataset_name, const drop_dataset_analytics_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::drop_dataverse (const std::string &dataverse_name, const drop_dataverse_analytics_options &options, drop_dataverse_analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::drop_dataverse (const std::string &dataverse_name, const drop_dataverse_analytics_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::drop_index (const std::string &index_name, const std::string &dataset_name, const drop_index_analytics_options &options, drop_index_analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::drop_index (const std::string &index_name, const std::string &dataset_name, const drop_index_analytics_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::drop_link (const std::string &link_name, const std::string &dataverse_name, const drop_link_analytics_options &options, drop_link_analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::drop_link (const std::string &link_name, const std::string &dataverse_name, const drop_link_analytics_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::get_all_datasets (const get_all_datasets_analytics_options &options, get_all_datasets_analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::get_all_datasets (const get_all_datasets_analytics_options &options) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, std::vector< management::analytics_dataset > > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::get_all_indexes (const get_all_indexes_analytics_options &options, get_all_indexes_analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::get_all_indexes (const get_all_indexes_analytics_options &options) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, std::vector< management::analytics_index > > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::get_links (const get_links_analytics_options &options, get_links_analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::get_links (const get_links_analytics_options &options) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< management::analytics_link > > > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::get_pending_mutations (const get_pending_mutations_analytics_options &options, get_pending_mutations_analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::get_pending_mutations (const get_pending_mutations_analytics_options &options) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, std::int64_t > > > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::replace_link (const management::analytics_link &link, const replace_link_analytics_options &options, replace_link_analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_index_manager::replace_link (const management::analytics_link &link, const replace_link_analytics_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class analytics_meta_data
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_meta_data::client_context_id () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_meta_data::metrics () const -> const analytics_metrics &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_meta_data::request_id () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_meta_data::signature () const -> const std::optional< codec::binary > &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_meta_data::status () const -> analytics_status
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_meta_data::warnings () const -> const std::vector< analytics_warning > &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class analytics_metrics
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_metrics::elapsed_time () const -> std::chrono::nanoseconds
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_metrics::error_count () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_metrics::execution_time () const -> std::chrono::nanoseconds
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_metrics::processed_objects () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_metrics::result_count () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_metrics::result_size () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_metrics::warning_count () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct analytics_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_options::client_context_id (std::string client_context_id) -> analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_options::consistent_with (const mutation_state &state) -> analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_options::named_parameters (const Parameters &... parameters) -> analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_options::positional_parameters (const Parameters &... parameters) -> analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_options::priority (bool prioritized) -> analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_options::raw (std::string name, const Value &value) -> analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_options::readonly (bool readonly) -> analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_options::scan_consistency (analytics_scan_consistency scan_consistency) -> analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_options::scan_wait (std::chrono::milliseconds wait) -> analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class analytics_result
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_result::meta_data () const -> const analytics_meta_data &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class analytics_warning
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_warning::code () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member analytics_warning::message () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct append_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class array_add_unique
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member array_add_unique::create_path (bool value=true) -> array_add_unique &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member array_add_unique::xattr (bool value=true) -> array_add_unique &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class array_append
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member array_append::create_path (bool value=true) -> array_append &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member array_append::xattr (bool value=true) -> array_append &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class array_insert
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member array_insert::create_path (bool value=true) -> array_insert &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member array_insert::xattr (bool value=true) -> array_insert &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class array_prepend
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member array_prepend::create_path (bool value=true) -> array_prepend &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member array_prepend::xattr (bool value=true) -> array_prepend &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member azure_blob_external_analytics_link::azure_blob_external_analytics_link ()=default
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member azure_blob_external_analytics_link::azure_blob_external_analytics_link (std::string name, std::string dataverse_name, std::optional< std::string > connection_string={}, std::optional< std::string > account_name={}, std::optional< std::string > account_key={}, std::optional< std::string > shared_access_signature={}, std::optional< std::string > blob_endpoint={}, std::optional< std::string > endpoint_suffix={})
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class binary_collection
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member binary_collection::append (std::string document_id, std::vector< std::byte > data, const append_options &options, append_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member binary_collection::append (std::string document_id, std::vector< std::byte > data, const append_options &options) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, mutation_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member binary_collection::bucket_name () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member binary_collection::decrement (std::string document_id, const decrement_options &options, decrement_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member binary_collection::decrement (std::string document_id, const decrement_options &options) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, counter_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member binary_collection::increment (std::string document_id, const increment_options &options, increment_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member binary_collection::increment (std::string document_id, const increment_options &options) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, counter_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member binary_collection::name () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member binary_collection::prepend (std::string document_id, std::vector< std::byte > data, const prepend_options &options, prepend_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member binary_collection::prepend (std::string document_id, std::vector< std::byte > data, const prepend_options &options) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, mutation_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member binary_collection::scope_name () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class boolean_field_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member boolean_field_query::boolean_field_query (bool value)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member boolean_field_query::field (std::string field_name) -> boolean_field_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class boolean_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member boolean_query::must (conjunction_query query) -> boolean_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member boolean_query::must (SearchQuery... queries) -> boolean_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member boolean_query::must () -> conjunction_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member boolean_query::must_not (disjunction_query query) -> boolean_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member boolean_query::must_not (SearchQuery... queries) -> boolean_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member boolean_query::must_not () -> disjunction_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member boolean_query::should (disjunction_query query) -> boolean_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member boolean_query::should (SearchQuery... queries) -> boolean_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member boolean_query::should () -> disjunction_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class bucket
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member bucket::collections () const -> collection_manager
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member bucket::default_collection () const -> collection
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member bucket::default_scope () const -> scope
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member bucket::ping (const ping_options &options, ping_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member bucket::ping (const ping_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, ping_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member bucket::scope (std::string_view scope_name) const -> scope
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member bucket_manager::get_all_buckets (const get_all_buckets_options &options, get_all_buckets_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member bucket_manager::get_bucket (std::string bucket_name, const get_bucket_options &options, get_bucket_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class build_query_index_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class cas
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cas::cas ()=default
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cas::cas (std::uint64_t value)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cas::empty () const -> bool
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cas::operator!= (const cas &other) const -> bool
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cas::operator== (const cas &other) const -> bool
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class cluster
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::analytics_indexes () const -> analytics_index_manager
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::analytics_query (std::string statement, const analytics_options &options, analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::analytics_query (std::string statement, const analytics_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, analytics_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::bucket (std::string_view bucket_name) const -> bucket
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::buckets () const -> bucket_manager
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::connect (const std::string &connection_string, const cluster_options &options, cluster_connect_handler &&handler)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::connect (const std::string &connection_string, const cluster_options &options) -> std::future< std::pair< error, cluster > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::diagnostics (const diagnostics_options &options, diagnostics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::diagnostics (const diagnostics_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, diagnostics_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::ping (const ping_options &options, ping_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::ping (const ping_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, ping_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::query (std::string statement, const query_options &options, query_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::query (std::string statement, const query_options &options) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, query_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::query_indexes () const -> query_index_manager
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::search (std::string index_name, search_request request, const search_options &options, search_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::search (std::string index_name, search_request request, const search_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, search_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::search_indexes () const -> search_index_manager
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster::transactions () const -> std::shared_ptr< couchbase::transactions::transactions >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster_options::cluster_options (std::string username, std::string password)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster_options::cluster_options (password_authenticator authenticator)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster_options::cluster_options (certificate_authenticator authenticator)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster_options::compression () -> compression_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster_options::default_retry_strategy (std::shared_ptr< retry_strategy > strategy) -> cluster_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster_options::dns () -> dns_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster_options::metrics () -> metrics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster_options::network () -> network_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster_options::security () -> security_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster_options::timeouts () -> timeout_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster_options::tracing () -> tracing_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member cluster_options::transactions () -> transactions::transactions_config &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class collection
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::binary () const -> binary_collection
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::bucket_name () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::default_name
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::exists (std::string document_id, const exists_options &options, exists_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::exists (std::string document_id, const exists_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, exists_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::get (std::string document_id, const get_options &options, get_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::get (std::string document_id, const get_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, get_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::get_all_replicas (std::string document_id, const get_all_replicas_options &options, get_all_replicas_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::get_all_replicas (std::string document_id, const get_all_replicas_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, get_all_replicas_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::get_and_lock (std::string document_id, std::chrono::seconds lock_duration, const get_and_lock_options &options, get_and_lock_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::get_and_lock (std::string document_id, std::chrono::seconds lock_duration, const get_and_lock_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, get_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::get_and_touch (std::string document_id, std::chrono::seconds duration, const get_and_touch_options &options, get_and_touch_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::get_and_touch (std::string document_id, std::chrono::seconds duration, const get_and_touch_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, get_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::get_and_touch (std::string document_id, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time_point, const get_and_touch_options &options, get_and_touch_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::get_and_touch (std::string document_id, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time_point, const get_and_touch_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, get_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::get_any_replica (std::string document_id, const get_any_replica_options &options, get_any_replica_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::get_any_replica (std::string document_id, const get_any_replica_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, get_replica_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::insert (std::string document_id, Document document, const insert_options &options, insert_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::insert (std::string document_id, const Document &document, const insert_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, mutation_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::lookup_in (std::string document_id, const lookup_in_specs &specs, const lookup_in_options &options, lookup_in_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::lookup_in (std::string document_id, const lookup_in_specs &specs, const lookup_in_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, lookup_in_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::lookup_in_all_replicas (std::string document_id, const lookup_in_specs &specs, const lookup_in_all_replicas_options &options, lookup_in_all_replicas_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::lookup_in_all_replicas (std::string document_id, const lookup_in_specs &specs, const lookup_in_all_replicas_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, lookup_in_all_replicas_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::lookup_in_any_replica (std::string document_id, const lookup_in_specs &specs, const lookup_in_any_replica_options &options, lookup_in_any_replica_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::lookup_in_any_replica (std::string document_id, const lookup_in_specs &specs, const lookup_in_any_replica_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, lookup_in_replica_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::mutate_in (std::string document_id, const mutate_in_specs &specs, const mutate_in_options &options, mutate_in_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::mutate_in (std::string document_id, const mutate_in_specs &specs, const mutate_in_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, mutate_in_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::name () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::remove (std::string document_id, const remove_options &options, remove_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::remove (std::string document_id, const remove_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, mutation_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::replace (std::string document_id, Document document, const replace_options &options, replace_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::replace (std::string document_id, const Document &document, const replace_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, mutation_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::scope_name () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::touch (std::string document_id, std::chrono::seconds duration, const touch_options &options, touch_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::touch (std::string document_id, std::chrono::seconds duration, const touch_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::touch (std::string document_id, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time_point, const touch_options &options, touch_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::touch (std::string document_id, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time_point, const touch_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::unlock (std::string document_id, couchbase::cas cas, const unlock_options &options, unlock_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::unlock (std::string document_id, couchbase::cas cas, const unlock_options &options={}) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::upsert (std::string document_id, Document document, const upsert_options &options, upsert_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection::upsert (std::string document_id, const Document &document, const upsert_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, mutation_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class collection_query_index_manager
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection_query_index_manager::build_deferred_indexes (const build_query_index_options &options, build_deferred_query_indexes_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection_query_index_manager::build_deferred_indexes (const build_query_index_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection_query_index_manager::create_index (std::string index_name, std::vector< std::string > keys, const create_query_index_options &options, create_query_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection_query_index_manager::create_index (std::string index_name, std::vector< std::string > keys, const create_query_index_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection_query_index_manager::create_primary_index (const create_primary_query_index_options &options, create_primary_query_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection_query_index_manager::create_primary_index (const create_primary_query_index_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection_query_index_manager::drop_index (std::string index_name, const drop_query_index_options &options, drop_query_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection_query_index_manager::drop_index (std::string index_name, const drop_query_index_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection_query_index_manager::drop_primary_index (const drop_primary_query_index_options &options, drop_primary_query_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection_query_index_manager::drop_primary_index (const drop_primary_query_index_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection_query_index_manager::get_all_indexes (const get_all_query_indexes_options &options, get_all_query_indexes_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection_query_index_manager::get_all_indexes (const get_all_query_indexes_options &options) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, std::vector< couchbase::management::query_index > > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection_query_index_manager::watch_indexes (std::vector< std::string > index_names, const watch_query_indexes_options &options, watch_query_indexes_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member collection_query_index_manager::watch_indexes (std::vector< std::string > index_names, const watch_query_indexes_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class common_durability_options< derived_class >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member common_durability_options< derived_class >::durability (durability_level level) -> derived_class &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class common_options< derived_class >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member common_options< derived_class >::retry_strategy (const std::shared_ptr< retry_strategy > strategy) -> derived_class &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member common_options< derived_class >::timeout (const std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) -> derived_class &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class conjunction_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member conjunction_query::and_also (SearchQuery... queries) -> conjunction_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member conjunction_query::conjunction_query (SearchQuery &&... queries)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member connect_link_analytics_options::dataverse_name (std::string dataverse_name) -> connect_link_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member connect_link_analytics_options::link_name (std::string link_name) -> connect_link_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::active
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::analytics_status
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::ansi
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::connected
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::connecting
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::disconnected
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::disconnecting
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::durability_level
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::ambiguous_timeout
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::analytics
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::authentication_failure
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::bucket_not_found
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::cannot_revive_living_document
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::cas_mismatch
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::collection_not_found
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::common
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::compilation_failure
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::dataset_exists
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::dataset_not_found
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::dataverse_exists
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::dataverse_not_found
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::decoding_failure
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::delta_invalid
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::design_document_not_found
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::dml_failure
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::document_exists
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::document_irretrievable
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::document_locked
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::document_not_found
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::document_not_json
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::document_not_locked
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::durability_ambiguous
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::durability_impossible
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::durability_level_not_available
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::durable_write_in_progress
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::durable_write_re_commit_in_progress
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::encoding_failure
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::feature_not_available
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::index_exists
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::index_failure
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::index_not_found
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::internal_server_failure
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::invalid_argument
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::job_queue_full
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::key_value
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::link_exists
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::link_not_found
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::management
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::number_too_big
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::parsing_failure
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::path_exists
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::path_invalid
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::path_mismatch
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::path_not_found
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::path_too_big
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::path_too_deep
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::planning_failure
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::prepared_statement_failure
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::rate_limited
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::request_canceled
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::scope_not_found
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::search
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::service_not_available
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::temporary_failure
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::unambiguous_timeout
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::unsupported_operation
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::value_invalid
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::value_too_deep
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::value_too_large
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::view
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::view_not_found
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::xattr_cannot_modify_virtual_attribute
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::xattr_invalid_key_combo
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::xattr_no_access
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::xattr_unknown_macro
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::errc::xattr_unknown_virtual_attribute
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::error
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::four
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::highlight_style
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::html
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::insert
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::logical_and
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::logical_or
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::majority
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::majority_and_persist_to_active
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::match_operator
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::none
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::none
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::none
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::not_bounded
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::not_bounded
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::not_bounded
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::off
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::ok
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::one
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::one
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::persist_to_majority
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::phases
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::query_status
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::replace
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::request_plus
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::request_plus
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::retry_reason
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::store_semantics
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::three
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::three
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::timeout
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::timings
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::two
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::two
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase::upsert
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase_remote_analytics_link::couchbase_remote_analytics_link ()=default
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member couchbase_remote_analytics_link::couchbase_remote_analytics_link (std::string name, std::string dataverse_name, std::string hostname, couchbase_analytics_encryption_settings encryption={}, std::optional< std::string > username={}, std::optional< std::string > password={})
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class count
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member count::xattr (bool value=true) -> count &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class counter
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member counter::create_path (bool value=true) -> counter &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member counter::xattr (bool value=true) -> counter &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class counter_result
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member counter_result::counter_result (couchbase::cas cas, couchbase::mutation_token token, std::uint64_t content)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member create_dataset_analytics_options::condition (std::string condition) -> create_dataset_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member create_dataset_analytics_options::dataverse_name (std::string dataverse_name) -> create_dataset_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member create_dataset_analytics_options::ignore_if_exists (bool ignore_if_exists) -> create_dataset_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member create_dataverse_analytics_options::ignore_if_exists (bool ignore_if_exists) -> create_dataverse_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member create_index_analytics_options::dataverse_name (std::string dataverse_name) -> create_index_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member create_index_analytics_options::ignore_if_exists (bool ignore_if_exists) -> create_index_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member create_primary_query_index_options::build_deferred (bool deferred) -> create_primary_query_index_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member create_primary_query_index_options::ignore_if_exists (bool ignore_if_exists) -> create_primary_query_index_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member create_primary_query_index_options::num_replicas (uint8_t num_replicas) -> create_primary_query_index_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member create_query_index_options::build_deferred (bool deferred) -> create_query_index_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member create_query_index_options::ignore_if_exists (bool ignore_if_exists) -> create_query_index_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member create_query_index_options::num_replicas (uint8_t num_replicas) -> create_query_index_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class date_range_facet_result
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class date_range_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member date_range_query::date_time_parser (std::string parser_name) -> date_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member date_range_query::end (std::chrono::system_clock::time_point value) -> date_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member date_range_query::end (std::tm value) -> date_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member date_range_query::end (std::chrono::system_clock::time_point value, bool inclusive) -> date_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member date_range_query::end (std::tm value, bool inclusive) -> date_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member date_range_query::end (std::string value)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member date_range_query::end (std::string value, bool inclusive) -> date_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member date_range_query::field (std::string field_name) -> date_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member date_range_query::start (std::chrono::system_clock::time_point value) -> date_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member date_range_query::start (std::tm value) -> date_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member date_range_query::start (std::chrono::system_clock::time_point value, bool inclusive) -> date_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member date_range_query::start (std::tm value, bool inclusive) -> date_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member date_range_query::start (std::string value) -> date_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member date_range_query::start (std::string value, bool inclusive) -> date_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct decrement_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member decrement_options::delta (std::uint64_t delta) -> decrement_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member decrement_options::expiry (std::chrono::seconds duration) -> decrement_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member decrement_options::expiry (std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time_point) -> decrement_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member decrement_options::initial (std::uint64_t value) -> decrement_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member diagnostics_options::report_id (std::string report_id) -> diagnostics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member diagnostics_result::as_json () const -> std::string
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member diagnostics_result::endpoints () const -> std::map< service_type, std::vector< endpoint_diagnostics > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member diagnostics_result::id () const -> std::string
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member diagnostics_result::sdk () const -> std::string
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member diagnostics_result::version () const -> std::uint16_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member disconnect_link_analytics_options::dataverse_name (std::string dataverse_name) -> disconnect_link_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member disconnect_link_analytics_options::link_name (std::string link_name) -> disconnect_link_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class disjunction_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member disjunction_query::disjunction_query (SearchQuery &&... queries)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member disjunction_query::min (std::uint32_t number_of_queries) -> disjunction_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member disjunction_query::or_else (SearchQuery... queries) -> disjunction_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class doc_id_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member doc_id_query::doc_id (const std::string &id) -> doc_id_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member doc_id_query::doc_id_query (std::vector< std::string > ids)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member doc_id_query::doc_id_query (std::initializer_list< std::string > ids)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member doc_id_query::doc_ids (const std::vector< std::string > &ids) -> doc_id_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member drop_dataset_analytics_options::dataverse_name (std::string dataverse_name) -> drop_dataset_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member drop_dataset_analytics_options::ignore_if_not_exists (bool ignore_if_not_exists) -> drop_dataset_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member drop_dataverse_analytics_options::ignore_if_not_exists (bool ignore_if_not_exists) -> drop_dataverse_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member drop_index_analytics_options::dataverse_name (std::string dataverse_name) -> drop_index_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member drop_index_analytics_options::ignore_if_not_exists (bool ignore_if_not_exists) -> drop_index_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member drop_primary_query_index_options::ignore_if_not_exists (bool ignore_if_not_exists) -> drop_primary_query_index_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member drop_query_index_options::ignore_if_not_exists (bool ignore_if_not_exists) -> drop_query_index_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member endpoint_diagnostics::details () const -> std::optional< std::string >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member endpoint_diagnostics::endpoint_namespace () const -> std::optional< std::string >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member endpoint_diagnostics::id () const -> std::string
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member endpoint_diagnostics::last_activity () const -> std::optional< std::chrono::microseconds >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member endpoint_diagnostics::local () const -> std::string
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member endpoint_diagnostics::remote () const -> std::string
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member endpoint_diagnostics::state () const -> endpoint_state
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member endpoint_diagnostics::type () const -> service_type
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member endpoint_ping_report::endpoint_namespace () const -> std::optional< std::string >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member endpoint_ping_report::error () const -> std::optional< std::string >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member endpoint_ping_report::id () const -> std::string
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member endpoint_ping_report::latency () const -> std::chrono::microseconds
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member endpoint_ping_report::local () const -> std::string
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member endpoint_ping_report::remote () const -> std::string
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member endpoint_ping_report::state () const -> ping_state
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member endpoint_ping_report::type () const -> service_type
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class exists
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member exists::xattr (bool value=true) -> exists &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct exists_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class exists_result
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member exists_result::exists () const -> bool
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member exists_result::exists_result (couchbase::cas cas, bool exists)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct formatter< couchbase::analytics_scan_consistency >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct formatter< couchbase::analytics_status >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct formatter< couchbase::cas >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct formatter< couchbase::durability_level >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct formatter< couchbase::mutation_token >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct formatter< couchbase::query_profile >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct formatter< couchbase::query_scan_consistency >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct formatter< couchbase::query_status >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct formatter< couchbase::retry_reason >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct formatter< couchbase::search_scan_consistency >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct formatter< couchbase::tls_verify_mode >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class geo_bounding_box_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member geo_bounding_box_query::field (std::string field_name) -> geo_bounding_box_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member geo_bounding_box_query::geo_bounding_box_query (geo_point top_left, geo_point bottom_right)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member geo_bounding_box_query::geo_bounding_box_query (double top_left_latitude, double top_left_longitude, double bottom_right_latitude, double bottom_right_longitude)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class geo_distance_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member geo_distance_query::field (std::string field_name) -> geo_distance_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member geo_distance_query::geo_distance_query (geo_point location, std::string distance)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member geo_distance_query::geo_distance_query (double latitude, double longitude, std::string distance)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct geo_point
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class geo_polygon_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member geo_polygon_query::field (std::string field_name) -> geo_polygon_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member geo_polygon_query::geo_polygon_query (std::vector< geo_point > points)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class get
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get::binary (bool value=true) -> get &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get::xattr (bool value=true) -> get &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct get_all_replicas_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get_all_replicas_options::read_preference (read_preference preference) -> get_all_replicas_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct get_and_lock_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct get_and_touch_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct get_any_replica_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get_any_replica_options::read_preference (read_preference preference) -> get_any_replica_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get_links_analytics_options::dataverse_name (std::string dataverse_name) -> get_links_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get_links_analytics_options::link_type (management::analytics_link_type link_type) -> get_links_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get_links_analytics_options::name (std::string name) -> get_links_analytics_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct get_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get_options::project (std::vector< std::string > field_paths) -> get_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get_options::with_expiry (bool return_expiry) -> get_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class get_replica_result
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get_replica_result::content_as () const -> typename Transcoder::document_type
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get_replica_result::content_as () const -> Document
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get_replica_result::get_replica_result (couchbase::cas cas, bool is_replica, codec::encoded_value value)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get_replica_result::is_replica () const -> bool
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class get_result
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get_result::content_as () const -> Document
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get_result::content_as () const -> typename Transcoder::document_type
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get_result::expiry_time () const -> const std::optional< std::chrono::system_clock::time_point > &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member get_result::get_result (couchbase::cas cas, codec::encoded_value value, std::optional< std::chrono::system_clock::time_point > expiry_time)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct increment_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member increment_options::delta (std::uint64_t delta) -> increment_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member increment_options::expiry (std::chrono::seconds duration) -> increment_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member increment_options::expiry (std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time_point) -> increment_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member increment_options::initial (std::uint64_t value) -> increment_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class insert
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member insert::binary (bool value=true) -> insert &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member insert::create_path (bool value=true) -> insert &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member insert::xattr (bool value=true) -> insert &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct insert_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member insert_options::expiry (std::chrono::seconds duration) -> insert_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member insert_options::expiry (std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time_point) -> insert_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct lookup_in_all_replicas_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member lookup_in_all_replicas_options::read_preference (read_preference preference) -> lookup_in_all_replicas_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct lookup_in_any_replica_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member lookup_in_any_replica_options::read_preference (read_preference preference) -> lookup_in_any_replica_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct lookup_in_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class lookup_in_replica_result
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member lookup_in_replica_result::lookup_in_replica_result (couchbase::cas cas, std::vector< entry > entries, bool is_deleted, bool is_replica)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class lookup_in_result
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member lookup_in_result::content_as (std::size_t index) const -> Document
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member lookup_in_result::content_as (const std::string &path) const -> Document
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member lookup_in_result::content_as (subdoc::lookup_in_macro macro) const -> Document
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member lookup_in_result::exists (std::size_t index) const -> bool
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member lookup_in_result::exists (subdoc::lookup_in_macro macro) const -> bool
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member lookup_in_result::exists (const std::string &path) const -> bool
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member lookup_in_result::lookup_in_result (couchbase::cas cas, std::vector< entry > entries, bool is_deleted)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member lookup_in_specs::count (std::string path) -> subdoc::count
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member lookup_in_specs::exists (std::string path) -> subdoc::exists
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member lookup_in_specs::get (std::string path) -> subdoc::get
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member lookup_in_specs::get (subdoc::lookup_in_macro macro) -> subdoc::get
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member lookup_in_specs::push_back (const Operation &operation)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member lookup_in_specs::push_back (const Operation &operation, Rest... args)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class match_all_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class match_none_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class match_phrase_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member match_phrase_query::analyzer (std::string analyzer_name) -> match_phrase_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member match_phrase_query::field (std::string field_name) -> match_phrase_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member match_phrase_query::match_phrase_query (std::string match_phrase)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class match_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member match_query::analyzer (std::string analyzer_name) -> match_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member match_query::field (std::string field_name) -> match_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member match_query::fuzziness (std::uint32_t fuzziness) -> match_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member match_query::match_operator (couchbase::match_operator concatenation_operator) -> match_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member match_query::match_query (std::string match)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member match_query::prefix_length (std::uint32_t length) -> match_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct mutate_in_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_options::cas (couchbase::cas cas) -> mutate_in_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_options::expiry (std::chrono::seconds duration) -> mutate_in_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_options::expiry (std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time_point) -> mutate_in_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_options::preserve_expiry (bool preserve) -> mutate_in_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class mutate_in_result
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_result::content_as (std::size_t index) const -> Document
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_result::content_as (const std::string &path) const -> Document
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_result::mutate_in_result (couchbase::cas cas, couchbase::mutation_token token, std::vector< entry > entries, bool is_deleted)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::array_add_unique (std::string path, const Value &value) -> subdoc::array_add_unique
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::array_add_unique (std::string path, subdoc::mutate_in_macro value) -> subdoc::array_add_unique
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::array_add_unique_raw (std::string path, std::vector< std::byte > value, bool expand_macro=false) -> subdoc::array_add_unique
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::array_append (std::string path, Values... values) -> subdoc::array_append
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::array_insert (std::string path, Values... values) -> subdoc::array_insert
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::array_prepend (std::string path, Values... values) -> subdoc::array_prepend
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::decrement (std::string path, std::int64_t delta) -> subdoc::counter
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::increment (std::string path, std::int64_t delta) -> subdoc::counter
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::insert (std::string path, const Value &value) -> subdoc::insert
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::insert (std::string path, subdoc::mutate_in_macro value) -> subdoc::insert
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::push_back (const Operation &operation)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::push_back (const Operation &operation, Rest... args)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::remove (std::string path) -> subdoc::remove
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::replace (std::string path, const Value &value) -> subdoc::replace
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::replace (std::string path, subdoc::mutate_in_macro value) -> subdoc::replace
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::upsert (std::string path, const Value &value) -> subdoc::upsert
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutate_in_specs::upsert (std::string path, subdoc::mutate_in_macro value) -> subdoc::upsert
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class mutation_result
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutation_result::mutation_result (couchbase::cas cas, mutation_token token)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutation_result::mutation_token () const -> const std::optional< mutation_token > &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class mutation_state
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutation_state::add (const mutation_result &result)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutation_state::mutation_state ()=default
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutation_state::tokens () const -> const std::vector< mutation_token > &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class mutation_token
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutation_token::bucket_name () const -> std::string
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutation_token::mutation_token ()=default
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutation_token::mutation_token (std::uint64_t partition_uuid, std::uint64_t sequence_number, std::uint16_t partition_id, std::string bucket_name)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutation_token::partition_id () const -> std::uint16_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutation_token::partition_uuid () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member mutation_token::sequence_number () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class numeric_range_facet_result
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class numeric_range_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member numeric_range_query::field (std::string field_name) -> numeric_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member numeric_range_query::max (double value) -> numeric_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member numeric_range_query::max (double value, bool inclusive) -> numeric_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member numeric_range_query::min (double value) -> numeric_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member numeric_range_query::min (double value, bool inclusive) -> numeric_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class phrase_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member phrase_query::field (std::string field_name) -> phrase_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member phrase_query::phrase_query (std::initializer_list< std::string > terms)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member phrase_query::phrase_query (std::vector< std::string > terms)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member ping_options::report_id (std::string report_id) -> ping_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member ping_result::endpoints () const -> std::map< service_type, std::vector< endpoint_ping_report > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member ping_result::id () const -> std::string
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member ping_result::sdk () const -> std::string
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member ping_result::version () const -> std::uint16_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class prefix_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member prefix_query::field (std::string field_name) -> prefix_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member prefix_query::prefix_query (std::string prefix)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct prefix_scan
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member prefix_scan::prefix_scan (std::string prefix)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct prepend_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class query_index_manager
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_index_manager::build_deferred_indexes (const std::string &bucket_name, const build_query_index_options &options, build_deferred_query_indexes_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_index_manager::build_deferred_indexes (const std::string &bucket_name, const build_query_index_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_index_manager::create_index (const std::string &bucket_name, std::string index_name, std::vector< std::string > keys, const create_query_index_options &options, create_query_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_index_manager::create_index (const std::string &bucket_name, std::string index_name, std::vector< std::string > keys, const create_query_index_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_index_manager::create_primary_index (const std::string &bucket_name, const create_primary_query_index_options &options, create_primary_query_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_index_manager::create_primary_index (const std::string &bucket_name, const create_primary_query_index_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_index_manager::drop_index (const std::string &bucket_name, std::string index_name, const drop_query_index_options &options, drop_query_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_index_manager::drop_index (const std::string &bucket_name, std::string index_name, const drop_query_index_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_index_manager::drop_primary_index (const std::string &bucket_name, const drop_primary_query_index_options &options, drop_primary_query_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_index_manager::drop_primary_index (const std::string &bucket_name, const drop_primary_query_index_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_index_manager::get_all_indexes (const std::string &bucket_name, const get_all_query_indexes_options &options, get_all_query_indexes_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_index_manager::get_all_indexes (const std::string &bucket_name, const get_all_query_indexes_options &options) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, std::vector< management::query_index > > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_index_manager::watch_indexes (const std::string &bucket_name, std::vector< std::string > index_names, const watch_query_indexes_options &options, watch_query_indexes_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_index_manager::watch_indexes (const std::string &bucket_name, std::vector< std::string > index_names, const watch_query_indexes_options &options) const -> std::future< error >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class query_meta_data
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_meta_data::client_context_id () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_meta_data::metrics () const -> const std::optional< query_metrics > &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_meta_data::profile () const -> const std::optional< codec::binary > &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_meta_data::request_id () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_meta_data::signature () const -> const std::optional< codec::binary > &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_meta_data::status () const -> query_status
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_meta_data::warnings () const -> const std::vector< query_warning > &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class query_metrics
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_metrics::elapsed_time () const -> std::chrono::nanoseconds
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_metrics::error_count () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_metrics::execution_time () const -> std::chrono::nanoseconds
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_metrics::mutation_count () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_metrics::result_count () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_metrics::result_size () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_metrics::sort_count () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_metrics::warning_count () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct query_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::adhoc (bool adhoc) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::client_context_id (std::string client_context_id) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::consistent_with (const mutation_state &state) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::flex_index (bool flex_index) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::max_parallelism (std::uint64_t max_parallelism) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::metrics (bool metrics) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::named_parameters (const Parameters &... parameters) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::pipeline_batch (std::uint64_t pipeline_batch) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::pipeline_cap (std::uint64_t pipeline_cap) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::positional_parameters (const Parameters &... parameters) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::preserve_expiry (bool preserve_expiry) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::profile (query_profile profile) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::raw (std::string name, const Value &value) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::readonly (bool readonly) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::scan_cap (std::uint64_t scan_cap) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::scan_consistency (query_scan_consistency scan_consistency) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::scan_wait (std::chrono::milliseconds wait) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_options::use_replica (bool use_replica) -> query_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class query_result
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_result::meta_data () const -> const query_meta_data &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class query_string_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_string_query::query_string_query (std::string query)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class query_warning
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_warning::code () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member query_warning::message () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct range_scan
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member range_scan::from (scan_term from) -> range_scan &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member range_scan::range_scan ()=default
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member range_scan::range_scan (std::optional< scan_term > from, std::optional< scan_term > to)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member range_scan::to (scan_term to) -> range_scan &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class regexp_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member regexp_query::field (std::string field_name) -> regexp_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member regexp_query::regexp_query (std::string regexp)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class remove
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member remove::xattr (bool value=true) -> remove &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct remove_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class replace
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member replace::binary (bool value=true) -> replace &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member replace::xattr (bool value=true) -> replace &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct replace_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member replace_options::cas (couchbase::cas cas) -> replace_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member replace_options::expiry (std::chrono::seconds duration) -> replace_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member replace_options::expiry (std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time_point) -> replace_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member replace_options::preserve_expiry (bool preserve) -> replace_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class result
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member result::cas () const -> couchbase::cas
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member result::result (couchbase::cas cas)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member s3_external_analytics_link::s3_external_analytics_link ()=default
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member s3_external_analytics_link::s3_external_analytics_link (std::string name, std::string dataverse_name, std::string access_key_id, std::string secret_access_key, std::string region, std::optional< std::string > session_token={}, std::optional< std::string > service_endpoint={})
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct sampling_scan
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member sampling_scan::sampling_scan (std::size_t limit)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member sampling_scan::sampling_scan (std::size_t limit, std::uint64_t seed)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member sampling_scan::seed (std::uint64_t seed) -> sampling_scan &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct scan_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scan_options::batch_byte_limit (std::uint32_t batch_byte_limit) -> scan_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scan_options::batch_item_limit (std::uint32_t batch_item_limit) -> scan_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scan_options::concurrency (std::uint16_t concurrency) -> scan_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scan_options::consistent_with (const mutation_state &state) -> scan_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scan_options::ids_only (bool ids_only) -> scan_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scan_result_item::content_as () const -> Document
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scan_result_item::id () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scan_result_item::id_only () const -> bool
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct scan_term
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scan_term::scan_term (std::string term)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct scan_type
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scope::analytics_query (std::string statement, const analytics_options &options, analytics_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scope::analytics_query (std::string statement, const analytics_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, analytics_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scope::bucket_name () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scope::collection (std::string_view collection_name) const -> collection
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scope::default_name
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scope::name () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scope::query (std::string statement, const query_options &options, query_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scope::query (std::string statement, const query_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, query_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scope::search (std::string index_name, search_request request, const search_options &options, search_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member scope::search (std::string index_name, search_request request, const search_options &options={}) const -> std::future< std::pair< error, search_result > >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class search_date_range
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class search_facet_result
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_index_manager::allow_querying (std::string index_name, const allow_querying_search_index_options &options, allow_querying_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_index_manager::analyze_document (std::string index_name, Document document, const analyze_document_options &options, analyze_document_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_index_manager::analyze_document (std::string index_name, std::string document, const analyze_document_options &options, analyze_document_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_index_manager::disallow_querying (std::string index_name, const disallow_querying_search_index_options &options, disallow_querying_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_index_manager::drop_index (std::string index_name, const drop_search_index_options &options, drop_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_index_manager::freeze_plan (std::string index_name, const freeze_plan_search_index_options &options, freeze_plan_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_index_manager::get_all_indexes (const get_all_search_indexes_options &options, get_all_search_indexes_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_index_manager::get_index (std::string index_name, const get_search_index_options &options, get_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_index_manager::get_indexed_documents_count (std::string index_name, const get_indexed_search_index_options &options, get_indexed_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_index_manager::pause_ingest (std::string index_name, const pause_ingest_search_index_options &options, pause_ingest_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_index_manager::resume_ingest (std::string index_name, const resume_ingest_search_index_options &options, resume_ingest_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_index_manager::unfreeze_plan (std::string index_name, const unfreeze_plan_search_index_options &options, unfreeze_plan_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_index_manager::upsert_index (const management::search::index &search_index, const upsert_search_index_options &options, upsert_search_index_handler &&handler) const
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class search_meta_data
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_meta_data::client_context_id () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_meta_data::errors () const -> const std::map< std::string, std::string > &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_meta_data::metrics () const -> const search_metrics &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class search_metrics
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_metrics::error_partition_count () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_metrics::max_score () const -> double
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_metrics::success_partition_count () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_metrics::took () const -> std::chrono::nanoseconds
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_metrics::total_partition_count () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_metrics::total_rows () const -> std::uint64_t
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class search_numeric_range
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct search_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::client_context_id (std::string client_context_id) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::collections (std::vector< std::string > collections) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::consistent_with (const mutation_state &state) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::disable_scoring (bool disable) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::explain (bool explain) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::facet (std::string name, std::shared_ptr< search_facet > facet) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::facet (std::string name, Facet facet) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::facets (std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< search_facet > > facets) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::facets (const Facets &... facets) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::fields (std::vector< std::string > fields) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::highlight (highlight_style style=highlight_style::html, std::vector< std::string > fields={}) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::highlight (std::vector< std::string > fields) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::include_locations (bool include) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::limit (std::uint32_t limit) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::raw (std::string name, const Value &value) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::scan_consistency (search_scan_consistency scan_consistency) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::skip (std::uint32_t skip) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::sort (std::vector< std::string > sort_expressions) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_options::sort (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< search_sort > > sort_objects) -> search_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_query::boost (double boost) -> derived_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class search_request
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_request::search_query (const couchbase::search_query &search_query) -> search_request &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_request::search_request (const couchbase::search_query &search_query)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_request::search_request (const couchbase::vector_search &vector_search)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_request::vector_search (const couchbase::vector_search &vector_search) -> search_request &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class search_result
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_result::meta_data () const -> const search_meta_data &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class search_row
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_row::explanation () const -> const codec::binary &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_row::fields () const -> const codec::binary &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_row::fragments () const -> const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_row::id () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_row::index () const -> const std::string &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_row::locations () const -> const std::optional< search_row_locations > &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_row::score () const -> double
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class search_row_location
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class search_row_locations
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_row_locations::fields () const -> std::vector< std::string >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_row_locations::get (const std::string &field) const -> std::vector< search_row_location >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_row_locations::get (const std::string &field, const std::string &term) const -> std::vector< search_row_location >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_row_locations::get_all () const -> std::vector< search_row_location >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_row_locations::terms () const -> std::set< std::string >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_row_locations::terms_for (const std::string &field) const -> std::vector< std::string >
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_sort_field::descending (bool desc) -> search_sort_field &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_sort_field::missing (search_sort_field_missing value) -> search_sort_field &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_sort_field::mode (search_sort_field_mode value) -> search_sort_field &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_sort_field::type (search_sort_field_type value) -> search_sort_field &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_sort_geo_distance::descending (bool desc) -> search_sort_geo_distance &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_sort_geo_distance::unit (search_geo_distance_units unit) -> search_sort_geo_distance &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_sort_id::descending (bool desc) -> search_sort_id &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member search_sort_score::descending (bool desc) -> search_sort_score &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class search_term_range
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class term_facet_result
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class term_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member term_query::field (std::string field_name) -> term_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member term_query::fuzziness (std::uint32_t fuzziness) -> term_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member term_query::match_operator (couchbase::match_operator concatenation_operator) -> term_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member term_query::prefix_length (std::uint32_t length) -> term_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member term_query::term_query (std::string term)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class term_range_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member term_range_query::field (std::string field_name) -> term_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member term_range_query::max (std::string value) -> term_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member term_range_query::max (std::string value, bool inclusive) -> term_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member term_range_query::min (std::string value) -> term_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member term_range_query::min (std::string value, bool inclusive) -> term_range_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct touch_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct unlock_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class upsert
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member upsert::binary (bool value=true) -> upsert &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member upsert::create_path (bool value=true) -> upsert &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member upsert::xattr (bool value=true) -> upsert &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Struct upsert_options
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member upsert_options::expiry (std::chrono::seconds duration) -> upsert_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member upsert_options::expiry (std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time_point) -> upsert_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member upsert_options::preserve_expiry (bool preserve) -> upsert_options &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class vector_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member vector_query::boost (double boost) -> vector_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member vector_query::num_candidates (std::uint32_t num_candidates) -> vector_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member vector_query::vector_query (std::string vector_field_name, std::vector< double > vector_query)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member vector_query::vector_query (std::string vector_field_name, std::string base64_vector_query)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class vector_search
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member vector_search::vector_search (std::vector< vector_query > vector_queries, vector_search_options options={})
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member vector_search::vector_search (vector_query query)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Class wildcard_query
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member wildcard_query::field (std::string field_name) -> wildcard_query &
Generally available API and should be preferred in production
Member wildcard_query::wildcard_query (std::string regexp)
Generally available API and should be preferred in production