►Ncouchbase | Represents a single item from the result of collection::scan() |
►Ncodec | |
Cbinary_noop_serializer | |
Cencoded_value | |
Cis_serializer | |
Cis_transcoder | |
Cjson_transcoder | |
Craw_binary_transcoder | |
Craw_json_transcoder | |
Craw_string_transcoder | |
Ctao_json_serializer | |
►Nmanagement | |
►Nbucket | |
Ccollection_spec | |
Cscope_spec | |
►Ncluster | |
Cbucket_settings | |
►Nsearch | |
Cindex | |
Canalytics_dataset | Represents a dataset (collection) in the analytics service |
Canalytics_index | Represents an index in the analytics service |
Canalytics_link | |
Cazure_blob_external_analytics_link | |
Ccouchbase_analytics_encryption_settings | |
Ccouchbase_remote_analytics_link | |
Cquery_index | |
Cs3_external_analytics_link | |
►Nmetrics | |
Cmeter | |
Cotel_meter | |
Cotel_sync_histogram | |
Cotel_value_recorder | |
Cvalue_recorder | |
►Nsubdoc | |
Carray_add_unique | An intention to perform a SubDocument array_add_unique operation |
Carray_append | An intention to perform a SubDocument array_append operation |
Carray_insert | An intention to perform a SubDocument array_insert operation |
Carray_prepend | An intention to perform a SubDocument array_prepend operation |
Ccount | An intention to perform a SubDocument count operation |
Ccounter | An intention to perform a SubDocument counter operation |
Cexists | An intention to perform a SubDocument exists operation |
Cget | An intention to perform a SubDocument get operation |
Cinsert | An intention to perform a SubDocument insert operation |
Cremove | An intention to perform a SubDocument remove operation |
Creplace | An intention to perform a SubDocument replace operation |
Cupsert | An intention to perform a SubDocument upsert operation |
►Ntracing | |
Cotel_request_span | |
Cotel_request_tracer | |
Crequest_span | |
Crequest_tracer | |
►Ntransactions | |
Casync_attempt_context | The async_attempt_context is used for all asynchronous transaction operations |
Cattempt_context | The attempt_context is used for all synchronous transaction operations |
Ctransaction_get_result | The representation of the document in context of distributed transaction |
Ctransaction_keyspace | Offline, serializable representation of a bucket, scope, and collection |
Ctransaction_options | The transaction_options can be passed in to override some elements of the global transactions_config |
Ctransaction_query_options | The transaction_query_options are options specific to a query |
Ctransaction_query_result | Transactional queries will return a transaction_query_result |
Ctransaction_result | Results of a transaction |
Ctransactions | The transactions object is used to initiate a transaction |
Ctransactions_cleanup_config | Configuration parameters for the background transaction cleanup threads |
Ctransactions_config | Configuration parameters for transactions |
Ctransactions_query_config | The transactions_query_config sets the defaults for all queries in the transactions |
►Callow_querying_search_index_options | |
Cbuilt | |
Canalytics_index_manager | |
Canalytics_meta_data | Stores any non-rows results related to the execution of a particular Analytics query |
Canalytics_metrics | Analytics Metrics contains the query result metrics containing counts and timings |
►Canalytics_options | Options for cluster::analytics_query() and scope::analytics_query() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
Canalytics_result | Represents result of cluster::analytics_query() and scope::analytics_query() calls |
Canalytics_warning | Represents a single warning returned from the analytics engine |
►Canalyze_document_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Cappend_options | Options for binary_collection::append() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cbehavior_options | |
Cbuilt | |
Cbest_effort_retry_strategy | |
Cbinary_collection | Allows to perform certain operations on non-JSON documents |
Cboolean_field_query | Allow to match true /false in a field mapped as boolean |
Cboolean_query | The boolean query is a useful combination of conjunction and disjunction queries |
Cbucket | Provides access to Couchbase bucket |
Cbucket_manager | |
►Cbuild_query_index_options | Options for query_index_manager::build_deferred_indexes() |
Cbuilt | |
Ccas | CAS is a special type that represented in protocol using unsigned 64-bit integer, but only equality checks allowed |
Ccertificate_authenticator | |
Ccluster | The cluster is the main entry point when connecting to a Couchbase cluster |
►Ccluster_options | |
Cbuilt | |
Ccollection | The collection provides access to all collection APIs |
Ccollection_manager | |
Ccollection_query_index_manager | The Query Index Manager interface contains the means for managing indexes used for queries |
►Ccommon_durability_options | Common options that used by most operations |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Ccommon_options | Common options that used by most operations |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Ccompression_options | |
Cbuilt | |
Cconfiguration_profile | Base class for all defined configuration profiles |
Cconfiguration_profiles_registry | Registry for defining configuration profiles |
Cconjunction_query | The conjunction query is a compound query |
►Cconnect_link_analytics_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
Ccounter_result | Represents result of counter operations |
►Ccreate_bucket_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Ccreate_collection_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
Ccreate_collection_settings | The settings to use when creating the collection |
►Ccreate_dataset_analytics_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Ccreate_dataverse_analytics_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Ccreate_index_analytics_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Ccreate_link_analytics_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Ccreate_primary_query_index_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Ccreate_query_index_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Ccreate_scope_options | |
Cbuilt | |
Cdate_range | Date range for date_range_facet |
Cdate_range_facet | A facet that categorizes rows into dateal ranges (or buckets) provided by the user |
Cdate_range_facet_result | |
Cdate_range_query | The date range query finds documents containing a date value in the specified field within the specified range |
►Cdecrement_options | Options for collection#decrement() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cdiagnostics_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
Cdiagnostics_result | |
►Cdisallow_querying_search_index_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Cdisconnect_link_analytics_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
Cdisjunction_query | The disjunction query is a compound query |
►Cdns_options | |
Cbuilt | |
Cdoc_id_query | A doc_id query is a query that directly matches the documents whose ID have been provided |
►Cdrop_bucket_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Cdrop_collection_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Cdrop_dataset_analytics_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cdrop_dataverse_analytics_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cdrop_index_analytics_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cdrop_link_analytics_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cdrop_primary_query_index_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cdrop_query_index_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cdrop_scope_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Cdrop_search_index_options | |
Cbuilt | |
Cendpoint_diagnostics | |
Cendpoint_ping_report | |
Cerror | |
Cerror_context | |
►Cexists_options | Options for collection::exists() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
Cexists_result | Represents result of exists operations |
Cfail_fast_retry_strategy | |
►Cflush_bucket_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Cfreeze_plan_search_index_options | |
Cbuilt | |
Cgeo_bounding_box_query | This query finds all geo_point indexed matches within a given area (identified by the list of geo_point coordinates) |
Cgeo_distance_query | This query finds all matches from a given location as geo_point within the given distance |
Cgeo_point | Tuple representing geographical point |
Cgeo_polygon_query | A search query which allows to match inside a geo polygon |
►Cget_all_buckets_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Cget_all_datasets_analytics_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cget_all_indexes_analytics_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cget_all_query_indexes_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cget_all_replicas_options | Options for collection::get_all_replicas() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cget_all_scopes_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Cget_all_search_indexes_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Cget_and_lock_options | Options for collection::get_and_lock() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cget_and_touch_options | Options for collection::get_and_touch() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cget_any_replica_options | Options for collection::get_any_replica() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cget_bucket_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Cget_indexed_search_index_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Cget_links_analytics_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cget_options | Options for collection::get() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cget_pending_mutations_analytics_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
Cget_replica_result | Represents result of collection::get_any_replica operations, also returned by collection::get_all_replicas |
Cget_result | Represents result of collection::get |
►Cget_search_index_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Cincrement_options | Options for binary_collection::increment() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cinsert_options | Options for collection::insert() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Clookup_in_all_replicas_options | Options for collection::lookup_in_all_replicas() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Clookup_in_any_replica_options | Options for collection::lookup_in_any_replica() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Clookup_in_options | Options for collection::lookup_in() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
Clookup_in_replica_result | Represents result of lookup_in_replica operations |
►Clookup_in_result | Represents result of lookup_in operations |
Centry | |
Clookup_in_specs | |
Cmatch_all_query | A query that matches all indexed documents |
Cmatch_none_query | A query that matches nothing |
Cmatch_phrase_query | The input text is analyzed and a phrase query is built with the terms resulting from the analysis |
Cmatch_query | A match query analyzes the input text and uses that analyzed text to query the index |
►Cmetrics_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Cmutate_in_options | Options for collection::mutate_in() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cmutate_in_result | Represents result of mutate_in operations |
Centry | |
Cmutate_in_specs | |
Cmutation_result | Represents result of mutation operations |
Cmutation_state | Aggregation of one or more mutation_token s for specifying consistency requirements of N1QL or FTS queries |
Cmutation_token | Value object to contain partition details and sequence number |
►Cnetwork_options | |
Cbuilt | |
Cnumeric_range | Numeric range for numeric_range_facet |
Cnumeric_range_facet | A facet that categorizes rows into numerical ranges (or buckets) provided by the user |
Cnumeric_range_facet_result | |
Cnumeric_range_query | The numeric range query finds documents containing a numeric value in the specified field within the specified range |
Cpassword_authenticator | |
►Cpause_ingest_search_index_options | |
Cbuilt | |
Cphrase_query | A query that looks for exact match of several terms (in the exact order) in the index |
►Cping_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
Cping_result | |
Cprefix_query | The prefix query finds documents containing terms that start with the provided prefix |
Cprefix_scan | A prefix scan performs a scan that includes all documents whose keys start with the given prefix |
►Cprepend_options | Options for binary_collection::prepend() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
Cquery_index_manager | The Query Index Manager interface contains the means for managing indexes used for queries |
Cquery_meta_data | Stores any non-rows results related to the execution of a particular N1QL query |
Cquery_metrics | Query Metrics contains the query result metrics containing counts and timings |
►Cquery_options | Options for cluster::query() and scope::query() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
Cquery_result | Represents result of cluster::query() and scope::query() calls |
Cquery_string_query | The query string query allows humans to describe complex queries using a simple syntax |
Cquery_warning | Represents a single warning returned from the query engine |
Crange_scan | A range scan performs a scan on a range of keys |
Cregexp_query | Finds documents containing terms that match the specified regular expression |
►Cremove_options | Options for collection::remove() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Creplace_link_analytics_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Creplace_options | Options for collection::replace() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
Cresult | Base class for operations of data service |
►Cresume_ingest_search_index_options | |
Cbuilt | |
Cretry_action | |
Cretry_request | |
Cretry_strategy | |
Csampling_scan | A sampling scan performs a scan that randomly selects documents up to a configured limit |
►Cscan_options | Options for collection::scan() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cscan_result | |
Citerator | An iterator that can be used to iterate through all the scan_result_item s |
Cscan_result_item | |
►Cscan_term | A scan term used to specify the bounds of a range scan operation |
Cbuilt | Immutable value representing the scan term |
►Cscan_type | The base class for the different scan types |
Cbuilt | Immutable value representing the scan type |
Cscope | The scope identifies a group of collections and allows high application density as a result |
Cscope_search_index_manager | |
Csearch_date_range | |
Csearch_facet | Base class for full text facets of search queries |
Csearch_facet_result | |
Csearch_index_manager | |
Csearch_meta_data | Stores any non-rows results related to the execution of a particular N1QL search |
Csearch_metrics | Search Metrics contains the search result metrics containing counts and timings |
Csearch_numeric_range | |
►Csearch_options | Options for cluster::search() and scope::search() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
Csearch_query | Base class for full text search queries |
Csearch_request | A search_request is used to perform operations against the Full Text Search (FTS) Couchbase service |
Csearch_result | Represents result of cluster::search() and scope::search() calls |
Csearch_row | Search Metrics contains the search result metrics containing counts and timings |
Csearch_row_location | |
Csearch_row_locations | |
Csearch_sort | Base class for full text sort objects of search queries |
Csearch_sort_field | Sorts by a field in the hits |
Csearch_sort_geo_distance | Sorts by location in the hits |
Csearch_sort_id | Sorts by the document ID |
Csearch_sort_score | Sorts by the hit score |
Csearch_term_range | |
►Csecurity_options | |
Cbuilt | |
Cterm_facet | A facet that gives the number of occurrences of the most recurring terms in all rows |
Cterm_facet_result | |
Cterm_query | A query that looks for exact matches of the term in the index (no analyzer, no stemming) |
Cterm_range_query | The term range query finds documents containing a string value in the specified field within the specified range |
►Ctimeout_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Ctouch_options | Options for collection::touch() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Ctracing_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Cunfreeze_plan_search_index_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Cunlock_options | Options for collection::unlock() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cupdate_bucket_options | |
Cbuilt | |
►Cupdate_collection_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
Cupdate_collection_settings | The settings that should be updated for the collection |
►Cupsert_options | Options for collection::upsert() |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
►Cupsert_search_index_options | |
Cbuilt | |
Cvector_query | |
Cvector_search | A vector_search allows one or more vector_query to be executed |
►Cvector_search_options | Options related to executing a vector_search |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
Cwan_development_configuration_profile | |
►Cwatch_query_indexes_options | |
Cbuilt | Immutable value object representing consistent options |
Cwildcard_query | A wildcard query is a query in which term the character * will match 0..n occurrences of any characters and ? will match 1 occurrence of any character |
►Nfmt | |
Cformatter< couchbase::analytics_scan_consistency > | Helper for fmtlib to format couchbase::analytics_scan_consistency objects |
Cformatter< couchbase::analytics_status > | Helper for fmtlib to format couchbase::analytics_status objects |
Cformatter< couchbase::cas > | Helper for fmtlib to format couchbase::cas objects |
Cformatter< couchbase::durability_level > | Helper for fmtlib to format couchbase::durability_level objects |
Cformatter< couchbase::error > | Helper for fmtlib to format couchbase::error objects |
Cformatter< couchbase::error_context > | Helper for fmtlib to format couchbase::error_context objects |
Cformatter< couchbase::mutation_token > | Helper for fmtlib to format couchbase::mutation_token objects |
Cformatter< couchbase::query_profile > | Helper for fmtlib to format couchbase::query_profile objects |
Cformatter< couchbase::query_scan_consistency > | Helper for fmtlib to format couchbase::query_scan_consistency objects |
Cformatter< couchbase::query_status > | Helper for fmtlib to format couchbase::query_status objects |
Cformatter< couchbase::retry_reason > | Helper for fmtlib to format couchbase::retry_reason objects |
Cformatter< couchbase::search_scan_consistency > | Helper for fmtlib to format couchbase::search_scan_consistency objects |
Cformatter< couchbase::tls_verify_mode > | Helper for fmtlib to format couchbase::tls_verify_mode objects |
Cformatter< couchbase::transactions::transaction_keyspace > | |